Well some people think emalghaguns are the best against armor, blazes are bad against anything as phase cannons and turrets do the same damage against armomr and 2000x against shields and neutrons always fire the wrong way. True or false, now we'll find out:
Blaze cannon
aginst armor:4(5)
against shields:5(6)
so now we can calculate how much damage a blaze cannon does in 1 second:
against armor:30/125=12.5
against shields:30/126=15
now the range:
count(how long the bullet stays on screen):20
so the range is 250 pixels. not perfect, i'd say. but let's move on, we still have 3 more weapons to go!
and turrets: Blaze turrets are actually pretty good as they have double the firing rate compared to the cannon:neutron and emalgha turrets lack this feature.
phase cannon
against armor:1(3 or 4,depends on the way EVO rounds off numbers)
against shields:15(15)
against armor:30/243=3,75 or 30/244=5
against shields:30/24*15=18,75
and for turrets: in my opinion, phase turrets are the best cannon-to-turrets: not more inaccurate and doubled firingrate. Seems like the cannon was designed to be used in a turret
neutron cannon
against armor:10(17 or 18)
against shields:30(32 or 33)
against armor:30/2517=20,4 or 30/2518=21,6
against shields:30/2532=38,4 or 30/2533=39,6
hey that's the best one yet!
turrets: not that good at all. same firingrate as with cannons and so slow that the turretting screws up: it fires the opposite direction if the target apporaches fast enough. great damage+range tho
against shields:0(6)
against armor:25(25)
against shields:30/246=7,5
against armor:30/2425=31,25
and turrets: these aren't even real turrets and their firingrate is the same as with cannons.
Verdict: I suggest using local equipment in all cases unless there is a certain technique the player wishes to use. Blazes do well against human ships since they're very well balanced between armor and shields and their speed is avarage.
Neutron turrets are only good against their users: the voinians. They, though deliver massive damage, have pathetic speed, wich is a feature that has no significance only against the voinians. Neutron cannons are the best weapon to be used with the "monty python" manouver, however.
Phase turrets are very good against the crescent ships and they're the only ones fast enough to hit any crescent fighter and deliver great damage to shields. Phase turrets can also be used successfully against humans/renegades.
PS: if this does not increase my karma i don't know what will.
"Ist das meinen sohn?"
Is that eating my son?!?
"Sprichst du sicher deutsch?"