Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • IBM games like evo?

      Are there IBM games like evo?



    • raptor wrote:
      Are there IBM games like evo?



    • Umm IBM doesn't make games, they make business software and hardware.
      Perhaps you should of rephrased it as asking if their were any EV/O-like games for your OS.

      With you suspected lack of understanding of computers, as associating IBM as your OS, I assume you use windows, next time ask if something is available for WINDOWS, as some IBMs run good clean OSs like UNIX, BeOS, Linux and BSD...

      "Are their any EV-like games for Windows 95/98"
      Try privateer, its not the same, but close.


    • Yes I see what you mean... I am used to talking to classmates, I say Windows and they all stare at me and have no Idea what I mean. They all somwhat get the concept of IBM... oh well.



    • get a mac, Wintel machines really suck,

      if you can't buy a mac, rent one!

      (no one makes awesome games for wintel)


    • I have both. I was just trying to answer my freinds question cause he doesn't have a mac. I have older mac though hope to get better one soon.



    • Is there a PC game like EVO?

      Not in a million years. Sorry.


    • raptor wrote:
      I have both. I was just trying to answer my freinds question cause he doesn't have a mac. I have older mac though hope to get better one soon.

      Get at least an iMac, they're cheap enough.

      Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

      (url="http://"")My website(/url), (url="http://"")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


    • raptor wrote:
      Are there IBM games like evo?

      No, get an iMac and save yourself the trouble of looking for games for Windows. Either that, or get a Mac emulator if your computer is fast enough. 🙂


    • You guys need to READ what was posted before you. :mad: I read the entire thread and saw about 5 urges for him to get a Mac three of which were AFTER he said he had both!!! I also read three answers to his question.

      Guys (and gals), I'm not trying to be a moderator. I'm simply a veteran EVO board poster that is trying to encourage sanity in some members of the board community. With some people it's a rear-guard action. 😛

      My 2˘.

      =/= Jim Stephens =/=

    • Umm, actually he said he had an older mac and hoped to get a new one, so some of them suggested an iMac..etc

      Perhaps you should of read what THEY posted before you pretended to act cool.

      Keep in mind, I answered his question, to more no less 😉

      --'m simply a veteran EVO board poster that is trying to encourage sanity--

      Well, I am the Emperor of the Universe and I demand you go away =P


    • mikee J wrote:
      **Umm, actually he said he had an older mac and hoped to get a new one, so some of them suggested an iMac..etc

      Perhaps you should of read what THEY posted before you pretended to act cool.**

      Ok, I didn't read it. I skimmed it. Sorry.

      Keep in mind, I answered his question, to more no less;)

    • Well I have the newest iMac and it is alright, but if you have the time get the G4. It is more than worth the money. The iMac just does not upgrade and you can't enstall a CD burner in it, no zip drive etc.

      Back to the topic, there are no games that can compete with EV/EVO. I have looked becuase I only have a handful of faithful Mac users down here in southern C.A. so I try to find games that would be intresting to play at there evil windoze houses.


    • Whats wrong with External devices....
      You can buy just about anything for the iMac in USB external, like CD-RW, DVD and Zip and Superdisks...


    • Well I have a LACIE CD-RW 4/2/8 and that is the best that I have found, but none of the good CD-R CDs work on it, it is a long story. And Iomega was in a law suit for making cheep drives that brake down in a month or to of intial turn on, any way, I really want a supper computer classification on my computer like the G4, hehehehehe.


    • Ooooh, He's a mercenary.... I could KICK your arse in a dogfight boy.

      "How can i make it go faster"? -Me-

    • There is a game on a BBS that is exactly like Ev but without the graphics. Other then that there is Homeworld if you whant a real good space strategie in full 3D. If there would be a 3d version of EV I'd make it look like Homeworld.

      P.S.:Homeworld is made by Sierra

      I'll Eliminat u!

    • Quote

      Raptor/Andrew M wrote:
      ** <font size="1" face="Geneva, Verdana, Arial" color="808BAD">raptor wrote:
      Are there IBM games like evo?



      Since noone else has mentioned this. The only reason that I started playing EV and then EVO was because a Wintel using friend (whose judgement was otherwise impeccable) always raved about a game called Elite. When I saw EV/EVO described in a magazine as 'Elite-like' I knew I'd hit paydirt. Actually, subsequent conversations have convinced me that the Mac version is superior, when I mentioned plug-ins he drooled, but Elite has got to be knocking around somewhere and by all accounts is pretty good.


      (This message has been edited by Alan (edited 03-17-2000).)


      Who cares if it is Windows/IBM what ever...
      In order to play a game like EV or EVO on a PC, only EV or EVO exists, so make do. Under normal circumstances, a PC will not play a macOS game like EV or EVO, but with an emulator it will. So Just play EVO on your PC and everyone will be happy.
      Now, to spec guys, wheter you have an IBM/Amigo/Compaq/HP/Other and an OS as WinNT,3.1,9x, etc/Linux/Unix/BeOS/other there is an emulator out there that will work. The best bet it MACE(when completed) so give it time and EVO can be played on PC.