What is the best plug-in?
My favorite is Aurora University.
18 52 579
(url="http://"http://www.thangorodrim.net/")Angband(/url) in action! Constant escalation to new depths to find angrier,
meaner letters and more punctuation! -- Mattneu -
Originally posted by Destroyer E:
What is the best plug-in?
My favorite is Aurora University.Never heard of it. Are you sure you're posting on the right board?
Personally, I'd say Galactic Scourge.
Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com")-(/url)-(url="http://"http://www.zombo.com")-(/url)-(url="http://"http://albinoblacksheep.com/flash/demented.html")-(/url)-(url="http://"http://www.homestead.com/lukenj/index.html")-(/url)----------- -
i kinda remember aurora university. don't remember what i thought of it, though i doubt i liked it immensely or i would've remembered it.
i hate to agree with popular opinion, but i think my favorite plug was mugabi and destiny------------------
you want to know if i'm moral enough to join the army, burn women, kids, houses, and villages, after being a litterbug? -
Galactic Scourge and Pale.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.hyperiums.com")Hyperiums(/url) | (url="http://"http://dreamwave.evula.net")Dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.apple.com")Apple Computer(/url)
:: Yes, I am the former Captain Skyblade :: -
It's been a long time since I had the time to play a lot, and most of that was devoted to Nova, but I would have to say that Pale and Clavius were my favorites.
"Damn, everybody wants something up their ass today! Yeah, I'm cool like that." - forge -
Pale and Talon.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions -
Confed Rule is by far the best plug-in soon-to-be-outhere
Visit the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum10/HTML/005883.html#")Anglo-American Dictionary(/url), a well of priceless information! -
the best EVER is the beam one. I forgot its name, but u get this beam thing that shoots out.
It is awesome
u can kill any ship in 1 hit.------------------
The Penguin strikes again. -
(quote)Originally posted by pistgavin:
**Confed Rule is by far the best plug-in soon-to-be-outhere------------------
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
** -
Only in GS could you legitimately beef up a rebel destroyer so that it could tear through two confed cruisers in a one-on-two bloodbath
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/solarsystem")Solar Knowledge(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/solarsystem/downloads.html")Solar Quiz(/url)|(url="http://"http://forums.evula.com/viewforum.php?f=36")Solar Forum(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/solarsystem/fribbles.html")Fribbles!(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/solarsystem/blorktronics.html")Blorktronics Software Inc.(/url)|
Originally posted by Destroyer E:
Astroid Beam - a big cheat with big fun. I prefer the X-02 BeamGuess what. I made that plug. Vers 2.0 will be out with missions that you have to complete before you get a certian beam. Im also attaching it to the Cruisers. But alas, it says it did in Vers 1.0 but it didnt work.
My choices have got to be any of the Empire Trilogy.
-Unreal Centipede
Need a minor plugin made? Email me! (url="http://"mailto:Unrealcentipede@yahoo.com")mailto:Unrealcentipede@yahoo.com(/url)Unrealcentipede@yahoo.com -
Originally posted by Unreal Centipede:
**Guess what. I made that plug. Vers 2.0 will be out with missions that you have to complete before you get a certian beam. Im also attaching it to the Cruisers. But alas, it says it did in Vers 1.0 but it didnt work.My choices have got to be any of the Empire Trilogy.
You made it? Oh, didnt knwo that. How many missions? The certain beam, is that the X-02 Beam Destroyer E is talking about? Cruisers, EV ones? Then the 1.0 has bad bug. Sad. Yes, many people vote for the Empire plugs. Tim is famous.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions -
Funitude? That is not a word.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions -
Frozen Heart. Sure that was originally a Overide Plugin, but it had a file to convert it to EV original.
Hey! If I want cheesey poofs, I'll get cheesey poofs!
-Eric Cartman Law Enforcer
"Respect my Authorita!"
(quote)Originally posted by Woofy:
**Well, you're not a General. So if you can have a fictional title I can use fictional words.:p I am the second highest leadership in Rebels! Now bow before me and use real words!------------------
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions