Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Excellent story, Whitehawk. Aren't captains always full of interesting tales and adventures? 🙂

      Pale is the best EV plugin I've ever played...I loved it from the start, from the Argosy's quad laser turrets to the "Turtle" Battleships.

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Ok, here's another story...
      = = = = = = = = = =
      Once again, I had completed the Rebellion mission strings. I was now happy to have access to all my favorite ships, and I decided to buy a Rebel Destroyer. I outfitted it with a manta fighter bay (along with five mantas), two torpedo tubes with lots of torpedoes, and three proton turrets. Since I was still the "most wanted" of the Confederation government, I decided to make my record yet worse. I had a handy account of around thirty million credits, so paying for escorts wasn't a problem. I went to Pashlife's spaceport bar, and began hiring some ships...First, I hired four Rebel cruisers, which I had no idea what kind of impact they would have in the following battle. I also hired two desrtoyers, making my fleet the deadliest in the Rebellion. My fleet, now consisting of four cruisers and three destroyers, made its way toward my target: Sol. When I arrived, I was greeted by the sounds of missiles being fired from a Confed frigate. My fleet, of course, answered with the sound of around twenty mantas swarming the frigate, and volley after volley of torpedoes. The frigate was easy meat, and was instantly destroyed before we even made visual contact with it. That was easy enough, now for the hard part: take over Earth! Hehehe...I didn't realize how long it would take, but it payed off. I hailed Earth, demanding tribute. "Sure, we'll give you tribute!" was their reply. (Just kidding, I messed up there. 🙂 ) "You'll be begging for mercy when you see our defense fleet flying towards you!" came earth's angry reply, and I prepaired for the worst. Instantly, Confed frigates began flying from earth, firing away at me. Fortunately, the Confederation vessels were too stupid to realize all the escorts I had, and mantas and cruisers fired away. It was truely amazing seeing all the proton fire, torpedoes, and mantas blow the Confeds to dust. Due to the somewhat simple AI, the frigates never fired at my escorts very often, but were content to destroy me. I remained far enough away from the frigates to avoid most of the missile fire, while my cruisers made history out of the ill-fated frigates. For about an hour, I followed this strategy, doging guided weapons and destroying enemy ships with my torpedoes and mantas. Finally, ships stopped coming out of Earth all together, and I was relieved to receive the message: "The planet agrees to pay you tribute." Alas, the great Confederation capital had fallen into Rebellion hands, and I gave all the credit to my bold escorts. I had lost one of my destroyers, four of my mantas, and my cruisers had lost most of their mantas. However, the battle payed off, and victory had been achieved.

      I know, this isn't one of my better stories, but I thought I would tell you anyhow. 🙂

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • the stories met with my approval. 😉

      I used an old DDR-related Dictionnary,may I failt the correct meaning of to embarrase.
      Let´s simple say that I´m pleasured(something in this direction, 🙂



    • (quote)Originally posted by Hans Hansen:
      **the stories met with my approval.:) Glad you liked the stories. Do you have anymore?

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Alright story. Methinks Confed Capital would be a little harder to beat then that but it s your story.


      Are you gonna tell him that's a boy cow?
      Naw, he'll figure it out.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Desert Fox:
      **Alright story. Methinks Confed Capital would be a little harder to beat then that but it s your story.


      Are you talking about the story on the destruction of Matt Burch?

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • no new story yet,only a question:
      I loaded the famous Pale Plug down from the addons page to my G3 using Netscape 6,but when unstuffing is almost done my mac always offers me that "A Disc related error(-39) prevented the operation from concluding"

      I´m not an expert;what does this mean and what I have to do?



    • Quote

      Originally posted by Hans Hansen:
      **no new story yet,only a question:
      I loaded the famous Pale Plug down from the addons page to my G3 using Netscape 6,but when unstuffing is almost done my mac always offers me that "A Disc related error(-39) prevented the operation from concluding"

      I´m not an expert;what does this mean and what I have to do?



