Without plugins: torpedo. With plugins: stellar torpedo (Oreste). I realized these were not only slow, but, like other secondary (projectile) weapons, you have to keep going back and restocking. So I went into the data file (a copy) and created a plug that not only increased it's speed and reload time, but also made it "unlimited." Yes, I know it's kinda like cheating, but now I've got a torpedo "machine-gun." BRRRRRRRRRRRRRP! I don't worry about the cheating part, since now the bounty hunters, pirates, and whoever else is angry at me using it. However, I do know how to get out of the way! All it takes is a touch of the afterburner and those torps fall by the wayside. As for primaries: protons all the way! I also like the NaCl beam (also "fixed") in the Oreste plugin. I think the perfect fighting machine would have to be a combination of either the Oct ship that you're able to buy (Mugabi and Destiny) or the SuperEagle (Oreste), stellar torpedoes, and NaCl beam (or alternatively the Peanut Spoons (Quantumire trilogy).
"Time's fun when you're having flies."--Kermit the Frog
(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 09-15-2002).)