Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Long live the Crescent Warship!

      In all the What's your favorite ship? topics I have read on this board everybody keeps bashing the Crescent Warship. I don't understand that!
      It's a great ship if you know how to fly it (and believe me, I have tried both the UE cruiser and the Igazra).

      First, sell off the Fighter bay, then there is room for upgrades.
      Here's the essentials:

      against Crescent and humans: 4 phaze turrets and SAD modules
      against Voinans: 2 phaze turrets, 2 neutron cannons and two rocket launchers (very important! gives you unlimited ammo against voinan cruisers etc. - just disable the heavy fighters and steal the rockets)

      others: all the usual stuff including dospect armor and 4 shield upgrades

      With theese weapon configurations I took out the Dreadnought alone! No escorts! and completed the two last missions in the UE central objective (also without any escorts, just for the fun 🙂 So don't come and say the CW sucks, It's great! and it's faster than the Igazra - speed matters!


      (This message has been edited by Captain Apple (edited 05-27-2000).)

    • I'm new to this game so my opinion doesn't really matter but in terms of looking at the UE Cruiser's specs they look like ****. I mean a properly modified emphalga warship (friegther) could kill one. Just use some rockets and the armor slicing weapons that come with the frieghter and also the Cresent Warship looks like a very awesome ship


    • The CW does suck. I don't recommend it when against the Voinians, as Voinian weapons penetrate armor and shields rapidly. For the speed issue I could take it out with no escorts in an Azdara — or better yet, a modified Arada. Hell, the Zidara is half the price of a CW and over twice as good.

      OpenGL Avara!

      AIM: EVAndrewM

      "I haven't seen myself lately, AndrewM."
      — GreenYO, #ev

    • As just a side note according to Captain Apple he said something like

      ("...It all depends on how you pilot the ship and how you are set up for it...")

      I believe he is right if you know how to you can make a emphalga fighter good enough to beat a U.E destroyer it all depnds on how you pilot and control your ship...


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Will:
      **I'm new to this game so my opinion doesn't really matter but in terms of looking at the UE Cruiser's specs they look like ****. I mean a properly modified emphalga warship (friegther) could kill one. Just use some rockets and the armor slicing weapons that come with the frieghter and also the Cresent Warship looks like a very awesome ship

      Are you talking about the UE Carrier or the UE Cruiser. Heh, either way an unmodified one could easily take out an Emalghia Freighter/Warship. :)The UE Cruiser is quite a bit better than the UE Carrier, too.


      "Americans want their cheese dead."
      -NY Times Magazine

      "Some people call magazines mags, some call 'em zines, so I just call them gazs."

      (url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

    • Andrew M you are so wrong! - the AI Crescent Warships suck! of course they do, all the AI ships suck, that's why we can beat them 🙂 I am talking about the upgraded CW, not the standard. Your upgraded Arada won't last 10 seconds against my Warship 😄 (damn, I whish there was a multiplayer EV so we could test this right now :))- I have a special Arada-killing technique. Still the Arada is a good ship for the money.


      (This message has been edited by Captain Apple (edited 05-27-2000).)

    • But, as Will also pointed out, every ship (well almost every) can be deadly if you can pilot it. I'm not saying that the Igazra, Cruiser or Zidara are bad ships. Of course not, they are great ships! I was just pointing out that the CW is a great ship too!. And I don't think it is overpriced, just sell off the fighter bay.


      (This message has been edited by Captain Apple (edited 05-27-2000).)

    • Sorry I'm new to the game I was refferring to the U.E Carrier the big fat slow stupid one. I haven't even seen the U.E Cruiser I don't think anyways...I was saying that a un escorted U.E Carrier could be taken down by a properly upgraded emphalga warship(freighter) if the warship was run by human intervention and the carriar was run by the A.I


      (This message has been edited by Will (edited 05-27-2000).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Apple:
      Andrew M you are so wrong! - the AI Crescent Warships suck! of course they do, all the AI ships suck, that's why we can beat them:) I am talking about the upgraded CW, not the standard. Your upgraded Arada won't last 10 seconds against my Warship 😄 (damn, I whish there was a multiplayer EV so we could test this right now :))- I have a special Arada-killing technique. Still the Arada is a good ship for the money.

      Get EVO 1.0.2, and your ship'll be vaporized in under a minute. The reason is that they, for the most part, unload all secondary weapons first and concentrate on your ship rather than all of your fighters and escorts.

