Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Has anyone tried putting SC into EV?

      Well, what I mean is, useing the flying units of Starcraft in EV. Take a while but it is doable I think. Just thought I would ask, being a SC player.

      (hmmm... a quake II lvl on board an EV ship, like the confed cruiser mabey, I wander...)

      If there is a plug out there, TELL ME PLEZ ehhe

      Those who stand, will always fall.

    • Wow the 2 best games together? sounds awesome, let me know if u find one 🙂

    • starcraft=best game ever?

      hah gimme a break!


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Capt. Splender:
      **Well, what I mean is, useing the flying units of Starcraft in EV. Take a while but it is doable I think. Just thought I would ask, being a SC player.

      (hmmm... a quake II lvl on board an EV ship, like the confed cruiser mabey, I wander...)

      If there is a plug out there, TELL ME PLEZ ehhe


      I tried to get this going a year or so ago. Of course that was before it was out for the mac so I didn't have a lot of support. Hey if anyone does start this give me an email and I'll help you set up everything you need, except graphics.



    • Starcraft is THE spacegame... 😉

      "Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
      -Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-

    • well actually I think all the graphixs are there. I don't do graphics though so I wouldn't now. What you need is a toy of each air unit and have a good drawer do and overhead of each. Then spin with what you need and bingo. Everything for that isn't so hard afterwords.

      It is kinda like combining EV and SC together. Some of the larger space battles can be done on SC, or ground assualts. Now if we managed to implament Quake II levels into this, that would be better. Say, a level for each ship, I think that is like, 4 terran, 4 zerg, and 4 toss, 12 levels. Then each ship has a certain number of defending crew. Say, 400 for the Carrier and Battlecruiser, err to many, but you see what I mean.

      I was thinking to my self about trying to get SC and EV together in an RPG, like all attempts to claim a planet is fought in SC, and all space is used under EV rules. Take a LONG time to do it, but I think it is do able. I was thinking about it for the past week.

      Those who stand, will always fall.

    • I've thought of that to.Just to lazy to do it.

      Aircad Member

    • Starcraft absolutely smegs the smeg man 🆒! (that's smeg in good sense) 🙂

      Join the AmbrosiaSW seti team at (url="http://";=AmbrosiaSW")

      Check out Secret Chimps' Kewl BB at: [

      T-Minus](<br />
      <br />
      T-Minus) 15.193792102158E+9 years until the universe closes.
      -Durandal, Rampant AI, UESC Marathon

      That damn computer keeps giving me empty promises
      about reinforcements.

      What good does a intelligence quotient of ten thousand do
      when you've got strangling hands around you're throat?
      -Leela, Ship Operations AI, UESC Marathon

    • How often do you use the word smeg?

      You're unique, just like everybody else.

      Those things, those things! They're all around, they hide in the corners until they see light...

    • I will look into seeing if I can make the rpg, and figure out what the problems would be. And then go through the minor stuff such as how to make it run. The core problem is getting SC into EV rpg. That will take time and maney tries to get it to work out. It would also involve designing maps and other wanderful stuff. I will see what I can though together over the next month.

      Those who stand, will always fall.

    • umm this is pretty ƒuckin stupid, why would we take games weve all played and got bored of and put them together. plugins base off shows or movies always suck and people don't seem to catch on to that veary quickly at all

      starcraft is only good for internet play.

      Weazle is Fed up with your ShĄt, and he's going to kill YOU!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Capt. Splender:
      well actually I think all the graphixs are there. I don't do graphics though so I wouldn't now. What you need is a toy of each air unit and have a good drawer do and overhead of each. Then spin with what you need and bingo. Everything for that isn't so hard afterwords.

      Just get an archive extractor and take the .smk files of all the units. It's pretty easy, I have (or had) all the movies, pictures, some sounds and scenerios of SC as individuals files.

      Oh wait, you need Windows to do that... 😃

      tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - - Rip the System!

      (This message has been edited by Soviet mikee (edited 07-31-2000).)

    • Well, the problem there is that I have windows, and a mac, but my PC is faster then my mac.

      Also, Weazle, befor you start yelling at someone you never met, make sure you spell right. Just a thought, must mean you play more EV then you do school, pretty dumb if you ask me. Oh and I wasn't asking your opinion, I just said that I would look into it. If SC doesn't fit in then I will use the ships and goves, but leave out to Planetary battles. I myself got bord with the strict EV rpg's, sure they are good for a while, but what fun is it when it is just message boards with people yelling at you.
      I have added the sureface battles to add more multi-player to it. If it doesn't work out then I will take out the planet battels and leave it to the original way.

      P.S. The more you swear Weazle, the more people will ignor you.

      Those who stand, will always fall.

    • Just go in and rip the graphics straight out of starcraft.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Yoda:
      **Just go in and rip the graphics straight out of starcraft.

      I think it's dead, Yoda. I mean, the last post is from over a month ago. If this StarCraft plug were going anywhere, I'm sure you'd hear about it.

      A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

    • Show me someone making a Starcraft plug and I'll show you a Kosher Ham.

      I bought a Venus Fly Trap today. I was going to name it 'Republican', but the fly trap is beneficial to the enviroment. I'll save that name - someday I might find a plant that eats poor people and minorities.
      (url="http://"")October Development(/url)
      (url="http://"")A Thousand Worlds(/url)
      (url="http://"")A Thousand Worlds Public Webboard(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by OctoberFost:
      **Show me someone making a Starcraft plug and I'll show you a Kosher Ham.


      A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

    • I say screw the plug in...

      I made a Quake 2 level instead for Star Port Alpha, and the Confed Cruiser. Still working on the Rebel Cruiser map.

      These can be played in 2 ways, DM, or you can kill Confed or Rebel Ass!!!
      (confeds are Tank Commnaders, Rebels are puny plaster dudes 🙂 )

      I am still debugging all of them, but they are getting there. sniffs takes so Fing long.

      Oh my god! They killed Kenny... YOU BASTARDS!!!

    • if anyone let me use their ship sprites, i could have a go at it.

      'Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for one night. Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.' Terry Pratchett

    • That is the problem. There are no sprites unless you redraw each unit in a 3d program. And that makes a large margin of error.

      What I was trying to do is get each graphic from the actual program, but couldn't. So I made the Q2 levels instead. (I love killing the punny rebels muahahahahaa)

      Oh my god! They killed Kenny... YOU BASTARDS!!!