Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Out of curiosity... many of you who have played the original Escape Velocity inside out believe it's still the best of the series? Many complain of Nova's missions / primary objectives being too repetitive, and lacking anything new on the basis of storylines. Yet it holds the sharp edge in AI and graphics, as well as plugin expansion capabilities. As far as your EV gaming experience is concerned, which do you consider (EV or Nova) to be the overall better game?

      Thought this might be interesting.

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      "Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny

    • Nova is a better game, but EV is better for webstories.

    • I really liked the playability of EV after you finished a Major Mission string. Without plugs EV was still fun to play after you "beat it". After I finished all the storylines in Nova I just felt that it was sort of empty just going around blasting pirates. I also enjoyed the EV story more. I don't want to be the all powerfull savior of the universe who can kill scores of people with a glance. I want to be the puny star captain who through plain luck and sharp reflexes upsets the entire balance of power.

      Drop the banjo and step away from the fire hydrant.

    • I agree that EV was probably better in some respects....see ProtoformX's post....The Nova graphics, escort control and AI is better, but EV's mission strings are better thought out. Nova's AI is also less than perfect when controling fleets with escorts and fighters. Maybee this will be fixed in future versions.

      Join us.....or Die!!

    • The classic Confederation/Rebellion storyline, plus the freedom to play across mission strings with the same pilot file, makes EV my favorite for gameplay...even though Nova is clearly superior in every other way. I recently started up EV and found it kind of painful. Who knew I'd miss angled ships and engine glows so much?

      When plugs faithful to the EV universe (and style) make their way to Nova, life will be terribly entertaining. 🙂

      "Your death will be the proof that Horus does not lie."
      Roger Zelazny, Creatures of Light and Darkness

    • Quote

      Originally posted by ProtoformX:
      **I really liked the playability of EV after you finished a Major Mission string. Without plugs EV was still fun to play after you "beat it". After I finished all the storylines in Nova I just felt that it was sort of empty just going around blasting pirates. I also enjoyed the EV story more. I don't want to be the all powerfull savior of the universe who can kill scores of people with a glance. I want to be the puny star captain who through plain luck and sharp reflexes upsets the entire balance of power.


      I post on the EV board, not the EVN board right? 😃 In my opinion, Escape-Velocity was the best of the series. Override comes in a sad, pathetic third but that may just be a personal opinion. The storyline in Nova was way too much to think about the first time playing through it. It also seemed to have a more linear basis than the other games in the series. Vell-Oss ships are fun to fly though =).

      There was one thing about Nova that I absolutely loved and hated all at the same time. The Vell-Os mission that throws you to your knees as a slave and then, rather quickly, puts you back on your feet in a whole new game. On the plus side, something like that has never been done in EV. It really hits home when your precious outfitters and shipyards are wrestled away from you. The down side: it makes you incredibly powerful too quickly. The first time I played EV, I was wandering around for hours before I even discovered that there are missions offered in the spaceport bar. Even then, I spent a good solid month working up to the Alien Cruiser Mission.

      I fondly remember the first time I bought a laser cannon in EV. "Look! I have a gun!" In my blissfull ignorant glee, I fired upon the first thing I saw: A Confed Frigate. After it whooped my ass, I had a serious fear of the Confederation for quite some time. It wasn't until I was riding around in a decked out Confed Cruiser that I felt comfortable with them again. It's been a long time since then. I've thrashed Confed and Rebel cruisers with Shuttlecraft and Defenders, and I've played through just about every plugin available. (Soul, yours is still the best) The EV universe is mine for the taking. (excepting Sol of course. Proof that sheer numbers will eventually drive a person insane)

      When EV:O was released, I was immediately unimpressed. Minor engine changes, crappy graphics (IMHO), horrible balance... You name it, I didn't like it. Don't even get me started on the ship designs. I never really started developing for the EV:O Engine, never posted on the EV:O boards, and never even played through too much of the game. I found that my favorite part was the Emhalga (sp?) mission string. So, after briefly dallying with the sequel to EV, I went back to my humble roots and did a bit of work on some EV-Plugins. I picked up a tiny bit of graphical talent on the way and now, I'm still working on getting New Republic into the hands of the public (We're close.... Very close).

