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    • Freazel in SheepShaver?

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      Doesn't want to work

      As many ASW games don't work in Classic on my 10.4 machine, and rebooting into OS 9 isn't a good option at all, I thought that SheepShaver might be worth trying. SheepShaver is a PPC emulator, like PearPC; however, unlike PearPC it is only compatible with OS 7 through OS 9, and it doesn't emulate the processor on PPC hosts - achieving near-native speeds.

      I sucessfully installed both OS 8.6 and OS 9.0.4 (the newest OS supported) on SheepShaver, along with a couple of games. Ares, for one, ran pretty well; much better than in Classic. Freazel, however, eludes me. Version 1.0.3 installed fine from my CD, but when I try to run it, it opens for about 3 seconds and then quits with no error message. The result is the same in both 8.6 and 9.0.4.

      Any ideas? Is this a known issue with Freazel, or is it simply seemingly incompatible with SheepShaver (darn)? Thanks.

      (PS: If anyone wants setup instructions for SheepShaver, please ask. All you need is a PPC Mac with Classic (Classic only for the inital setup), an old system install disk, and a bit of harddrive space.)

    • Sorry I don't know to much about this but it looks like the mods are getting lazy. 😛

    • @two-jacks, on Jun 20 2006, 12:13 PM, said in Freazel in SheepShaver?:

      Sorry I don't know to much about this but it looks like the mods are getting lazy. 😛

      If we don't respond maybe it's just because we don't know much about it either. Not that we're lazy.


    • @sinclair44, on Jun 18 2006, 11:19 PM, said in Freazel in SheepShaver?:

      (PS: If anyone wants setup instructions for SheepShaver, please ask. All you need is a PPC Mac with Classic (Classic only for the inital setup), an old system install disk, and a bit of harddrive space.)

      I installed Sheepshaver on my new Intel MacBook Pro. It's finally working, but almost all the files and applications I put in the 'shared' folder it can see show up as generic documents it can't find translators for. I think file type and creator codes are to blame. I would use a utility to change them, but...of course, those utilities only run in Sheepshaver, which shows utilities as generic documents...
      I have better luck transfering files from a CD (from within Sheepshaver), but that A. Still doesn't work for everything and B. I don't want to burn a CD every time I want to use some pre-OS X thing.

      P.S. It's not strictly necessary to have a PPC Mac for Sheepshaver. Get the iMac update 1.0 from Apple, and Tomeviewer to get the ROM out of the former. This is all legal to the best of my knowledge, and I do look into things like that.

    • @captain-bob, on Jun 22 2006, 08:30 AM, said in Freazel in SheepShaver?:

      I installed Sheepshaver on my new Intel MacBook Pro. It's finally working, but almost all the files and applications I put in the 'shared' folder it can see show up as generic documents it can't find translators for. I think file type and creator codes are to blame. I would use a utility to change them, but...of course, those utilities only run in Sheepshaver, which shows utilities as generic documents...
      I have better luck transfering files from a CD (from within Sheepshaver), but that A. Still doesn't work for everything and B. I don't want to burn a CD every time I want to use some pre-OS X thing.

      You've got a couple options here. The best is to simply use a second hard drive. Create a new drive with SheepShaver and let the Classic OS format it for you. Then, shut down SheepShaver and rename the new drive "whatever.iso". OS X should be able to mount it then and you can transfer files this way, totally intact. (At least it works on my PPC mac - not sure how the Intels deal with filetypes/resource forks.) Make sure that you aren't running SheepShaver when you have the image mounted; both programs accessing it is a sure way to corruption.

      You could also use Toast to mount a disk image as a CD, but you're better off using the method above.

      @captain-bob, on Jun 22 2006, 08:30 AM, said in Freazel in SheepShaver?:

      P.S. It's not strictly necessary to have a PPC Mac for Sheepshaver. Get the iMac update 1.0 from Apple, and Tomeviewer to get the ROM out of the former. This is all legal to the best of my knowledge, and I do look into things like that.

