Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Boozerama Bar 2

      14 384 64.3k

      Welcome to the back to the bar.
      Last post Cpt. Skyblade just destroyed the bar.
      Well that was easy enough solved.
      I made a new one! (ain't I a genius?)
      I walk into the boozerama and order a round of drinks, but sadly I am alone.
      Well at least I only have to pay for one drink! 🙂
      Spam? "Good Lord no Mr. Dent. The mere thought hadn't even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind."-Mr. Prosser

      (This message has been edited by Mr. Moose (edited 07-03-2001).)

    • Luke walks in, blows up this bar, and walks out, laughing.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.

    • Luke walks in later, builds a new bar, apologizes to Mr.Moose, and buys him another round of drinks.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.

    • Rawzer enters the new bar (on New France),gets drunk, and falls asleep. What did you think would happen?

      P.S. If you're gonna blow up the bar, do it after you wake me up, okay?

      Yeah, you heard me.

    • Luke wakes Rawzer up, leads him outside, blows up the bar, and then puts Rawzer back in.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Luke:
      Luke wakes Rawzer up, leads him outside, blows up the bar, and then puts Rawzer back in.


      UR leads Luke outside the ruins, but blows him up instead of the ruins. 😉

      UR gives Mr. Moose the keys to the: cellar, attic, kitchen, and command module (cockpit).

      I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

      (This message has been edited by Ultimate Rebel (edited 07-04-2001).)

    • Luke, now a pool of blood, apologizes again, sells his explosives, and becomes a buddhist.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Luke:
      **Luke, now a pool of blood

      Mr. Moose buys Luke a new body made entirly of cork.

      Spam? "Good Lord no Mr. Dent. The mere thought hadn't even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind."-Mr. Prosser

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mr. Moose:
      **Mr. Moose buys Luke a new body made entirly of cork.

      Luke enjoys his new body and buys Mr.Moose two mugs of Zaphod's Finest Jynnan Tonnyx.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.

    • If this is what the bars are like, I'll stay out of them for awhile.

      Winning is easy; losing is an art.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mr. Moose:


      Originally posted by Luke:
      **Luke, now a pool of blood

      Mr. Moose buys Luke a new body made entirly of cork.


      Rawzer throws Luke into a pond, then uses him as a flotation device.

      Yeah, you heard me.

    • Mr. Moose set up a sign. RIDE THE LUKE ONLY 25 CREDITS!

      Spam? "Good Lord no Mr. Dent. The mere thought hadn't even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind."-Mr. Prosser

    • Luke waits for someone to come for a ride, then dips them underwater and drowns them, daring anyone to ride him ever again.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.

    • I build a spoon fighting arena. Put up sign. FIGHT THE LUKE ONLY 25 CREDITS, SPOON INCLUDED!

      Spam? "Good Lord no Mr. Dent. The mere thought hadn't even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind."-Mr. Prosser

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mr. Moose:
      **I build a spoon fighting arena. Put up sign. FIGHT THE LUKE ONLY 25 CREDITS, SPOON INCLUDED!

      Luke gets out of the pool, buys a real body, burns the sign, and punches Mr.Moose in the nose.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Luke:
      **Luke gets out of the pool, buys a real body, burns the sign, and punches Mr.Moose in the nose.



      (Sorry about that whole "floatie" thing. Heh heh.)

      Yeah, you heard me.

    • Oww! That hurt! Mr. Moose grabs a extremely large spoon and whacks Luke on the head.

      Spam? "Good Lord no Mr. Dent. The mere thought hadn't even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind."-Mr. Prosser

    • You guys should simmer down. RC is about to buy every a roud of drinks but then remembers that RZ borowed all his money. RC sells all his spiffy ships and buys one Reb Cruiser. With 50 million credits he buys every one several drinks. After every one is drunk and sleeping RC walks around the bar raiding every ones walets. He is not surprised that after an hour of serching the walets he finds 7 credits.
      (next morning every one has an agonizing hang over and don't remember anything)

      Join Starbase Delta at

      (This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 07-06-2001).)

    • UR walks back into the bar and finds everyone is drunk. He then asks,
      UR: why is the word c-o-c-k written **** if you write it down in the forums? I accidentally put a space between "cockpit" and it was written "**** pit".

      I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

    • Luke laughs. "Haha! I don't have a wallet! I'm poor! No one took any of my money." Luke 🙂 s and apologizes to Mr.Moose. Then he takes out all the good stuff from behind the counter and passes it out to everyone. (Hey, when I built the third new bar, I technically own it, 'cause I built it! Yea!)

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.