Favorite is the R.S.S. Robert E. Lee
also the Hellraider(kestrel)
and my favorite cruiser was the R.S.S Jefferson Davis
Yes, how DID you ever find this topic? Anyways, I named my ship after the great MecaDoomer from Invader Zim (A rather strange and amusing T.V. show). What happens is, the main character, Zim, accidently recieces the prototype of a very powerful weapon, the MecaDoomer. Unfortunantly it has some bugs and Zim must attach a very long extension cord to power the ship as he goes on a killing rampage in the city. For another thing the cloaking device on the ship cloaks ONLY the ship, and to the innocent citizens in town it looks as if Zim is suspended in midair dragging along a very long wire.
It really has nothing to do with EV, just thought it was funny so I named my ship after the MecaDoomer.Shuttle: MecaDoomer 5000
Scoutship: MecaDoomer 6000
Corvette: MecaDoomer 7000
Kestrel: MecaDoomer 8000
Rebel Cruiser: MecaDoomer 9000------------------
"I love deadlines, Douglas Adams once said, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." -
Rebel Cruiser: R.S.S. Gondor
I'm a LOTR freak as well as an EV fan!!!!!!!!
My ship names aren't too original, but my favorite one is "Event Horizon." And yes, i got that from the movie by the same name.
Ah yes. In history class our teacher said the word 'smut' once and I've been saying it and laughing ever since. (IT'S A FUNNY WORD!) My ship in RoP is the Smut Deathstar 5000. (Heehee, Smut Deathstar 5000, you are cleared to land.) I can't remember what my Empire ship was but it was smut-related.
"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.
www.sluggy.com - The greatest comic in the world. -
While I generally don't like replying to really old topics once they have been brought back up.
My current ships are
Wildcat I... or whatever numerals I go through in all my ships
Stinger I...
And the current name of my nova ships is the Unrelenting only cause it is a mission granted ship.-J
Being a Mac user is like being a Navy Seal: a small, elite group of people with access to the most sophisticated technology in the world, who everyone calls on to get the really tough jobs done quickly and efficiently.
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(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=30&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Nova FAQ(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/008628.html")Thread Beginnings(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/survival_guide/")EV Survival Guide(/url) | (url="http://"http://home.attbi.com/~slagblah/novafaq.html")Gameplay FAQ(/url) | (url="http://"http://home.attbi.com/~slagblah/evn_fixes.html")Quick Fixes(/url) | (url="http://"http://home.attbi.com/~slagblah/pilotlog.html")How to Make a Pilot Log(/url) -
I've named my scoutship "The Flying Dildo" before.
"It's as big as a man!"-
Penny Arcade -
I've been gone for 2 years, and this is the first post I make?
What does that mean?Anyways, I use Metzgermeister, "Butcher Master"
in german. I only use it for my decent ships,
it's Qwerty for my shuttle and such.Any Rammstein fans? You may know my ship name....
I call my ship GSS-XXXXx where G stands for a government, SS stands for the ship type, XXXX stands for a four-digit number and x stands for a smallcase letter. Example: If I was buying an abomination, I might call it AAB-2934b. Exceptions: Fist of the Heavens and Hand of God for the Thunderforge and Raven respectively.
oh my, I thought I was old, until I saw this post. :laugh:
I use to call my ship for SilverFurry.
To bad the Unrelenting cant be named, or u have to rebuy or capture an Thunderforge to make theirs name. I would love to find a good name on those. Or the rebel cruiser. -
Since I imagined my pilot having a "girl back home" of sorts, a diner waitress on Levo, his first Argosy was named after her, the S.S. Oberon.
After that got blown up, the S.S. Oberon II.
After THAT got blown up :rolleyes: , I went with something dorky like Guildkeeper I. I don't really know what the guild IS, mind you, but I just love the idea of all these Han Solo types getting together every so often for "Guild Meetings" (Drinking contests, arm wrestling contests, battle storytelling contests, etc.)
(chuckle) The "Space Trucker's Guild" if you will.
This topic is rediculously old but, what the hell...
My older brother usually churns out dozens of cool names at the speed of light, only to spend an hour trying to decide which name to use. below are a few names that actually worked
Star Dagger
Fool's Hope
Sundered Dawn
Sadistic Bastard
Halo of Flies
Foo Fighter
Sword Dancer
This is a Q-Ship, don't even DARE attack me
Restless Hope
Lost Cause
Tin Can XIII
Broadside -
How 'bout we let this topic go now. If we don't, it is sure to be locked.