Realmz & Exile vs. EV/O
Wow. Talk about the tough decisions. If I had to decide it would have to be Realmz & Exile because I love RPG's.
And how do you know she is a witch?
-She turned me into a newt!
A newt??
-I got better.
Realmz & Exile vs. EV/O
Wow. Talk about the tough decisions. If I had to decide it would have to be Realmz & Exile because I love RPG's.
And how do you know she is a witch?
-She turned me into a newt!
A newt??
-I got better.
Originally posted by Desert Fox:
Dude, I would hate to have to fight you. At least you know what to use if you get in one:D.
Heh, I'd use Karate. I'd love a legitimate fight with somebody like your talking about. There are just so many ass holes in my school, and they all think they can just pick on anybody. It'd do them some good to see somebody they consider a wimp (even though I've beaten most of them in arm-wrestling...) pop up and break their jaw with a swift kick to the head. Of course, I'm not going to go start some fight but if anybody ever tries to mess with me...
I don't think you were wrong in what you did, but just to know, did he start it?
<-------- The information went data way -------->
(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)
yes, he did. when i was with gav tom, the guy we're talking about, started picking on everyone. gav was one of them. the little bastard tried to seduce me when i was 13, the arsehole. antway, the answer is yes, totaly.
love kelly.
hello boyz...
Well, Gav, look at it this way. At least you wooped a 17 year old's arse. Thats got to be worth something.
Confucius say: "Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot."
That is something to cheer for. Since the other guy started it you can probably get out of most of the punishment but fighting will still keep you out a little bit. Now if I can dig out the old EVO Bar, I'll buy you a drink
It is only a scratch
-I cut off your arm!!
No you didn't
How was the foot broken? Get run over by a car? I've had that happen and it hurts.
It is only a scratch
-I cut off your arm!!
No you didn't
No, it was twisted 165 degrees to the left, spraining it to a crack in the bone. Ouch.
Gavin Hardy, the UK Warrior, english breakfast eater, OF and SC hater, and king and leader of athiesm.
Originally posted by Cinga:
PS: If anyone is going to mention the "right to bear arms", I'll vomit.
Right to bear arms. (awaits vomiting) =D
OpenGL Avara!
AIM: EVAndrewM
Who's General Failure and why's he reading my disk?
Originally posted by Andrew M:
**Right to bear arms. (awaits vomiting) =D
-- Cinga
Originally posted by Gav:
Cinga, I did not mutilate his face. I made a cut in his lip. He belongs to a four strong gang. He bullies every smaller kid he can. When I cut his lip open everyone cheered. He is a bastard. Perhaps you'd like to come over here and 'talk' him out of bullying people. I wqas one that he has bullied. #He went to my middle school. I've known him for 6 years. Ever since I was 8 years old I have been bullied by the fat c-nt .
Ah. That sheds a whole new light on the scene. I am not going to condone any form of violence; however, alas!, for some people it's the only language they understand, and it seems that this guy was in need of that particular message. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Gav:
**My previous school was a boys school. Now I'm going to Victoria's school, with the girls (can't wait).
Well, good luck with her.
Originally posted by Gav:
**Yeah, and good one with the 7'2" guy.:D
According to my calculator, that's 2.18 m... seems a bit over the top. :rolleyes:
Anyway, why should beating up a tall guy be a "good one"? I'm tall too, but I fail to see why that should glorify anyone who beats me up (which would rather easy, BTW). We don't even know the reasons and circumstances of Necromicon's fight. For all we know, he might be the bully.
-- Cinga
S0 basica11y y0u g0t in a fight with a 17 year 01d 10ser Wh0 is in a gang, y0u hit him with a bike chain, and then what? h0w'd ya get away? Bike chains d'nt hurt that bad. I near1y t0re my finger 0ff changing a f1at. H0w'd y0u get away? 0h we11, u did. By expe11ed, d0 yu mean 1ike "suspended" 0r "kicked 0ut 4ever"? S0rry, d0n't kn0w british eng1ish ( except that an azdara is very man0uverab1e.
Man say Phillie number one American cigar, that man right!
AIM: Esvaem6 (duh)
Originally posted by Esvaem6:
**S0 basica11y y0u g0t in a fight with a 17 year 01d 10ser Wh0 is in a gang, y0u hit him with a bike chain, and then what? h0w'd ya get away? Bike chains d'nt hurt that bad. I near1y t0re my finger 0ff changing a f1at. H0w'd y0u get away? 0h we11, u did. By expe11ed, d0 yu mean 1ike "suspended" 0r "kicked 0ut 4ever"? S0rry, d0n't kn0w british eng1ish ( except that an azdara is very man0uverab1e.
