ive had pandoras box for ages now, and its worked fine for me before, but when i try to use it on pog it freezes my mac.
ive tried giving it oodles of ram and taking the search down to a byte value, but that doesnt help.
has anyone else managed to get it to display search results, and if so, what are your computers specs?
works on a G4/450 with 256 MB ram running 10.0.4 or 9.1
"Ahhh. A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself."
-Peter da Silva -
damn, well thats just not fair :frown: i think i need more ram.
anyway, i found a d/l link for cheat II: (url="http://"http://www.adum.com/comp/cheat.html")http://www.adum.com/comp/cheat.html(/url) -
Originally posted by capnhack:
ive had pandoras box for ages now, and its worked fine for me before, but when i try to use it on pog it freezes my mac.
ive tried giving it oodles of ram and taking the search down to a byte value, but that doesnt help.
has anyone else managed to get it to display search results, and if so, what are your computers specs?It work fine for me... (I have well over 1M in GP :p)
Enie menie minie
moe... Oh, why not just
kill all of them.(This message has been edited by Sniberal (edited 09-10-2001).)
Originally posted by capnhack:
**damn, well thats just not fair:frown: i think i need more ram.
anyway, i found a d/l link for cheat II: http://www.adum.com/comp/cheat.html **I hope it works for you because it blows my computer up!!! :frown: :mad:
Enie menie minie
moe... Oh, why not just
kill all of them. -
Originally posted by ArcAngel Counterstrike:
**It doesn't realy look like many cheats have been built into the game.. I guess you have to wait and get These!**
I would DIE to be a Coldstone beta tetser!!!!
Enie menie minie
moe... Oh, why not just
kill all of them. -
I tried d/ling cheat II, but every place i went to said that no index or directory for it could be found. is there another program i can use (besides pandoras box because i cant modify the things i REALLY want to modify) to change my character? or is there maybe an update for ACE anywhere.
"The most likely way for the
world to be destroyed,
most experts agree, is by
accident. That's where we -
Originally posted by -esw-dragoon_77:
**... i cant modify the things i REALLY want to modify...
**what do you want to modify? the only thing that would be tough would be items
Originally posted by -esw-dragoon_77:
**or is there maybe an update for ACE anywhere.**
I believe the ACE! author is currently working on a plugin for PoG. I emailed him briefly suggesting it, and he said he'd just started playing with it, so there's probably one on the way, but it may be a while. You can always email him and find out for yourself!
(BTW to those not in the know, ACE! (url="http://"http://www.crosswinds.net/~drysdall/ace.html")(http://www.crosswind...ysdall/ace.html)(/url) is a freeware saved game editor with plugin support for quite a few games, incl. Ambrosia's own Cythera and Harry.)
I downloaded Pandora's Box, but I can't figure out how to use it. Anybody know how, or know of some online instructions? And please, if you respond, be clear. Don't say, well just change your money value to whatever you want it to be, because I don't even know how to get to the money value, or for that matter, anything. A good explanation of how it works would be nice. I don't regularly use cheat programs so I'm not familiar with the concept at all. You guys have been pretty good at giving explanations for the game, so I'm hoping someone can do the same for these programs.
klinuxP.S. - Some Coldstone beta user, please make a plugin for boots that let you move faster. Call them Zip Shoes or whatever pleases you, but trudging around from screen to screen gets old, if you know where you're going and what you want to do, and don't feel like walking slowly the whole way.
Originally posted by klinux:
**I downloaded Pandora's Box, but I can't figure out how to use it. Anybody know how, or know of some online instructions? And please, if you respond, be clear. Don't say, well just change your money value to whatever you want it to be, because I don't even know how to get to the money value, or for that matter, anything. A good explanation of how it works would be nice. I don't regularly use cheat programs so I'm not familiar with the concept at all. You guys have been pretty good at giving explanations for the game, so I'm hoping someone can do the same for these programs.
klinuxP.S. - Some Coldstone beta user, please make a plugin for boots that let you move faster. Call them Zip Shoes or whatever pleases you, but trudging around from screen to screen gets old, if you know where you're going and what you want to do, and don't feel like walking slowly the whole way.
**Ok, It works like this.
You put in the amount of gold etc. you have and search for it, It it will come up with a lot of them, Then change the amount by then going into the game and go kill something and get the gold or exp, then since the value will be different put in the new value and search again it will come up with only one and double-click on the value and change it to what ever you want. I hope this helps.P.S. This is easier if you have pog in small screen you can just click back and forth between the programs show that you edit them faster.
I am the peak of human evolution. -
Ok, in order to hack a program with Pandora's Box, you need to have both programs running(in case you didn't know), then select the program (PoG in this case) that you want to hack. In order to change values with Pandora's box, you first have to find the address of the value you want to change, so that's the next step. Now I'm going to explain this part for an unregistered version of Pandora's Box, because you can only search for known values. So, in order to find your value, you have to guess which integer data type it is represented by, a byte (-256 - 255), a short (-32768 - 32767), or a long (-2097152 - 2097151), then you enter in the value that it is currently at and search for it (you'll usually end up with a LOT of possibilities), since you probably didn't get one result, you'll have to narrow the search by getting the value to change, then search for the new changed value (don't clear the search), until you have the address you are looking for, then you are free to change it to whatever value you want. Wow, that was quite the run on sentence... oh well, I'm not an english major. Here are a few tips for hacking PoG: stats(str, dex, spd, etc.) are represented by short integers; your cash (and I'm pretty sure stamina, can't remember for sure) is stored in a long; don't bother trying to hack items unless you have the registered version of Pandora's Box and know how the inventory is implemented in PoG (even then it would take a long time, and a lot of testing); the stat values are stored in two adresses, one is a temporary one used to represent your stats after mods from equipment, the other for the actual value, the actual value has an earlier address in memory (lower address value), change the actual value; a good way to get stats to change is to use the bug that AAC found (see the "Have you guys experienced any bugs?" thread) to get the values to change in an irregular, but controllable way (this is the easiest way to find the address of your spd stat (super-hero on speed... heh), as well as mind and undead protection, the only downside is that it will change all of the values, including the ones you possibly just set, so you might want to find and write down the addresses for each value, and then go back and change them all at once; PoG stores the values in different addresses each time you load a game, so values that you used before will NOT work after loading a game. That's all I can think of right now, but feel free to post questions, or e-mail/IM them to me (my screen name is almost always on).
