I've decided to have a ship poll for EV and EVO. To vote, just reply to my message here. You can vote for both EV and EVO ships. I will release the results after a while (depending on how many votes I get).
I've decided to have a ship poll for EV and EVO. To vote, just reply to my message here. You can vote for both EV and EVO ships. I will release the results after a while (depending on how many votes I get).
Do you mean what ships are people currently flying or what is everyone's favorite ship?
- Lone "Darn, its not in the spellchecker!" Igadzra
Everyones "Favorite" ship.
This has been done at least 5 times already on this board, and no one knows how many times on the last board.
If you live in the present, then every moment is a new begining - A Dove chocolate wrapper
Micah L (Aeon Productions), (url="http://"mailto:mjlanier@home.com")mailto:mjlanier@home.com(/url)mjlanier@home.com
Originally posted by Micah L:
**This has been done at least 5 times already on this board, and no one knows how many times on the last board.
Oh, I didn't know that. You know where I can find these polls?
Who cares, just give you damn vote. Igazra.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow
Fave ship: Zidara, minus the fighterbay.
Rebel Crusier/Azdara
"We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have survived without them in Red Storm Rising." -Dan Quayle
Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost
Azdara+cloaking device (just put azdara)
As for me? Rebel Cruiser for EV, and Azdgari Warship for EVO.
Rebel Destroyer in EV, Neutronic Kestrel in Clavius, and Igazra in EVO.
Brooklyn. Where the weak are killed and eaten.
AIM: obormot345
I haven't been able to play through Original EV and try all the ships, but I'd have to say Rebel Cruiser/Igazra
- Lone "Darn, its not in the spellchecker!" Igadzra
Confed Cruiser / UE Cruiser
My favorites are the alien battleship(the smaller alien ship) and the Fed Cruiser. If I only have one choice, it's the fed Cruiser.
Jack Sullivan Cole
Email: (url="http://"mailto:jackcole1989@yahoo.com")mailto:jackcole1989@yahoo.com(/url)jackcole1989@yahoo.com
Reble Cruiser, by a long shot
Confederate Cruiser in EV, Confederate Battleship in Galactic Scourge, Confederate Heavy Cruiser in Empire, Azdgari Warship in EVO
World War 1 was fought with Machine Guns and Cannons.
World War 2 was fought with bombs and missiles.
I don't know what World War 3 will be fought with, but it will be so terrible that
World War 4 will be fought with stone clubs.
Steven Hawkings,
-A Brief History of Time
Rebel Destroyer in EV (even though the Confed Frigate looks much cooler).
now welcoming tourists
Originally posted by PlanetPhil:
**Rebel Destroyer in EV (even though the Confed Frigate looks much cooler).
Um, as far as I know only the Shipyard pics for the confed ships look cool, the sprites were never re'done with the cool new models which seems rather dumb to me.
- Lone "Darn, its not in the spellchecker!" Igadzra
All kinds of Rebel Cruiser fans. Well it's my fave too. By far the coolest-looking ship between both games (especially the shipyard view) and those Mantas launch and dock in half a sec. And you can upgrade it to be as fast as a fighter! That's why I fly it! I'm a true Rebel too.
Sierra - The Original Spam Hunter. (url="http://"mailto:kroekers@home.com")mailto:kroekers@home.com(/url)kroekers@home.com