      Then, EV:N came out. After checking out the screen shots and movies, I wasn't very impressed. That all changed when I played the actual game. Very crisp, well-done graphics; excelent writing and background; and a more realistic sci-fi nature than the previous games. However, despite it's immediate outward appearance, there were many things that I soon began to have problems with. The first was the sound. I'm not a fan of the nova sound set. In fact, It was just a downright turnoff. Thankfully, I'm not the type to shun a game because of such a simple flaw. I began to trade, of course, to pick up a bit of extra cash. I really enjoyed the pre-modified and damaged ships available in the yard as well as the outfit selection available (on any decent planet). I thought I was doing pretty well in the trading business when I accidently ran into the Vell-Os String. I covered that above and why I enjoyed it so now I'll cover the drawbacks. Suddenly, EV became very linear. All options were stripped away and there wasn't much I could do. I became sick of flying all over the galaxy as an errand boy (Although the hypergates help ALOT) and just started running the special Vell-Os-only available missions in the Mission Computer. (Cargo and Passenger) I did enjoy kicking the crap out of people with the pansy-tree-hugger-named Vell-Os beams but with a simple weapon selection and no way to expand things, it got old quick. Finally, I got as far into the string as the unregistered version would take me and quit playing. I purged the copy from my drive for the time being (although I still have the installer on a CD). When I have more time, I'll send in the registration and start playing it again (which will probably be sooner than later)

      Despite all of Nova's strong points, It just doesn't capture the gung-ho feel of the original. In EV, you're a one-man army out to crush an entire empire or an entire rebelion. There are plenty of ships to get in your way and you're worshiped for your accomplishments. Besides, the unprofessional writing and various references throw in through the game gave it a fun, inviting feeling. Nova hits a serious note that doesn't ring very well with me.

      Despite that small essay I just wrote that didn't really go anywhere and could have been summed up with "EVO Suck. Nova Good. EV better," I suppose I won't make a final judgement decision quite yet. I have yet to fully explore Nova, so for now, It's got the benefit of the doubt. I'll get back to you on that in a month or so when I decide to pick it up for good.


      "I live my life a quarter-mile at a time." - Dominic Toretto, The Fast And The Furious

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Low-Key:
      **I post on the EV board, not the EVN board right?


      Huh? I said I liked EV's missions and story better than Nova's, considering that is 75% of the game I think that means in all I like EV better than Nova. That is until someone puts out the first kick-ass plug.

      Drop the banjo and step away from the fire hydrant.

    • (quote)Originally posted by Phil Barron:

      When plugs faithful to the EV universe (and style) make their way to Nova, life will be terribly entertaining. ;)) to it. 16-bit color, improved AI and far greater engine capabilities make Nova inviting for plugin developers, but complicated games don't always beat simplicity.

      Agreed about Override; I was very unimpressed with the graphics the first time I set eyes on them. Ambrosia should release a new version with improved graphics instead of shiny, flying plastic space objects (much like version 1.4 and on of EV).

      From the looks of it, Nova is going to have some gorgeous plugins. Dune looks great from what I've seen, as do many others... I would especially like to see a Star Wars plugin pressed to perfection. Nova is just the game for such a plug.

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      "Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Phil Barron:
      **I recently started up EV and found it kind of painful. Who knew I'd miss angled ships and engine glows so much?

      Ugh. I know exactly how you feel.

      I agree with nearly everything Low-Key said, especially "EVO Suck. Nova good. EV Better."
      I completed nearly everything in Nova in less time than it took me to finish the Rebel missions in EV Classic. The only things in the game I haven't done are:
      The last few Gli-Tech missions
      The Auroran Thunderforge missions
      The Polaris branch where you get a multi-jump organ
      The Pirate missions

      Now I guess I'm just waiting for the huge TC plug-ins to start rolling in. 😄

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.
      (url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:

      16-bit color, improved AI and far greater engine capabilities make Nova inviting for plugin developers, but complicated games don't always beat simplicity.


      Those aspects certainly are inviting but there's one problem. The "complicated" side of things spills from the game into the development. From my past expierence, most major EV plugins died because the developers were unwilling to put forth the time and effort to sort out the inter-laced network of EV resources. EVN makes things much more complicated than EV ever was. I'm going to guess that we'll see just about as many EVN plugs as EV plugs because the higher number of players will offset the per-capita successful plugin developers.

      To make that as simple as possible: Lower % of successful plugin developers but more total players = same number of good plugs.

      Any insight?


      "I live my life a quarter-mile at a time." - Dominic Toretto, The Fast And The Furious

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
      **I've had plans for creating an EV-type universe for the Nova engine (remakes of all the original graphics). I'm sure someone will beat me to it, however.