      That's actually what I did, too. However, SheepShaver runs almost native-speed on PPC macs wheras it must emulate on Intels. Also, TomeViewer is a Classic app in and of itself, so you need a PPC mac for it to run. (Anyone who can deal with the slowness of emulation and can get a PPC mac for a few minutes can run SheepShaver in just the way Captain Bob and I have described.)

      Have you any luck with Freazel though, Captain Bob?

    • I tried your first idea, and it allowed me to take the next step in the right direction. It's been a slow process over the last few days finding and taking these steps, but I keep getting closer to re-creating Classic. Anyway, using a new disk image made some more files have the correct creator and file types, but others still don't, and some that worked by transferring from a CD don't work with the disk image <_<. Luckily, now one of the file type changer utilities I downloaded works. It showed a most curious thing. One example program I'm trying is Moria, one of those old text-based RPG originally for Unix. A working version of Moria had the creator type "Mria" and file type "APPL". The non-working copy of Moria on the disk image has creator type "airM" and file type "LPPA". That's right, Sheepshaver is reversing the creator and file types of about half my files! For the time being I can manually change each file with the utility.

      And I'll try Ferazel's Wand sometime soon. I realize that's all that keeps this thread on-topic, sorry to hijack it.

      P.S. another thing to get working is OpenGL. This keeps me from testing my old demo of Quake 3, which otherwise would be a nice self-contained app to see what kind of real emulated speed I can get.

    • Hi, I have the exact same problem with Ferazel wand, it just opens for about 3 seconds then nothing...Whats funny about the whole Sheepshaver thing was i wanted to play ferezels wand more than anything...SOME HELP WOULD BE GREAT 🙂

    • sinclair, I PM'ed you for instructions... since I pretty much have no clue...

    • @jrsh92, on Jun 25 2006, 03:37 AM, said in Freazel in SheepShaver?:

      sinclair, I PM'ed you for instructions... since I pretty much have no clue...

      Since this thread has diverged slightly from where I thought it would go, I'll go ahead and post the instructions here.

      • Create a folder for all the SheepShaver data to go into. I would suggest something easy to type, like "sheepshaver" in your home directory. For the purposes of this, I'll assume that you chose /Users/username/sheepshaver.

      • Create a folder "share" in the "sheepshaver" folder (for later).

      • Get a Mac ROM. The one in your Classic system folder may work (I've been told it should, but mine didn't). I would suggest downloading a ROM update from Apple and using TomeViewer to extract the ROM. (TomeViewer is a Classic app itself.) However you obtain the ROM, name it "ROM" and place it inside the "sheepshaver" folder.

      • Download SheepShaver. (You want the "MacOS X Universal Binary" near the bottom of the page.)

      • Decompress SheepShaver and put it where you want. I would suggest keeping it seperate from the "sheepshaver" folder created above, and naming the application folder "SheepShaver-May06" (or whatever date the release was). All of the releases for a while have been numbered 2.3, so the only way to tell them apart is the date.

      • Open "".

      • Create a SheepShaver hard drive. Press "Create..." in the window that appears. Change the size to something usable; I would suggest 400-600 MB. Navigate to your "sheepshaver" folder and name the drive something like "os9hd". Press "OK"; it will take a few moments to create the drive (the program hasn't frozen).

      • Change the "Unix Root" to /Users/username/sheepshaver/share (or wherever your "sheepshaver" folder is).

      • In the "Graphics/Sound" tab, make sure that Window mode is selected (fullscreen will freeze!) with a refresh rate of 60hz. Change the width/height to either 640x480, 800x600, or 1024x768, depending on your screen size. I would recommend you use a standard 4:3 resolution (one of the three I listed). Make sure "QuickDraw Acceleration" is on, and "Disable Sound" is off (don't worry about the Output and Mixer devices, they aren't used on OS X).

      • In Keyboard/Mouse, turn off "Use Raw Keycodes" and set "Mouse Wheel Function" to your liking if you have a mouse wheel (which isn't recognized by OS 9 so SheepShaver has to do something else to pretend).

