Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Unoriginal me starts a bar

      Anyone who wants to see an example of the bar, head over to the EVO web boards.

      After a series of crippling pirate attacks in the Zebetrious system, the Confeds built a station there called Jersed Station after some famous guy in the past. As luck would have it, Starkiller and his ship, the Bendu, stops at that station. As Starkiller walks in to the new bar...

      AIM: FlyForRabbi

    • ...A sinister man is waiting for him.

      As Starkiller enters, the man does not stand up but beckons him over to the secluded corner of the smoky bar.

      He speaks 'I am the one they call the Hermit Crab. Someone is after you. I don't know who they are or what they want, but if you want to escape alive I would go into the back NOW!"

      He shouts the end of the sentance as two men fully armed, enter the bar and...

      Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.

    • They draw their weapons and...
      shoot Hermit Crab!

      (This message has been edited by Entropy (edited 01-07-2001).)

    • Hermit Crab stumbles backward in surprise and his head droops.

      Suddenley a sinister laughter begins and he raises his head again, his face twisted in a wicked smile.

      He speaks 'YOU? A mere mortal DARES to attack ME? Blood shall flow!'

      And with that he outsretches his hand and a fireball engulfs one of the men.

      He turns to Starkiller. 'Run, NOW!'

      Starkiller promptly legs it but the other man, knowing a thing about space demons such as the Hermit Crab pulls out a....

      Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.

    • ...small, 20 cc. vial of reddish liquid, 2 small peaces of teak, and a peice of chalk. laying the teak on the floor, he chalks an octagon on the floor and pours the reddish liquid over it. A ghostly apparition appears in the octagon...

      (by the way, none of these people are me.)

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • ...shnug, which repels the blast. The shnug is a small metalic shpere, and a kind of kryptonite for space demons. Starkiller turns, and sees his friend slowly losing conciousness. Forgetting about the second man, he creeps up behind the one with the shnug, and...

      "He who goes to bed with an itchy butt wakes up with a smelly finger"

    • (..garottes him with a rolled up napkin.) "Gaack! Uaaack! Uck.." He then quickly brushes the chalk away, vaporizing the shnug.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • A man named Rogan Edwards walks in. He completly ignores the inferno and walks calmly over to the bar and orders a Saalian brandy.

      I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.

    • The body of Gunsh lies still and the space demon that has caused so much pestilence is finnaly slain by someone looking for a different person bloody typical.

      Suddenly, another being enters the bar. It is the one they call Gunship BloodDemon, someone that legends say, left the boards to find his destiny.

      Gunship looks down upon the broken body of his brother Gunsh and a smile comes from his twisted lips.

      He screams ' Honour and death!' and hurls himself into a frenzy of spinning Kakatchu blades, slaying most of the occupunts of the bar and then stubs his toe on a barstool.
      'OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' he yells and then clapses, yelping like Driver the dog. The Demon brothers are slain. Or are they?

      Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.

    • "I'm sorry sir. You're in the wrong universe," says the BarDroid to Rogan. "I heard that the Crescent Station in the paralell univese {EVO Webboard} serves excellant Saalian Brandy, though."

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

      (This message has been edited by Entropy (edited 01-07-2001).)

    • yes

      Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.

    • In the rabble, a cleaning crew arrives and sticks all the bodies through a Recycle-O-Matic. Starkiller asks why the bodies are being crushed instead of buried. "There's no soil on Jersed, and throwing the bodies out into space is a waste. They make good fertilizer for the hydroponics, though...
      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

      (This message has been edited by Entropy (edited 01-07-2001).)

    • Rogan looks sad. "Oh **** it, give me a beer" he says.

      I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.

    • Suddenly a ghostly apparition appears again.

      It is Gunsh and now he speaks. ' I know I've not always been good but now well... you're all gonna die!'

      At this, hundreds of Voinian and renegade vessels arrive in the system with guns powered up.

      'When they board this station, all of my enemys will be ripped to pieces. Even in death I win!'

      'Good luck Starkiller' says a voice in his head and Starkiller finds himself equipped with a card with Gunsh's identity printed on it.

      The fleet begins to board the station to avenge their demonic friend.

      Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.

    • The inhabitants of Jersed Station watch helplessly as death approaches in the form of the Voinian armada. The massive ships engage their weapons systems and target the station. Hardened soldiers weep like children as they pray to their gods for salvation.

      Suddenly, the ships begin to power down their weapons. The great fleet sweeps around the station and toward the outer reaches of the system; they vanish in a blaze of light as they return to their own dimension.

      As people on the station look on in confusion and wonder, the station's public address system crackles. "Attention," says the station's communication's officer. "Everything is all right. The Voinians just had the wrong address."

      not drowning, waving

      (This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 01-08-2001).)

    • Okay.
      Just as everything seems to be going haywire, a light freighter jumps into the system. "This is the 'S.S. Ganja'," crackles over the comlink, "requesting permission to dock."

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • Something detaches itself from the freighter and moves towards the planet.

      It appears to be a ship but no humanoid could live in it surely....

      suddenley the station bar comm link flashes up
      ' We are space gnomes. We are the only known galactic allies of the renegades and Voinians. Gunsh was our friend. There are many of us'

      At which point, numerous gnomes jump into the bar and shoot some aliens for good measure.

      It is inevitable. The brawl begins....

      Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.

    • Wait a minute....

      This is the wrong universe!

      The gnomes shrug and attack anyway

      Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.

    • The gnome suddenly realize that they connot survive in the hostile coding of EV, starkly contrasting with their home turf of EVO. They collapse and the story reverts to normal.
      "This is the S.S. Ganja. Requesting permission to dock."

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • "Repeat. This is the S.S Ganja requesting permission to dock. Please respond."

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.