Edited for many people's sanity. I did a standard find & replace on this, but I didn't look it over very hard. All should be nice and pretty now.
And, of course: Welcome to the boards, Not2Swift. Eat, drink, post, and be merry.
-- spamguy
1.) You are frequently awoken by someone who tells you that youve been saying Die Xichra in your sleep.
2.) You look at a world map and see Greenland on it, the question since when have they gotten rid of the unemployed part? arises your mind.
3.) You throw seeds on the ground and expect them to explode.
4.) You print out pages of Ferazel Wand maps and post them on youre school locker, so that you can jot down notes on possible strategies and tactics during locker stops.
5.) You know all 21 types of spinblocks found in Ferazels Wand and can name them in alphabetical order.
6.) You drink gallons of grape juice a day, while telling everyone that its actual name is ziridium and refusing to drink the dreaded acid stuff (limeade.)
7.) You can correctly identify every Ferazels Wand music file to a level.
8.) The first time you saw a picture of Shrek on the TV screen you started bouncing up & down on the couch pointing at the screen while shouting GOBLIN as loud as you could, that is, you did that until you calmed down enough to see his funky ear things.
9.) You go around wearing a cloak and blue cape and insist that people refer to you as Ferazel of Teraknom.
10.) When youre working with paints & you accidentlly spill some on your paper, all you have to do is think the word blob and youre already stabbing at it w/ the other end of your paint brush
11.) Youve devised a comp program that gives you an alert/warning to tell you when theres a new Ferazels Wand Web Posting, so you can immediately look at what someone wrote.
12.) When youre history teacher is talking about Avignon, The Great Schism, and how the papacy was sufferin, you hear the words Algernon, The Great Scythes, and popyseed muffins.
13.) Youve memorized entire conversations that Ferazel has had with habnabits.
Hey, I'm sorry if there's been lots of other postings like that & you're sick of them, I've only looked back about 10 postings from the most recent.
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer.....78.........57.........3(thank god its almost over) & Now for those of those nonalcoholics out there...99 bottles of soda....What!?! #$@!- Grr! Dont you just hate long answering machine tapes?
(This message has been edited by spamguy (edited 09-19-2002).)