Originally posted by Jive 320:
**My favorite battle was when I had to take out the Dreadnought for the first time. I only had a UE Fighter. I just took some pot shots at it and a Carrier along with 2 Destroyers and my 3 Destroyer escort guys, finished it off. I just sat back and killed some interceptors:).
Heh. The first time I did the Dreadnought missions, I was in a Scoutship. I had just done the search and retrieve missions for the Scoutship crew, and when I saw the Dreadnought I mentaly pissed myself. Being a hardcore EV player since it came out (I've been playing EV since 1.0.0, though I wasn't on the webboard), and no ship had ever been this big! :eek: Confed Cruiser eat your heart out!
But I just leapt right for it. I got killed in about 0.000000000000000001 seconds, but I did try.
AIM: Just, GavHardy.:-)
Check out the site! Exellent webboard! Come on in!
I'd like fish 'n' chips, with extra batter and a lump of lard on the side. Also, a triple extra-large chocolate ice-cream with a flake in each scoop, a large cheese burger, with another compliment of fries, and whatever that person over there is eating, and some coke. Oh, and make that Diet Coke, as I'm on a diet.
I came, I saw, I left home 'cos my dinner was cold.
-Julias Caeser in Carry on Caeser comedy series.
1/8 computer nerd
1/8 fast biker
1/8 tv watcher
1/8 EVO fan
1/2 clubber and lady's man