      Wait for Port Authority.


      Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:

      Agreed about Override; I was very unimpressed with the graphics the first time I set eyes on them. Ambrosia should release a new version with improved graphics instead of shiny, flying plastic space objects (much like version 1.4 and on of EV).

      I kinda liked Override's graphics; the ships had a certain style to them I found catchy.
      I was disappointed that they chose to reuse the old planet graphics, but hey, what can you do? 🙂

    • Personally, I was extremely disapointed with the Nova scenario. I cannot much judge the engine, seeing as many features are not even USED in the scenario.

      EV by far. EVN has a horrid scenario, and the engine does not make up for it.

      "Sex is not the answer; sex is the question. Yes is the
      - Woody Allen

    • i think override was best of the 3 but EV is and always will be better than Nova.

      Insanity has its advantages

    • (quote)Originally posted by Blackdog:
      **I kinda liked Override's graphics; the ships had a certain style to them I found catchy.
      I was disappointed that they chose to reuse the old planet graphics, but hey, what can you do? 😛

      Some of the models were cool, though.

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      "Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Low-Key:
      **To make that as simple as possible: Lower % of successful plugin developers but more total players = same number of good plugs.

      If the greater number of total players does indeed yield a greater number of would-be developers - folks willing to at least try - then yeah, I agree. But I think Nova's relative complexity is going to keep those numbers low. Lower, anyway. And that would make for a lower number of good plugs.

      On the other hand - I think (hope?) that the good plugs for Nova will be really good, because only the truly dedicated and talented developers are going to push those complex projects through to the end. ::oh Martin Turner, where art thou?::

      "Your death will be the proof that Horus does not lie."
      Roger Zelazny, Creatures of Light and Darkness

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Phil Barron:
      **And that would make for a lower number of good plugs.

      Something tells me EVN will have a ton of those "FORKLIFT!!!!" or "adds a planet next to the <insert planet here> planet." I don't have to deal with it, since the only mac I have has 7.5.5 OS. Heh.

      Never try to meditate on ecstasy.-Me
      If someone with Multiple Personality Disorder kills himself, is it Suicide or Homicide?- me again
      |(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)|(url="http://"")EVPlayers(/url)|(url="http://"")Escape Velocity: Rebel's Base(/url)|(url="http://"")Our classes thinkquest site.(/url)

    • EV was, and still is, one of the greatest games ever. Nova, whilst being great to play, is not a great game. EV is a modern version of Elite, and will go down in legend among mac gamers... the series has been one of the few things which has made PC owning friends seriously consider a mac for their next computer.
      The storyline was great. You can't beat a good civil war, especially an intergalactic one. The rebels seemed to be genuinely good, whilst in EVN there's a sort of 'dark side' revealed at the end to make you wonder whether you did the right thing. An in EVO, as well as looking pathetic, the Voinians just weren't a good alternative 'bad guy'. The only good point was fighting alongside the emalghia, which was cool, but other than that, the game was dull and the soundset came from a 3 year old's 'space lazer' toy.
      Long live EV, and I can't wait for EV to be released on the EV:N engine.

      Given that God is infinite... and that the Universe is also infinite... would you like a muffin?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
      **< snip> (1st post)


      Hmm... Well. That's a toughy. I'd have to agree that Nova's missions are pretty repetative, in that you're almost always either escorting someone somewhere or infiltrating bases. There aren't enough of the "Go and get this ship" missions without being apart of the Guild.

      But I'd have to say Nova is better. I'm sorry, but Nova's weapons and addons are more realistic. Such as the reactors, chainguns, etc.

      EV will always be the second on my list out of favorite games (out of Playstation and Mac, since I don't play any others :))

      Keep what ye c'n git, an' keep what ye ha'e, for that is the wey t' gettin' rich - Old Scottish Commoner Saying - "Mac users are loyal. PC users are stubborn

    • ...and for a little extra touch to the topic, I personally don't think the Nova graphics are that much of an improvement in game. The close-ups of the Nova graphics as seen in the Image Gallery are very, very impressive, but I can't say there's too much difference between the Nova movies I've watched and my EV gaming career. Just the explosians in general are very similar...

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      "Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny

    • Quote

      Originally posted by ProtoformX:
      **Huh? I said I liked EV's missions and story better than Nova's, considering that is 75% of the game I think that means in all I like EV better than Nova. That is until someone puts out the first kick-ass plug.


      wow, word hungry or something?
