Originally posted by dudz:
"HE" will attack you? who is he, i play EVO 3 years ago, some ship steals millions off me but no one dare to attack me cause i got the bestest ship (with other my team ships) without using any cheats.
"He" is supposed to be a "she". She is the one that steals all your money. As for your "bestest ship", I assure you, you wouldn't have a chance. You just can't beat a ship that is hard-wired into the game.
Originally posted by Jimbob:
She hasn't attacked me yet,and I am at about 120 days, 115 hours.
Originally posted by dudz:
how do you make cheat plug-in?
Well, you're on a PC, so you're on your own on that one. However, there are lots of nice, pretty, redundant cheat plugs in the Addons section.
If you can't find the Addons section, well, you're on your own on that one, too. 
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