Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Paereen Station Help!

      How do I complete Pareen (Paereen?) Station? I've taken the shipment from UE Shipping, but I can't seem to find anything else. In the UE strings I've done everything except for that thing. I've pushed backed Vonian Space, done the Anna missions, Needle Jammer, Elmaghion (???), Dreadnought, etc. etc. But I can't seem to do this one. Help!

      On an entirely seperate note, has anyone noticed how everything in EVO has confusing names? Hope they don't make the same mistake in EV3.



    • Try looking in the mission computers around UE space, particularly near the Valos system. You will find a mission called something like "UE Delivery to Pareen Station". After you complete this, there will be 2 more like it, and then you look in the bars around UE space. You'll then get the mission that will make Pareen Station finished and operational.

      Hope this helps 🙂


      American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!

    • First go to the administrive headquarters of the UE.
      There, go to the Mess Hall.
      You'll learn that the rescue decfector mission wasn't an entire succes.

      What do I put in here?