Happy Psuedo-hacking!
"Ahhh. A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself."
-Peter da Silva -
yes this is -esw-dragoon_77, i just forgot my password and im doing this at school.
what i want to modify with pandoras box is my maximum hp, but ive tried typing in the value and ive never come out with any less than 550 matches. its really starting to torque me off. and if i want to change the number of healing concoctions i have, do i just put in how many i have, then keep using them untill i come up with 1 result?
Originally posted by humpymachine:
**yes this is -esw-dragoon_77, i just forgot my password and im doing this at school.what i want to modify with pandoras box is my maximum hp, but ive tried typing in the value and ive never come out with any less than 550 matches. its really starting to torque me off. and if i want to change the number of healing concoctions i have, do i just put in how many i have, then keep using them untill i come up with 1 result?**
That's what I want to know as well...
Enie menie minie
moe... Oh, why not just
kill all of them. -
Concerning Items:
The potions thing falls under what I said about hacking your items. Based on the way the in game interface displays your inventory, and the fact that people have been complaining about game slowdown when they have lots of items, I'm assuming that it handles each item in your inventory as a separate item, meaning it doesn't just store how many of each thing you have(this implementation would not cause game slowdown with large numbers of items), I'm guessing that it keeps track of the total number of items, and each slot holds a value representative of that item (it's ID code). If this is the case, and it may well not be, then hacking your items would be extremely difficult, as you would have to know the items ID codes or discover them (which would be plausible with the registered version of Pandora's Box). IF the game DID store the number of each item in the game that you have, THEN you could try to find a single address which you could then change to edit the number of a certain item.
Concerning Life:
There are two ways to single out address the keeps track of your maximum stamina, the fast way is to use the stat changing bug to get random numbers for your stamina (you'd have to drink a potion or get hit so that your actual new max is shown), and then search for those numbers until you get the one you want. The other is to search for the value that represents your stamina, go up a level, and search for the new number, and hopefully, you will end up with the one you are looking for. This method can be a pain if you are already of a high level (but then again, you could always hack your exp... heh heh heh).
(A note on finding the max stamina value: you will end up with anywhere from 1 to 3 addresses for this, one is used for your current stamina, one for your maximum stamina (this is the one you want to change), and one for your maximum stamina after adjustment by items)Hope this helps
"Ahhh. A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself."
-Peter da Silva -
I use pandora's box (I keep separate hacked games, however) and the easiest way to raise your HP is just to hack your experience. (I have succesfully hacked my hp, but it is kinda hard and for some reason after I went to a status screen, it reset itself, probably some kind of self-test, i.e, it goes "Hey! You can't have that high of HP!" and recalculates.)
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.... -
how do i use the plugins? i use a mac and i cannot understand how to use them
Originally posted by musicman:
**I have succesfully hacked my hp, but it is kinda hard and for some reason after I went to a status screen, it reset itself, probably some kind of self-test, i.e, it goes "Hey! You can't have that high of HP!" and recalculates.)
**are you sure you changed the right value? I've done it and it works fine, there is no way for the game to calculate how much stamina you SHOULD have because it doesn't keep track of what your vitality was at each level up, and there is a random element to the amount of stamina you gain each level (this then gets a bonus based on your vitality). Also, don't change the value to a number higher than the upper bound for the data type (2^15 - 1 for short, and 2^31 - 1 for long), this often causes the value to wrap around to negative numbers which tends to make really strange things happen.
"Ahhh. A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself."
-Peter da Silva -
Originally posted by Shimoyake:
**are you sure you changed the right value? I've done it and it works fine, there is no way for the game to calculate how much stamina you SHOULD have because it doesn't keep track of what your vitality was at each level up, and there is a random element to the amount of stamina you gain each level (this then gets a bonus based on your vitality). Also, don't change the value to a number higher than the upper bound for the data type (2^15 - 1 for short, and 2^31 - 1 for long), this often causes the value to wrap around to negative numbers which tends to make really strange things happen.**
I also changed the stats and they rest after a few mintues... :frown: :frown:
Enie menie minie
moe... Oh, why not just
kill all of them. -
Originally posted by Sniberal:
**I also changed the stats and they rest after a few mintues...:frown: :frown:
Originally posted by Shimoyake:
**the stat values are stored in two adresses, one is a temporary one used to represent your stats after mods from equipment, the other for the actual value, the actual value has an earlier address in memory (lower address value), change the actual value**
this was in my original post on using Pandora's box. The post was pretty long so perhaps you skipped this part? Try this to guarantee that you get the right value: remove all of your equipment; use Pandora's box and your method of choice to find the two values, the temporary one, and the actual one (if you only get one, you did something wrong); change BOTH values just to be safe (you should only have to change the one that shows up earlier in memory, but I'm only 99% sure about that). Hopefully this will work for you, a good way to verify that it worked immediately is to save the game and load it again.
P.S. My hacked insano character is clvl 21 or 22 with 11000 stamina and 10000+ in each stat (1-hit the sea giants...), so I know it works.
"Ahhh. A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself."
-Peter da Silva