Just out of curiosity, what kind of Mac does everyone have? I have a 233mhz iMac.
Just out of curiosity, what kind of Mac does everyone have? I have a 233mhz iMac.
i havea 233 iMac too! i hate it, cuz its too slow, but at least its not windows, right?
your freindly drug addict
350 MHz B&W; G3 (Yosemite).
AIM: evandrewm / xaeomega
Beige 266 G3. It can crush any iMac. Except a DV. Until I get my prosessor upgrade, that is. Then it'll be an iMac DV crushing 400 G4. I don't like iMacs. Everything would have been FINE if they didn't use USB. But NOOOOOOOOO, they had to introduce a new ****in bus system!!!!!! I HATE USB!!!! I CAN'T EVEN BUY A MOUSE OR A KEYBOARD AT COMPUSA ANYMORE!!! IT'S ALL USB!!!!!! **** USB!!! USB WILL KILL US ALL!!!!!
Shoot the cat.
Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost
I run a Rev. A 233 mHz iMac too! How can you hate it? If it's too slow, get more RAM, or chip your clock.
Originally posted by DeAdBoY:
**i havea 233 iMac too! i hate it, cuz its too slow
YOU have a slow comp! I have a Power Mac for God sakes!! It SUCKS!
Feel the Jive
I'm not as think
as you stupid I am.
Originally posted by Jive 320:
**YOU have a slow comp! I have a Power Mac for God sakes!! It SUCKS!
Hey, don't diss PowerMacs!!!!!!!!!!
What do you think the G4 is?
Not All PowerMacs are s l o w.
Shoot the cat.
Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost
Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**Beige 266 G3. It can crush any iMac. Except a DV. Until I get my prosessor upgrade, that is. Then it'll be an iMac DV crushing 400 G4. I don't like iMacs. Everything would have been FINE if they didn't use USB. But NOOOOOOOOO, they had to introduce a new ****in bus system!!!!!! I HATE USB!!!! I CAN'T EVEN BUY A MOUSE OR A KEYBOARD AT COMPUSA ANYMORE!!! IT'S ALL USB!!!!!! **** USB!!! USB WILL KILL US ALL!!!!!
Get over it. All the new Macs are USB. There are still plenty of ADB devices around online and by mail order, and plenty of adapters to convert ADB to USB and vice versa.
Oh, yeah. Quadra 800 and revB iMac.
Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer
I own a 100mHz PPC 7500
"Let's do this!"
Titan A.E.
Ahh, I'm back. I'll tell you how crappy my computer is. It was brand new in 1997. It is a Performa 6200CD. Try to outcrap that.
It is only a scratch
-I cut off your arm!!
No you didn't
i think i can beat most of you...the best thing i actually own is a iici, a whole 20mhz 030. i'm borrowing a quadra 950 right now though, so i'm up to 33mhz 040, go me
I have a 120 Mhz Power Mac 7200. I also have a 33 Mhz LC, although my dad is using that. I've been using this thing so long, I can't tell the speed difference between this and a 266 PC at school (is it me or the PC?).
"U.E.S. Iron Fist, request permission to dock."
"Permission denied."
"Up yours, Voinian scum!"
Well, I have several (okay, quite a few) computers. But since I don't like you, I'll list them all! HAHAHA!
A Color Classic, PowerMac 6100/60, Toshiba Satellite laptop, Zenith laptop, Amstrad CPW, LC 475, Classic, LC 580, and a 128k Mac.
Desert Fox, I used to have a Performa 6200, too, but I use an iMac now. Man, I feel your pain. Here's an eBay auction I found for a Performa 6360 logic board that would significantly speed up your 6200. Sorry, I don't know how to do hyperlinks!!! You'll have to cut and paste.
"No! Try not! Do. Or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
Whoa, it turned into a hyperlink. Cool!!!
"No! Try not! Do. Or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
I've got a G3 beige 233, upgraded to 288MB of RAM, and with a Rage Orion card. I also own a Performa 637 CD 66Mhz.
"The impossible is easy; it's the unfeasible that poses a problem."
Beige G3 266. I don't mind USB and look forward to someday owning a Mac that uses it! No hurry, though - my machine's showing it's age, but it'll be a long time before it's too slow to be useful. Unless you're a graphics professional or a hardcore game player, most of us just don't need 500 mHz. It's like buying a Ferarri and driving it to the grocery store. (I wouldn't mind one, though! But you get the point)
I've got a Rage Orion, too - sure wish I could get the darn thing to work.
They'll give anyone a website these days... here's mine.
I got me a new 350 mhz g4(yeah, i got screwed with the speed but at least its got the new sawtooth motherboard). Freakin awesome by the way.
Better watch your back, cause I'm comin with my FLAK! ~Unreal Tournament
My old computer is an upgraded 6100/60/40MB/2gig which couldn't run nearly any of my newer graphics software or games, and was very slow.
My new computer (since February) is a wonderful custom-built G4/500/512MB/27gig on which I spent all of my money, but it can do anything, it seems (or at least for a while...).
G4 450/256 MB RAM/27 gig HD/DVD-ROM (not RAM)/ZIP drive/SCSI card...external SCSI 9 gig drive I'm still using after having it fixed at ComputerWare (the graphics card's fan was making a loud noise...it worked fine but drove my mom insane!), Griffin iMate (USB->ADB, for my Microsoft gasp SideWinder 3D Pro joystick and Extended ADB keyboard), Keyspan Twin Serial Adapter for my StyleWriter II printer (clash of the technology eras!), um, USB 4-port hub, and Microsoft gasp IntelliMouse Explorer (a fine mouse, but with a weird software problem).
It's great for my graphical work and UT demo.
How's that for thorough? :rolleyes: