well actually I think all the graphixs are there. I don't do graphics though so I wouldn't now. What you need is a toy of each air unit and have a good drawer do and overhead of each. Then spin with what you need and bingo. Everything for that isn't so hard afterwords.
It is kinda like combining EV and SC together. Some of the larger space battles can be done on SC, or ground assualts. Now if we managed to implament Quake II levels into this, that would be better. Say, a level for each ship, I think that is like, 4 terran, 4 zerg, and 4 toss, 12 levels. Then each ship has a certain number of defending crew. Say, 400 for the Carrier and Battlecruiser, err to many, but you see what I mean.
I was thinking to my self about trying to get SC and EV together in an RPG, like all attempts to claim a planet is fought in SC, and all space is used under EV rules. Take a LONG time to do it, but I think it is do able. I was thinking about it for the past week.
Those who stand, will always fall.