Excellent job, Azdara. I'm quite impressed.
Stats for the Dreden Poseidon Superdestroyer
Shields: 3,500
Armor: 3,500
Speed: 250
Fuel: 6 Jumps
Price: 50,000,000 credits
50 Quad Plasma Turrets
1 Neutron Trinity Cannon
1 Starwraith Rocket Launcher
25 Starwraith Rockets
25 Turreted Plasma Torpedo Launchers
2000 Turrted Plasma Torpedoes
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GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Battle.net: Skyblade86
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(url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net/evwebstory")An EV Webstory(/url) - Coming soon to the EV forum.