Cade finally reappears after several days. He sees a lots of posts but tries to reply to all that are relevant to him.
Posted by Cresent on Page 6: Cade soon finds out that he's not the only one good at pulling pranks when a clearly rigged bucket of water falls on his head, and he steps on a whoopie-cusion, causing the entire bar to stare disgustedly at him.
Cade swears vengeance and soon steps to action. The pitiful ten litres of Cresents bucket is pitiful compared to the barrel that falls on her head, 200 litres. She also steps on several whoopie-cusions after each other, causing the entire bar to glare disgustedly at her.
KDC: Thats really awful. Yuck... grass and rotten fruit. No, I dont, especially since I dont know where you live.
No, I dont belive that. Youre just trying to joke, since this thread is brainless fun, not intelligent at all. Besides, how can they be cute if they actually are deadly? :rolleyes:
Cresent: I see now. Thanks, E and D are getting bothersome with their attacks. I want to only attack you, not Destroyer E or Destroyer D. Probably we should have a alliance against them so we can have our two-person fun uninterrupted? 
Cade enjoys being back.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions