Originally posted by Divals the Conqueror:
**Another good way to dominate systems is, if you have a LOT of fighters and escorts (35 or so), deploy all your fighters until the system is full, then demand tribute. The planet will send out one ship. destroy it and demand tribute again - voila! instant domination.
You can only have 6 escorts.
But asuming that all of those 6 escorts are cruiser, who all hold 4(?) smaller ships, you have 24 ships. And asuming that you have a six ships yourself (which is max, if you are in a cruiser ship, and have bought the Hawk Bay and put two hawks therein) you get 30 ships. 31 with you.
The max is 32 ships in a system at once (right? or is it 64?), hence the Feds will manage to send out one ship at the time, and a Frigate can easily take out a Hawk, Manta or a Patrol Ship. So in the end, not even that trick will work as you after a while will be alone with a bunch of Frigates.
Sol sucks. 
If you cannot say something nice about a man, cut his head off! >=)