Originally posted by The Space Between:
**(My ship is not "miniscule." Check it out at Adam's Shipyard. It's the very last one. In the game, it's huge! Bigger than any ship in EV. I don't know about yours though...)
"Okay men, Dragon... are we ready? I think so." Spacey's Dreadnaught, the Cat's Eye enters system jump and is gone within seconds.
The Cat's Eye jump into the Sirius System and notices nobody there. Dragon's ship hypers in. Spacey's takes off. Dragon follows.
The Cat's Eye hypers into the Centauri system. Oddly enough, thee are no ship except for trader ship... which are ERJE Traders. "Brooks," Spacey says to his main navigational officer, "engage on ship 1, Dragon will take ship two."
Spacey destroys the ship he was after in as much time as Dragon does. They had both just killed an Argosy each. Not much, just practice.
Spacey then hailed Landfall...
Several things, before I dive into the story...
Lyra (or Dragon, or whatever), you can call TSB Spacey. We all do, but if you'd rather not, well, whatever... And Spacey, on the board in your link, I thought it was "Dirty Rating Corporation" at first.
Doesn't that place belong to Mr. Moose? Ah well, I guess the promise of a moderating position was too great to pass up. 
Alright, the MDM had entered into a very lucrative contract with a mysterious race know only as the Fantaliens. If the business deal succeeds, the MDM will be a lot richer in the near future...
Coreył (Cubed) | (url="http://"http://plugs3.evula.net/")Plugsł(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula's Lair(/url)
HappyPirateLand - because conquering the galaxy should be fun for the whole family!