      Ouch, that isn't good...I've never had a problem with unstuffing a plugin. I'm sure it is just a problem on your computer, though. Try posting this problem under the "Developer's Board," I'm sure someone there can answer this for you. 🙂

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • I came in a Clipper I had bought after my old Scoutship. The Clippers design was good, and the shields and armament better. I had runned missions through the whole galaxy to get it. Now when I had the Clipper, my next step in advance would be the Argosy. I looked at Info; the cargobay of the Argosy would make me rich in almost no time I figured, plus, it had Laser Turrets! Well, now the hunt began to get enough of money for an Argosy. I loaded my Clipper full of Javelins, and launched from Luna. A few rush deliveries to the east side of the universe got me quite lot of money, and as I was making my way back to the Core Worlds, through the uninhabited systems close to Deneb a pirate Argosy suddenly appeared.

      No other ships was in the system to rescue me, and my second problem was: no fuel, no fuel scoop. After reading Scumdogs story in the Documentation about his fight against an pirate Argosy, I thought that the battle was lost from the beginning. However, my Clipper was sturdier then a Shuttle, and packed with Javelins. I scanned in the Argosy and turned against it, a few asteroids flew by, and I knew that the Javelins had to be fired with accuracy, or hit an asteroid.

      With the A-button pressed, my Clipper "Bluewing" opened fire with the Proton Cannons and fired Javelins. The Argosys turrets blazed against my ship, but before I got too close, I retreated and made myself ready for a new attack. My attack destroyed more of the Argosys shields then I had thought, and suddenly, I figured out that I perhaps could capture the Argosy, and make it my own ship.

      From behind the pirate ship, I launched a new salvo of Javelins. I had two launchers, so the firing was very rapid. Unfortunatly, the laser blasts hit my poor ship hard, and the shields were almost down as I desperatly attacked the pirate ship for the last time. His shields were at 5%, and I pressed the secondary weapon button and the space bar as hard as I could and saw the Argosys shields flow away. Problem was that my armor began to sink. With half the armor left, I turned my ship away to escape, but as I took another look at the scann I discovered that the Argosy was disabled! I had won the fight against the Argosy with my Clipper!

      I flew against it and boarded it. The capture odds was very small, I don't know if it was somewhere around 10% or even 1%, but when I pushed the "Capture Ship" button, I sent a silent prayer to someone above. My happiness when a sign with the two alternatives "Use As My Ship" or "Use Ship As Escort" can not be described in words. With this Argosy, I sooner made myself a fortune, and it was that Argosy I piloted when I joined the Rebellion, and after a long time of trustwhorty service, I bought a Corvette instead of the Argosy. But the battle against the pirate Argosy that I sooner captured was my first real fight with a sucessful ending, and can never be forgotten.

      This story wasn't perhaps so grandios as other peoples battle stories, but for me this moment was just as great as when I destroyed the Alien Crusier and its fighters.


    • Wow, Wraitho...I'll say you got really lucky in that battle. 🙂 I had a similar battle not too long ago on Override...I was in my shuttllecraft armed with three blaze cannons, and I was attacked by a Turncoat in the Chorca system. I got rid of the kraits while my damaged shields recharged, and I headed for the Turncoat. By the time I got to him, my shields were at maximum capacity, and after doing circles around him, dodging blaze fire, and monty-pythoning, I was able to disable him. (It left me on my armor, though) I boarded him, and happily stole the considerable sum of money. I then hit the "capture" button, with no intent on successfully capturing the ship, but to my surprise, the window came up saying "Use as Escort" or "Use as my Ship." I got lucky, but it still happened. 🙂 Anyway, well-told story.

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Ok, I'm making up for my long-term absence from telling stories. 🙂

      (This story occured using the "Galactic Scourge" plugin.)

