Originally posted by Cyber-Dragon:
Originally posted by Mac:
Yeah? Try editing your message you just posted from school as unregistered.;)
Thank you, Mac.
Originally Posted by Spacey:
Well, since the imature ones don't enjoy the facts of true life...
They are definitly "facts of true life" (which is bad grammer, but we'll let you slide :p), but they are not facts you just go around blahing on about. 1,500 years ago, you couldn't say, "I'm dating Clarise de Chigrate." It just wasn't done. Maybe 1,500 years from now, you'll be socially allowed to talk about your "intamte side." Untill then, stick to more appropriate (sp) topics.
Originally Posted by Spacey:
...then I have deleted this post. Sorry for being one of the more mature ones here...
Posting something like that just shows that you aren't mature (more bad grammer in there).
Originally Posted by Spacey:
< Cough Cough> Shade and Cyber aren't mature... <Cough Cough>
Ignoring the rudeness (and even more bad grammer) in this tidbit, I'd like to say that it's " Dragon " not "Cyber." It'd be like be calling you, "Betweeny."
Originally Posted by Moose:
New Idea: Let's make Soda Wars with Cold Stone, when it comes out.
What is Coldstone? I thought it was a proggaming tool...
Originally Posted by Moose:
(Spacey,what happened to that idea of yours? Did you drop it because Cyber-Dragon said it was "erotic"? Musn't exite Cyber-Dragon,after all. He might drool on his keyboard.)
I take it you were joking of course... Dragon readies his fleets... 
I have no time to check this for grammer errors, please excuse themm along with the extra-long post.**
Ya know what Cyber, I stopped talking to you for a reason...
And how are those two sentences bad grammer?
And they are facts of true/real life. A man, about a year ago, came upon a small yaht (sp) and found a young female half-naked. Although none of her explicite (sp) body parts were exposed... Half-naked just means not properly clothed. Think about thinks before trying to flame me!
<Update> Alliance between Faction Leader Spacey and Faction Leader Cyber-Dragon has been changed to normal Treaty. Too much disagreement between two parties can become an ill-mannered war.
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