Ambrosia Garden Archive

      Hello, i am forced to get rid of my macintosh, since ambrosia doesn't make any windows games, how am i supposed to play my favorite game, escape velocity. I've played escape velocity for over 4 years. I need something to ease me off it (a program that is a lot like it) or how can i get it on windows? Is there a "virtual macintosh" program or "soft mac" or something. I am entering a world of ****. Please email me for a response (quicker), but you can post it here, i may not find it though. ;( ;( ;( :frown: :frown: :frown: X(


    • If you do check again there are mac emulaters out on the web...oh and another game "like" this for pc is terminal velocity...except throwout the rpg kindish adveture stuff and just have spaceships going around shooting each other..its kinda good...nowhere near as good as EV..well that just plains sucks for you...oh and get rebellion...


    • Yea, it really sucks. I've seen emulators like gemulator but i can only use progs with 3-4 megs or less space. I was searching around for one a long time just for EV. EV is the only game i play. I like the whole rpg part (disarming ships, stealing their goods, trying to get better for better ships and weapons, etc.). I'm entering a world of ****.


    • Why do you have to get rid of mac?

      Bah bah black sheep have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full. **
      (url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)**

    • Because there aren't many good games for mac. EV is the only game I like for Mac. If I could afford a new computer I would buy a Compact Presario. I don't know, I wouldn't get a new Mac because of the lack of games but I want to be able to use EVN and I don't think this computer will be able to handle it? The imac has enough space to run MacOS and windows doesn't it? Mabee I should try get one of them. What are you getting?

      Sacrafice escorts for the
      better good!

    • WAIT! I'm playing EV on windows, you know. I'm using the emulator Executor 2.

      Download it here : (url="http://"")

      It works without problem, and I have a P200, 64 RAM. The emulator is about 8 megs unzipped.
      You don't have to stop! Stay with EV!
      By the way, I tried to run EVO on this emulator, but the graphics are too complex and the game is too slow for the emul.


    • Why do you have to get rid of your Mac? Someone's Mac is their pride and joy. It is what gets them to get up and go to work (or school) so they can come home and use it.

      Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Macintosh Man:
      **It is what gets them to get up and go to work (or school) so they can come home and use it.


      Sounds a bit like me 😉

      I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.

    • Why can't you keep your old Mac even though you are getting another computer? Can't you have both? I have my old computers.

      Row, row, row your boat
      Gently down the stream
      Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
      Life is but a dream!

    • Hey Senso, do you have the full version, or just the demo? Do i need a EV rom or something or extra hardware/software to play?


    • hey senso, I downloaded that demo, how do I play ev on it?

      if I have asked a question, please reply

    • The site where I got the demo also gave me a .reg file so you can use the emul demo forever. I don't have the link with me cause I'm on another computer, but I'll get it tomorrow.

      You simply open the program, they browser in your files, find your EV copy and click on it. Simple as Macs. You don't need anything else, the game and the emulator. Stuffit Expander (old vesion) is included in it, so you can expand the EV .bin.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Jude:
      **Why can't you keep your old Mac even though you are getting another computer? Can't you have both? I have my old computers.


      I use my old computer as a stand for my monitor. 🙂

      Keep watch only for the
      giants, and you'll be
      eaten by the ants

    • this message comes up:
      escape_velocity.bin" is too big to fit in one window (5401984 bytes).

      you may open a 32000 character
      selections, starting at position : 0

      multi-window Etext cancel OK

      what shall I do now?

      if I have asked a question, please reply

    • huh I dunno... do you tried to open the .bin file with stuffit? it's the icon on top left. Maybe you tried to open it with a text editor, I don't know.


    • yeah, text editor

      if I have asked a question, please reply

    • the game goes really fast and its difficult to drive the ship, what shall I do?

      if I have asked a question, please reply

    • Quote

      Originally posted by escape_alex:
      **the game goes really fast and its difficult to drive the ship, what shall I do?

      At the title screen, select Set Preferences (or whatever it's called) and reduce the game speed from 100%. Repeat as needed until the pace of the game feels comfortable to you.

      not drowning, waving

    • And you can always use the scroll lock button to double your current speed, so you can put the normal speed at like 75% and double it when there are no risks.


    • I GOT IT TO WORK!!! I WANT TO THANK YOU SO MUCH SENSO!!! YOU ARE MY HERO!!! I"M SO HAPPY I'M CRYING!!! OH THE JOY!!! OH THE JOY!!! BTW how do you get that emulator registration thing? I want to thank you so much.