      I had just destroyed the Confederation Cruiser "U.S.S. Hannibal," and had returned to the Rebel capital of Pashlife. There, I was paid for my devotion to the Rebellion, and I was granted access to the Rebel Destroyer. Previously, I had been flying a new Rebel vessel, the "Sentenial." The Sentenial was like an extrememly heavy fighter / light warship, and I had even seen them take out Confederation Frigates with there emense firepower. The Sentenial were armed with six mass drivers, one proton turret, and a generous supply of missiles and torpedoes. I now upgraded to the Rebel destroyer, and outfitted it for my next mission, which wasn't going to be easy. I bought plenty of upgrades, which gave my "Triton Corsair" a speed of 450 a.u, an excellent turning rate and acceleration that constantly saved me from the waves of Confederation missiles that often came my way. I fitted the "Triton Corsair" with three proton turrets, extra fuel tanks and ramscoops, shield capacitators and generators, and two torpedoes launchers, which had a somewhat rediculous supply of one hundred torpedoes. Torpedoes were my favorite weapon, and were crucial in the destruction of capital Confederation vessels. I was now ready for my next mission: Destroy the "Battlegroup Four" flagship, a Confederation Battleship. The Confederation Battleship is about two / three times the length of a Cruiser; It carries fourteen neutron turrets, which will tear even a Rebel Cruiser to pieces in a small matter of time. In addition, the Battleship carried about twenty "flea" class interceptors, which were extremely fast, and armed with twin proton cannons. In numbers, these vessels were dangerous. When I arrived in the system where I was to destroy the "Battlegroup Four," I was greeted by the ship's flea interceptors, and three Confederation Light Destroyers, which were the equivelent of the Rebel's "Sentenial." (The Light Destroyers also carried three flea interceptors.) So now, I have 29 Flea Interceptors chasing my ship as I attempted to escape their combined proton firepower. Had it not been for my excellent speed, the fleas would have instantly destroyed me. However, using menuvers such as swift circling runs, I was able to pick them off one by one. I had destroyed about ten of them while receiving light damage, so I decided to give them a rough firefight. I slowed my ship down to settle this chase, and fleas began to fly off in all directions, flaming and exploding. I was beginning to take proton fire, but there weren't enough fleas to finish off my reliable Rebel Destroyer. For about ten minutes, I fought the fleas, and by the time I had finished the last one, I was on my armor. Fortunately, I had fitted "Durasteel" and "Armaplast" to my ship, so my armor offered tough resistance. I was relieved I had finished the fleas, so I head for the Light Destroyers. The Light Destroyers looks somewhat like a Frigate, only smaller, with clipped wings, and stabilizers attached to the wings and hull. The Light Detsroyers were really cool ships: I hated to blow them up...BUT, they were Confederation, so I had no problem with doing so. 🙂 The Light Destroyers were armed with twin proton turrets, so primary weapons engagements with them weren't too dangerous. By the time I reached them, my shields were almost fully recharged from the long journey towards the capital vessels. By the time I actually saw the Light Destroyers on my radar, I had fired off ten torpedoes, which finished off one of them. I then made a charge right toward the duo, spraying them with proton fire. Their shields began to dip, in which one of the Light Destroyers exploded before he hardly began firing. The other Light Destroyer came right toward me, and we battled it out. We made three passes on each other, with my shields depleted to half-normal status by the time he was destroyed. Now, I could finally complete the actual meaning of the mission: Destroy "Battlegroup Four." When I saw the ship on my radar, I wasn't too excited, but I was extremely excited and happy I had such a large supply of torpedoes. Once on my radar, I began firing off torpedoes as fast as my twin launchers would allow, keeping an eye on the flagship's shields. I made circles around the monster, staying out of range of the extremely dangerous red neutron turrets. I kept firing my torpedoes, in which I was surprised at the Battleship's shield recharge rate and toughness. Each torpedo normally reduced the shields by one percent: far less then I wanted. By the time I had given the Battleship all of my 90 torpedoes, his shields were at 2%. I now had to finish off the flagship with my proton turrets, and fast. I made a "kamikaze" assault at the ship's back to avoid heavy rockets, and gave him all I had. My shields were rapidly falling, and I held out as long as I could. Atlast, I was on my armor, which was also falling very fast, so I quickly headed out of range of the Battleship's turreted death. My armor began to recharge, and I was about to give up hope of destroying the ship. Here he was, about five times the length of my destroyer, waited to kill me. I was wandering wether or not to leave the system, when my prayers were aswered. A Rebel Cruiser had enetered the system... Having my hope restored, I joined up asside the Cruiser and made the approach toward the Battleship. My shields were now on low / medium status, and the mantas made their assault. The Mantas, as expected were, quickly torn to shreds by neutron fire, so me and the Cruiser went in to finish the Confederation menace. We began to fire proton bolts rapidly, while fortunately the Cruiser took the bulk of the neutron fire (which I couldn't afford to take). For about 10 seconds, be fired away in a desperate attempt to finish off the thick layer of Tritanium armor. Finally, I let out a shout of joy as I saw the ship's status dip from "Shield's Down" to "Disabled." It took about five seconds to actually destroy the Battleship, even with seven proton turrets firing. I watched as the Battleship exploded, which took about 15 seonds...The ship drifted, began giving off small explosians all around the ship, before it actually blew. So large was the explosian that the Rebel Cruiser's shield status dropped from 28% to armor. My shields went to half-armor also, but aleast the Rebel's worse enemy had been destroyed: "Battlegroup Four." The Battle had been a fun and extremely tense one, but I didn't really feel like going out and seeking another Confederation Battleship anytime soon.