If a fat, metal, uncovered, rusted bycicle chain hit you in the face at the velocity I hit him, you wouldn't be saying that. And expelled in Britain means exclusion, expulsion, kick out forever or whatever. I'm going to a mixed school on monday, so I don't really care. My newly found lass will be a nice thing to have, and thanks for comment, Cinga.
I'll give a miss on the crazy sig this time. Only one competition:
All the races of EV, united vs. All races of EVO, united=
Who knows? Let's make a plug of it...
(This message has been edited by Gavin-Hardy (edited 06-06-2000).)
Gav and Kelly have the same IP #s. How disgusting.
Yeah. I had a huge group of eighth graders who used to pick on me every year since kindergarten at my old school. I'm in now eighth ('Cause today is the last day of school!! :cool :). I actually beat this kid up in kindergarten (who was the "leader" of this group) and he was in 2nd!! I'm not saying that fighting is a good thing but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyway a hop skip and a jump later, He still hates me, does drugs, has a slu...I mean girlfriend (no offence to anyone in the lady audience ;)), and is now a Freshman where he will be beat up by seniors :D.
Actually, I almost got beat up today again by a truck-full (I mean literally a pick up truck full! :eek of high-schoolers. It is tradition to beat up all 7 and 8th grade students on graduating day. I told them I was in 6th (those dumb @$$'s!!!! :p) and walked away a free man.
Ouch! A bike chain huh? Well... MY GOD OW! That just has to... HOLY F****ING OUCH!
Congrates on Victoria as well as congrates to Victoria (he, he). I'm also closing in on a girl of my own. I feel sorry for you Kelly. He really coaxes younger girls to have sex? Gav. Do you still have that bike chain?
Schools out!!
Feel the Jive
No more pencils, no more books.
No more teachers, dirty looks!
Originally posted by Cotton Moose:
Gav and Kelly have the same IP #s. How disgusting.
Most likely they are both posting at school. Since schools tend to use shared connection lines, that would explain the same IP #.
Make a hole with the gun perpendicular to the name of this town on a desktop globe. Exit wound in a foreign nation, showing the home of the one this was written for.
Originally posted by MisterT:
**Most likely they are both posting at school. Since schools tend to use shared connection lines, that would explain the same IP #.
Nope. We have shít computers at school. My iMac is broken and she doesn't have the internet, so we go to the local internet café. There are 4 computers which me and her always sit at. So sometimes it's the same, sometimes different. Sometimes, when she's finished with hers, but still has some credit left, she'll let me use it, but usualy vise versa. Oh, and Cotton Mouse, what is so terribly discusting using the same computer?
Oh yeah, Jive, good luck on your girlfriend. :pI'm doing great with Vicky!
I'll give a miss on the crazy sig this time. Only one competition:
All the races of EV, united vs. All races of EVO, united=
Who knows? Let's make a plug of it...
Originally posted by Gavin-Hardy:
**Nope. We have shít computers at school. My iMac is broken and she doesn't have the internet, so we go to the local internet café. There are 4 computers which me and her always sit at. So sometimes it's the same, sometimes different. Sometimes, when she's finished with hers, but still has some credit left, she'll let me use it, but usualy vise versa. Oh, and Cotton Mouse, what is so terribly discusting using the same computer?
Oh yeah, Jive, good luck on your girlfriend. :pI'm doing great with Vicky!
Ahh, so that is what an internet cafe' is. I read that you used one but never could figure out what it was. Oh yea, that was Cotton Moose, not Mouse. Might be same but I doubt it.
It is only a scratch
-I cut off your arm!!
No you didn't
(This message has been edited by Desert Fox (edited 06-07-2000).)
Originally posted by Desert Fox:
**Ahh, so that is what an internet cafe' is. I read that you used one but never could figure out what it was. Oh yea, that was Cotton Moose, not Mouse. Might be same but I doubt it.
Oh yeah, I just noticed. No, it's not the same person, as I've seen in some other post, Cotton Mouse said that if he registered with that name he would kill him. :rolleyes:
The way to have a good life is simple, just think these thoughts:
Also, this:
Baseball is wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk.
No, I think it would be a nice name now, I'm used to it. It wouold just be a smidge confusing... How about Cotton Moüse???
(and no, we are not the same, we have distinct personalities.
ERA for EV:
Jesus christ... I can't really sympathize, because you made some pretty ****ed up decisions...
---<< Ą Secret Chimp ! >>---
Bean rhymes with bean... hey, that rhymes with bean! Which rhymes with bean, and that rhymes with bean...
Bean bean bean. I made a poem!