Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Where is the website for Frozen ehart?

      I've been looking all over these boards for about 2 days now. Does anyone know the URL? Thanks.

      From Left Hand Phoenix of the AWL
      (url="http://"")Halo(/url), (url="http://"")Homeworld(/url), (url="http://"")Diablo II(/url), (url="http://"")Terminus(/url).

    • I think it doesn't exist anymore.

      Victory to the UE!

    • It was taken down because, according to the web site host, it was pirated software. How you can pirate something of your own making, I have yet to determine.

      What else do you burn besides witches?
      More witches!
      "The Holy Grail", Monty Python

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Spaceman Spiff:
      **How you can pirate something of your own making, I have yet to determine.

      I believe Martin tried to explain this, but the reply was (something along the lines of) "If it wasn't pirated, we wouldn't have taken it down."

      I think I'll just leave this blank...

    • Just to name names, the provider was Tripod, and I would strongly urge anybody who values their site to steer clear of them.

      I eventually went through a cycle of about a hundred emails with them, all of which ended up with them more or less saying "since it is impossible that we made a mistake, you must be lying."

      I had a similar problem at one point with Crosswinds, who took down Femme Fatale because they said the site contained ROMS, which are illegal in Canada. When I emailed them to explain, they graciously apologised and restored the site. Three Cheers for Crosswinds. Excellent people.

      I'm not planning on putting up the site again, since most of the queries come either directly to me by email or through this site. However, if anybody wants a copy of the History of the Future, and other stuff which was uniquely there, they can email me for it.

      My email address is (still) This is a roving email address, provided free by Inames, which means that whenever I change ISP, the email address follows me round. Inames, by the way, also gives excellent service -- further proof that there are free web services which treat you like a customer, not like an advertising gimmick.

      (Sound of steam being let off)



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