      OpenGL Avara!

      AIM: EVAndrewM

      "I haven't seen myself lately, AndrewM."
      — GreenYO, #ev

    • I'm new in this forum (not to EV:O though :)), so please forgive me. Andrew M, are you an employee of Ambrosia or beta tester of 1.0.2?

      Btw: my Arada technique is a one-on-one.
      It's a special circle movement that keeps the Arada from aiming rockets and guns at me (it only has room for two turrets). my escorts are not critical for that. I have dominated renegade planets (with Arada defense fleet) in few (about 10) minutes (speed set to 200% or higher), but perhaps it will be more difficult in 1.02 when it is released, however, unless the game has been COMPLETELY changed I still think the CW rocks 🙂 well, you all know my opinion now 😄 😄 😄

      (This message has been edited by Captain Apple (edited 05-27-2000).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Apple:
      I'm new in this forum (not to EV:O though:) ), so please forgive me. Andrew M, are you an employe of Ambrosia or beta tester of 1.0.2?

      Nope. I have connections, though =P

      OpenGL Avara!

      AIM: EVAndrewM

      "I haven't seen myself lately, AndrewM."
      — GreenYO, #ev

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Andrew M:
      **Nope. I have connections, though =P

      No you don't, anyone can get the beta. They just need to know where to look.

      "Do or do not. There is no try."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Andrew M:
      **Nope. I have connections, though =P


      Oh yeah, big, long connections, sure. One board away... wow.

      God. Root. What is difference?

      AIM: obormot345

    • I just read thru this topic and when I read my posts again, they sound a little like I am a big braggart (dominated renegade planets in few minutes...etc. 🙂 honestly, that's not the intension, all I want is to tell what you can do with the CW (and of course it's all true 😄 :D)


    • I think the UE Cruiser Sucketh because the Blaze cannons can barely clear the hull!!! I mean, you have to be practiacly on top of them to hit them.

      Remember, in any case, More money does not always mean better ship. I kinda like the Arada.

      Still trying to beat that dreadnaught in a UE fighter... Next I'll try an Emaghla fighter...

      Dan! The food's gone!

    • When I upgrade my UE Cruiser, I take out the blaze cannons and replace them with phase cannons.(Using a cheater plug), I add a lot of bronev plating and dospect armor, about 100 fuel tanks, 50 fuel scoops, 999 pursuit missiles, 999 SAE modules, and 999 hunter missiles. Not to mention 999 shield capacitors and 999 shield generators. Who says cheaters never win?

      "U.E.S. Iron Fist, request permission to dock."
      "Permission denied."
      "Up yours, Voinian scum!"

    • Hi, I'm new to this board, fairly new to EVO (about 25 hours playtime). In my somewhat limited experience, the CW is the best ship I've seen so far. I agree with Captain Apple, the first thing to do is ditch the fighter bay, and actually this goes for any ship that carries fighters. On the whole, my experience is that fighters are too expensive, and not particularly useful. If you have the option, ditch it and use the room for something worth the while.

      Definitely get the sheild and armor upgrades, especially now that you have the room to! It makes all the difference in the world!

      Also, you should get (if you have the credits) all three of the speed upgrades (turn, thrust, engine, in that order). Once these are on the ship, it's quite possible to run down all those little bastards you have to get rid of (crescent warships, etc.).

      Finally, for secondary weapons, I like pursuit missiles, they seem a nice compromise of tracking speed and power. I got three launchers (for speedy release), plus about 30 missiles. It's also nice to get a tractor beam so that you can hold onto little ships and mow them down with turret fire!

    • 🙂 🙂 🙂

      I hope I got the grammar right...

      Crescent Warship habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum Forklift immane mittam.

      (url="http://"") (/url)

      (This message has been edited by Captain Apple (edited 05-30-2000).)

    • For those of you who dont have latin books i can translate the latin in his sig for you.

      "I have a Crescent Warship. Unless you will give me all your money, I will send a fork lift at your head."

      Although i dont know what "immane" means. (hehe almost wrote "neabs" instead of "means") 🙂


    • Imman(e) means "huge" or "immense" (immane/immense, see the conncetion).

      So I wil send a huge fork lift (more megatons than the standard :)) in the head of thoose who doesn't pay 😄

      Crescent Warship habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum Forklift immane mittam.

      (url="http://"") (/url)