      So did you like the story? All this took place last night...I've been generously giving my time to the Rebellion cause, and enjoying every moment of the Rebel mission strings. I would also like to recommend the "Galactic Scourge" plugin...It's excellent, and makes Escape Velocity twice as good as it ever was. Thanks to Hans Hanson for telling me about the plug.

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • You guys are making it difficult to resist the plug movement. Those tales make for some serious enticement.

      (KK asks himself how much of a "purist" he really is....)

      Let's see what this button does....

    • My successes are usually followed by spectacular failure but some of the are worth a good laugh or cheer.

      1. Me in an Argosy, new off the show room floor. With proton outfits in replace of all lasers a sheild battery and a regenerator. I'm delivering emergency medical to some world or other when... pirates :eek: a clipper packed to the teeth and firing from between boulders. Rat-tat-tat. I had almost no sheild left but he was disabled. with a fourty percent chance I capture the ship and decided to use it as an escort (Argosy have more cargo room and I'd just had the ship for a short time and so far it served me well) So I'm now with a new escortand what should happen a huge fleet of confederates (who I should have been on good terms with) come at me in a large line and destroyed my new ship and caught me in the crossfire. I made it to the next system, barely.
      2. this ones even more unbelivable, Different Argosy almost same set up (but 3 sheild batteries). Just jumped into the system when a pirate corvette starts blasting me. Long chasing fight and pop a big powerful corvette for me as I approach to board a confed comes out of no where and pop. My new corvette is a cloud of smoke. :mad: I surpress my rage an let my sheilds regenerate, then a pirate clipper comes by pop pop, he's mine too and no confed to stop me. Then zip he's gone :eek: . He wasn't disabled his sheild had dropped and he had stopped to jump not because he was disabled, and I hadn't stopped to check his status :redface: . So I say the heck with it, I jump to the next system still low on sheilds and immediatly get caught between rebels and confeds. Game over. :frown:

      ...your amazing.
      "No, I am better than that."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
      **You guys are making it difficult to resist the plug movement. Those tales make for some serious enticement.

      (KK asks himself how much of a "purist" he really is....)


      Heh, that's good in a way. 🙂 I didn't even touch Escape Velocity till a few weeks ago, and with awesome plugins like "Galactic Scourge," I love it much more then Override at the moment. Sure, Escape Velocity might be old property now, but that dosen't mean it still isn't fun. 🙂

      Thanks for your story, Travesty ofthe JadenBlade...Found it interesting. The pirates can either be terribly annoying or an excellent source of money.

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Oh common...I'm sure some of you out there have some good Escape Velocity stories! 😉 Share them away!

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • How about this one? I'm in a Kestrel in this.

      I was on the Alien missions for Confeds (after completing it with Rebels). It
      was harder, because you get 1 Confed Cruiser escort instead of 2 Rebel Cruisers.

