Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • EV v. EVO

      I was just wondering about something. Are most of the people on this board loyal to EV or do they play EVO as well. And for those of us who despise EVO why do you despise it. I personally don't like the graphics and a number of other things about EVO compared to EV but I want to know some other opinions on the two games and which is better.
      The Madcap Magician

      There are no stupid questions. Just stupid people.

    • I've been heavily loyal to EV since it came out. I remember the hype when EVO was released...the web servers were crowded, even hotline had about 200 people on it at once. Needless to say, it was IMPOSSIBLE to get. I played EVO for about 1 day. I got sick of it right away. Here are my peeves about it. The graphics SUCK. Secondly, the gameplay is slooooow...newbies who have only played EVO will be caught off guard by the sheer speed of the missiles. Lastly, there's no theoretical balance - crappy weapons, crappy ships, and such. I defeated a VOINIAN frigate with a shuttlecraft. Need I say more? EV forever!!!


    • I will always answer this question whenever it is posed. I was unimpressed by EV: Override and remain a loyal fan of EV (Classic).

      "Your death will be the proof that Horus does not lie."
      — Creatures of Light and Darkness , Roger Zelazny

    • Quote

      Originally posted by PlanetPhil:
      **I will always answer this question whenever it is posed. I was unimpressed by EV: Override and remain a loyal fan of EV (Classic).


      Hopefully we'll do justice by you with EV 3 🙂

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

    • Even andrew, the all-oppressive admin that usually closes and/or deletes these topics, agrees that EVO does not do justice to the EV Series. The new target pictures were a mistake. It's just too bloated. You can tell it was made in a rush, to meet a deadline. On the other hand, you can tell that a lot of care was put into EV. EVO 1.0.2 makes it a LITTE better, but not much. Let us forget EVO and look forward to EV3. In fact, I got a litte patriotic and DELTED EVO from my hard drive!!!!!!

      I still have my reg code and the ASW CD, just in case 😉

      "We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have survived without them in Red Storm Rising." -Dan Quayle


      Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


    • EV3? What When Why What Who How? Is it going to be good. has anyone heard anything specific? Ok Maybe I'm a little over excited... Oh well. So why would an honest opinion question be squelched by the powers? I guess because it leads to anti-override talk and since the establishment runs the board they don't want their product dissed... Maybe that is it.
      The Madcap Magician

      There are no stupid questions. Just stupid people.

    • Escape Velocity will always be my favorite game. I mean I payed $20 for it.

      I own the night!

    • I like them both a lot, but I must admit that I like EVO a bit better. I think it has more opportunities for traders, plus more to explore, more intelligent species, and more missions. But with plug-ins, they are both infinitely fun.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by OctoberFost:
      **Even andrew, the all-oppressive admin that usually closes and/or deletes these topics, agrees that EVO does not do justice to the EV Series. The new target pictures were a mistake. It's just too bloated. You can tell it was made in a rush, to meet a deadline.

      I never said that; you still have the reading comprehension level of a lower primate. What I said was that I hoped he liked EV3 -- not everyone's taste is the same -- lots of people love EVO but didn't get into EV (EVO actually is a better seller than EV, too). It was not done in a rush.

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by The Madcap Magician:
      **EV3? What When Why What Who How? Is it going to be good. has anyone heard anything specific? Ok Maybe I'm a little over excited...

      We are in the middle of doing EV3. This much I will say: the in-game sprites will all be 16 bit sprites, professionally rendered and modeled. No more 8 bit graphics with dithering. There will be cool translucent graphic effects (the explosions look particularly cool as 16 bit translucent graphics).

      All of the rendered planet scenes will be 32 bit JPEGs, as will the ship and outfit pictures. There will be movies for the ships and outfits, too. Lots of great eye and ear candy in it.

      The main focus, though, is on the game -- it will be an immense universe, with a several huge sprawling plotlines to envelop you with their web. Literally hundreds of pages of background storyline and text have been written as research for EV3's universe and plotlines.

      No, it will not be 3D. No, it will not be networkable.

      That's all I can say about it at the moment.

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

    • 32 bit--that's millions of colors, right? Will people with monitors that only handle thousands of colors be able to play it. Will it still be able to handle 640x480 and 800x600. I also heard there are QuickTime movies. If so, can they be disabled for people with slower computers? One more question 🙂 : Will we need a PowerMac and a high OS and a lot of RAM to play?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by andrew:
      **the in-game sprites will all be 16 bit sprites, professionally rendered and modeled. No more 8 bit graphics with dithering. There will be cool translucent graphic effects (the explosions look particularly cool as 16 bit translucent graphics).

      I should add that while the game will still run in 8-bit color, the visual quality of the graphics will improve tremendously for those who are able to run in Thousands. I'm currently in the middle of rewriting the graphics routines from the ground up to provide maximum wow factor.

      And yes, the translucent explosions are way cool. 🙂


      Matt Burch

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Jude:
      **32 bit--that's millions of colors, right? Will people with monitors that only handle thousands of colors be able to play it. Will it still be able to handle 640x480 and 800x600. I also heard there are QuickTime movies. If so, can they be disabled for people with slower computers? One more question:) : Will we need a PowerMac and a high OS and a lot of RAM to play?


      EV3 will prefer a PowerMac with QuickTime, at 800x600 or greater resolution, in 16 bit color. It will however run on a 68040 Mac at 640x480, 8 bit color (the lowest-end system supported) -- you'll need QuickTime installed either way.

      The memory requirements should be about the same as EVO, due to some fancy technology we're using, despite the fact that the graphics are 16 bit.

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

    • How much will it cost?

      I own the night!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Night_Demon:
      **How much will it cost?


      Undetermined. Nothing is written in stone yet -- it is too early.

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by andrew:
      **Undetermined. Nothing is written in stone yet -- it is too early.


      Would we have to get it off of a CD or could we download it off of this site? Will it allow for plug-ins? Also will it be over 40mb?

      I own the night!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Night_Demon:
      **Would we have to get it off of a CD or could we download it off of this site? Will it allow for plug-ins? Also will it be over 40mb?


      It is too early to answer any of those questions, sorry.

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

    • Will there be gretter devloper intigration, like source code, extenisve plug ins, own website, tools to make it without editing to much raw code (i.e:EEVO without bugs, Fear and Loathing (, Fred (freespace)), Will it be out within the year (as specific as possible), how much trouble are u in for spilling the beens, and why do i feel like a three-year-old on a sugar high? :eek:

      "The Mac rulz, Ambrosia is loyal to the Mac, therefore Ambosia must rule!"

    • I like EVO more than EV just because it has a better plot.

      The 3 things I hate are:
      1.Bad haircuts
      2.Playing Pool

    • andrew: How are the ship target pictures? Are they they type you find in EV, the type you find in EVO, or some other type?

      "We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have survived without them in Red Storm Rising." -Dan Quayle


      Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost
