Originally posted Plexrom:
**Yes Jimbob I am back. I was gone to the store the whole time, and the only things that I bought was 2001 trillion flavours of stuff for my milkshake stand. If anyone wants some just come to "Plexrom's smoothy concession stand that seells stuff for very cheap, but has a great value mixed in with our delicious smoothies and condoments." The sign to get the name made for the stanbd was very expensive! But I'll put everyone else out of buisness. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Originally posted by tuskawillamac:
**Tuskawillamac puts Plexrom out of buisiness with his store called:
"The I have an even bigger, huger, gianter, giganticer, mammather, larger store name that also has 2009347859735896249038 kajilion flavors of cheese (The power of cheese) and sells stuff cheepyer than Plexrom smoothie, slushie, margaritia, Tequila, milksake stand that also sells condiments...errr concession stuff stand thing place"
The sign to get the name made for the stanbd was very expensive! But I'll put everyone else out of buisness. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Hey! I sell the milkshakes around here!!
I've put other people out of business before and I'll do it again.
Jimbob goes back to his stand, the sign still reading Boozerama Bar Milkshake Stand. He whips up an infinite number of milkshakes in an infinite number of flavors, and stores them in a door that links to an infinitely large demension. He makes some Schitt Flavored Milkshakes and dumps them all over Mac's stand. His robots go berserk, stab Mac's eye's, castrate him, but leave his stand up. Jimbob flicks on corner, and the whole thing collapses. Plexrom glances over as Jimbob pisses on the ruins of Mac's stand and quivers in Ph33r. He doesn't quiver for too long, though, as the extra large blender in his stand turns on suddenly and lands smack on his head.
Jimbob walks over casually and takes his brains for an Intelligence enhancing smoothie. 

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