      But every time I play it, my escort cruiser goes for the Alien one. It does okay
      with my help while I'm outcircling the alien cruiser, until the alien fighters
      decide to come into play. They start firing on the confed cruiser, so I act as a
      decoy for them.

      I keep the fighters out of the way, so the Confed Cruiser (50%) and the Alien
      Cruiser (18%) can battle it out.

      And what happens? I attack one fighter, another comes in and lasers me (I'm unable to JUST be a decoy - I have to get involved in the fight, and I
      thought you had to blow the fighters up, which is possible in Rebel missions with
      a tractor).

      Anyway, I chase the fighter that lasered me, and get two more in my tail. I whip
      them anyway, leaving their own velocity to carry them far away.

      I look to my friendly Confed Cruiser, but what do I see? One of the alien fighters
      got caught up in the fire and decided to help the alien cruiser. My escort's gone,
      I have two alien fighters hunting me, and an Alien Cruiser firing so many seeker
      drones at me that even the asteroids can't protect me.

      This is getting long, so I'll continue in another speech to make it easier to handle.


    • Next, I try an outcircling attack on the nearly recovered Alien Cruiser.

      Those pesky fighters laser me as I do it.

      I through then off me with a quick run away and whip out, and then come back
      to the Alien Cruiser. I swear as I see that it has recovered again.

      I hit it, and again those pesky Alien fighters force me away.

      Shields about 15% now - nothing to worry about even without any extra armour,
      which I don't have because it takes up too much room.

      I move away and recover my shields, using the whip manouevre when necessary.

      I never use projectile weapons, by the way, except when I'm in tiny little
      ships like Scoutships, or when I'm in a massively crewed freighter and want
      to archer a big warship to being disabled and then stealing it.

      So, I come in again to again, keeping on outcircling the cruiser, lose it
      a few times and get hit by its non-violent beam. Recover again, go back in...
      This is taking ages.........

      Then, I decide to forget about my own shields and just pummel it away, ignoring
      the fighters, which spends ages flying around even when they're attacking anyway.

      So, I get it down to something like "Shields Down", when I realise that it's
      the better off, because I'm dead. 🙂

      Pride and accomplishment, you ask?

      I tried it again and blew the ship up straight off while the enemy fighters
      ate my escort cruiser.


      "Draw the line with fire"
      "Cross it with ice"
      "Meet the dragon with the fly"
      "And the fly with a proton bolt."


    • Nice going, Esponer! You might not have won the first battle with the aliens, but you sure put up quite a fight. I must agree that the alien missions are much harder when working for the Confederation. Normally I work for the Rebellion anyway, so the two cruisers will offer plenty of help. Thanks for the story!

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Heh, heh. My biggest success story took place in Propus in my refurbished Corvette. I had recently witnessed a battle between a confed frigate and a rebel ship. Unfortunately, the rebels were decimated, but they lowered the confed's shields so far that I disabled it with 2 torpedoes, stole its ammo, and blew it to smithereens! Then a bunch of gunboats went after me, but they were toast after 2 torps each. Of coarse, then I had to restock my ammo on New Scotland, but Pfft! Big deal. Well, that's all my exciting stories! (I now have a rating of MOSTLY Harmless! :redface:


    • (quote)Originally posted by Rawzer:
      **Heh, heh. My biggest success story took place in Propus in my refurbished Corvette. I had recently witnessed a battle between a confed frigate and a rebel ship. Unfortunately, the rebels were decimated, but they lowered the confed's shields so far that I disabled it with 2 torpedoes, stole its ammo, and blew it to smithereens! Then a bunch of gunboats went after me, but they were toast after 2 torps each. Of coarse, then I had to restock my ammo on New Scotland, but Pfft! Big deal. Well, that's all my exciting stories! (I now have a rating of MOSTLY Harmless!;) Those Confederation junkboats take nothing to destroy. The only thing that makes them half-fit for combat duty is their quite intense amount of firepower. Besides that, you're better off with a shuttle. 😉

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")