There, now everybody kiss and make up.
@qaanol, on Apr 26 2006, 04:47 PM, said in Guess What, Folks!:
Mbi ghlieulopnst, Y tiorcedh ceeill, ozz ghool ceghealong ghlaughulllill.
No, that's not a typo. Ghoti.
Edit: Crud, that was a typo. I wrote "lllll" when I meant "lllill", but I fixed it now.Wow, that's the longest Ghoti -> Fish 'in-need-of-translation' thingy I have ever seen.
Why thank you! Here are the phonemes I used, in alphabetical order:
au as in 'laud'
ce as in 'ice'
dh as in 'Gandhi'
ea as in 'dealt'
ei as in 'weigh'
gh as in 'hiccough' and as in 'cough'
i as in 'biology'
ill as in 'tortilla'
ieu as in 'lieutenant' (non-naval British)
l as in 'colonel' (both ways)
ll as in 'tortilla' and as in 'bull'
mb as in 'lamb'
ng as in 'sing
o as in 'women'
oo as in 'door'
orce as in 'Worcester'
pn as in 'pneumatic'
st as in 'castle'
ti as in 'nation'
u as in 'cur'
y as in 'sky'
zz as in 'puzzle' -
What he seems to be saying is:
"My ghlieulopnst, I should say, is for spelling properly."
I can't make heads nor tails of "ghlieulopnst", even with the guide- none of the eight (or four- the "f" pronunciation of "gh" isn't used anywhere else) possibilities seem to be english words. The closest I can get is "Florence", but that makes absolutely no sense in context. If there was another "gh", it would almost work as "preference", but...Anyway, ghghaghst Qaanol upside the head with a trout
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Okay... that stuff definitely doesn't count as communication.
Hmm, looks like I lied. I didn't use 'l' as in the second 'l' in 'colonel', only as in the first. Otherwise, though my phoneme list stands. And Edwards is on the right track. In fact, he has guessed the word 'ghlieulopnst' already.
The phonemes in it, alphabetically, are:
gh as in 'hiccough'
ieu as in 'lieutenant' (still the British pronunciation. Look it up if you don't know it.)
l as in 'colonel'
o as in 'women'
pn as in 'pneumonia'
st as in 'castle' -
Well, as far as I can tell, if you didn't use "l as in the second l in colonel", then you've misspelled "ceghealong". Ironic as that may be.
Mb-i gh-l-ieu-l-o-pn-st, Y ti-orce-dh ce-ei-ll, o-zz gh-oo-l ce-gh-ea-l-o--ng gh-l-au-gh-u-l-ll-ill. M-ai p-r-ef--r-i-n--ce, ai sh--u---d s-ay-y , i-z f-o--r s-p--e--r-ih-ng p-r-ah-p--e-r-l--ee . l p f f f Mai prefrince, ai shud say, iz for sperihng prahperlee.
There is no ambiguity that I can find in how I've broken that up except for the "lll" in "lllill". There is very little ambiguity in how each phoneme is pronounced, and what little there is generally doesn't lead to English words. So, what you are saying should be somewhere between:
"My preference, I should say, is for spelling properly." (which I consider the correct answer)
"My preference, I should sail, is pour sfering frofelry."Edwards
Crud. I knew I shouldn't have second-guessed myself.
Good job though. Congo rats.
@qaanol, on Apr 26 2006, 09:47 AM, said in Guess What, Folks!:
Mbi ghlieulopnst, Y tiorcedh ceeill, ozz ghool ceghealong ghlaughulllill.
tiught ught, kwah-knoll
@mrxak, on Apr 29 2006, 09:33 PM, said in Guess What, Folks!:
Okay... that stuff definitely doesn't count as communication.
Δοεσ τηισ῞
Rp ydcoZ
How about this? -
No more gibberish in my topic.
@mrxak, on May 20 2006, 11:28 PM, said in Guess What, Folks!:
No more gibberish in my topic.
The immortal ruler has spoken! I bow down to your infinite wisdom!
Two kinds of spam? Brilliant!
You know... if you try and cook that stuff on the bbq, it'll just cook the outside later, but wont cook the inside layers. That's gross. :mellow:
Wow. 6 months FTW.
I am currently trapped in the uninhabited Llysla system with no fuel and no passing spacecraft. None of the patches online have worked so far and I was too stupid to but a solar panel... HELP!
Start a topic. In the EV Nova section of the webboards.
He's pro guys.