well i've always been a pro rebellion guy myself, but i never really had the patiantce for their (or the confeds) mission string, and once i got a kestral i decided that i would d/l some plugs or start a new pilot (i did both :D) any way i dont think that cofeds are the best, they DEFFINATLY have the strongest ships, but they lack speed and menurverablity, wich i just can't do with out. as for the UE, story wise i like them the best, i got pretty far in their mission string befor i got bored, ship wise i think thier in between human civilian ships and the igadzra or zidra, i bought a UE destroyer, but that was befor my bro told me there was another three quarters of the gallaxy to explore
after that i did some miranu missions, and than bought myself-errr stole myself a Crecent warship from a bounty hunter. i used to use swivel uhh phase(?) cannons but they didn't do much to vonians, so i switched back to blaze cannons/turrets (oh and Blazer2, i d/l'd your eliminator plug, pretty good!) any way, im gonna stop typeing now, its 12:34am (EST) so i guess im gonna go to bed
P.S. did i write all that?
(This message has been edited by Mordon (edited 01-13-2000).)