      • In Serial/Network, make sure "slirp" is the Ethernet interface.

      • In Memory/Misc, set the RAM size to something reasonable given your computer. 128MB should be more fine. Change the ROM path to /Users/username/sheepshaver/ROM (or wherever your "sheepshaver" folder is). Turn off "Ignore Illegal Memory Accesses" and turn on "Don't Use CPU when idle".

      • Press "Start" at the bottom. SheepShaver itself should start now, and you will be told that it crashed. The crash report is bogus; just press "Close" or "Cancel" or whatever and SheepShaver will be fine (this will happen every time you launch it). If you get a disk with a blinking question mark, you're good so far; quit SheepShaver (you may have to force quit).

      • Insert your OS 9 install disk, then launch "". It should boot from the CD; you can initialize your OS 9 hard drive and install OS 9.

      • Use Special -> Shutdown to always shut down SheepShaver (just like a real Mac). After the install, shut down and remove the CD. Run "" again. Open the "Sound" ( not "Moniters and Sound") control panel and set the output correctly so you can hear sound. Sound and networking should both work; you're good to go!

      • Insert your Freazel's Wand CD and install it in SheepShaver, and tell us if it works 🙂

      This post has been edited by sinclair44 : 25 June 2006 - 07:54 AM

    • So I tried installing Ferazel's Wand from the CD into SheepShaver. It seemed to work okay. Then I knew I would want to play 1.0.3, so I downloaded the 1.0.3 updater. It's a self extracting archive, so I needed to decompress it in OS 9. I dragged it onto the mounted disk image I have in OS X which resides within the disk image that SheepShaver boots from. I thought I'd try doing this while SheepShaver was open and also had that disk image mounted, not expecting SheepShaver to automatically update but not expecting anything bad to happen either. Big mistake. OS X got confused enough to give me kernel panics. I had to boot from my install DVD and repair my hard drive. All my SheepShaver stuff may be corrupted.

      Moral of the story: do not, DO NOT mount a disk image that resides in another disk image!

      I'll give another update when I get SheepShaver working again and can try Ferazel's Wand 1.0.3.

    • Yeah - don't let an image be mounted in two places at once (i.e. don't open the SheepShaver hard drive image while SheepShaver is running). However, the worst that should do is just corrupt the image you're working with... the kernel panics might be coincidental. Or not, but it seems kinda odd that just mounting an image in two places would confuse the kernel that much.

    • How disappointing. After spending most of the day retracing my steps to get SheepShaver working again, installing Ferazel's Wand, and installing the updater, it doesn't work. I open Ferazel's Wand, and if the CD is mounted, the application quits back to the Finder without so much as a loading screen. The Ferazel's Wand demo that came on the CD (installed onto the hard disk of course) does the same thing. I might just have to start up my iMac now that I have a craving for the game.

    • Does anyone know if Freazel requires virtual memory? I don't think SheepShaver does a MMU, which is the hardware that makes VM possible (so there's no VM in SheepShaver).

    • As far as I know, no games for PPC require you to have VM enabled. Usually it is the opposite if anything.

    • And in other news, I'm having fun playing Ferazel on my old computer that can boot into OS 9. Ironically I've basically converted that iMac G4 into an OS 9-only computer, since I do everything else on this new one. I feel kinda silly going back from X to 9...anyway, since I have a working solution I don't intend to try to get it working in SheepShaver anymore. Good luck to those still trying that method.

    • I would like to thank Sinclair for his instructions on how to install and config SheepShaver. It was a lifesaver for my new MacBook Pro. And the chooser works so I just connect to my old OS 9 comp and copy stuff from there. ( Best option if you want live updates ).

    • Anyone ever get this working?

    • Will it run in BasiliskII?

    • @ferazel-x, on Feb 21 2007, 10:22 PM, said in Freazel in SheepShaver?:

      Will it run in BasiliskII?

      No BasiliskII is 68K only :(. Darn it, I never go to finish the game...

    • so is there really no hope on playing this game on a OS X machine?