Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • What ever happened to STEV??

      I kept up with the Star Trek Escape Velocity plug for a while but it just all disappeared! It looked like a very good plug and would have been pretty cool if it was ever finished. Does anyone know what happened to it? If the authors say Ok...i wanna finish the plug.


    • Well, to the extent of my knowledge, STEV died. No updates have been anounced in the past year or two. Effectivly, its dead. Now, about a year ago I sent the authors an email asking if I could continue it, and they said yes. I never got around to it — DV, EoD, and my other project got in the way, so I gave it up. If you want to take it, do so, and good luck.

      Also, if you need help, have questions, or need gfx, tell me. I can help.
      "I beleive!"
      NOTE: My G4 is 7 - 11 days away, so gfx will have to wait till then! 😉

    • STEV died and was released prematurely with tons of bugs and no missions. White Star is working on a new ST plug called White Star Rising, but I don't know if he'll ever finish it.


      "Put that in your bong and smoke it."

    • Where can I find a working download? If someone has the plug...can you send me a copy?

    • WSR's halted due to that the graphics haven't been finished by Skunko7. 😛

    • No, WSR's progres, or lack therof, is NOT because of skunko7. it is because I
      just don't have the time. I am working on it, but very slowly, and very little.
      but WSR I should have a general alpha by the end of this month.


    • If you have Hotline Client, you can download it from the server called Mac Gamer Ledge (IP: You'll have to get the membership on this server first though, ask administrator.

    • STEV is in the archives.


    • The STEV plug download site doesn't work anymore, and the Hotline site doesn't work. Ambrosia said they lost it during spring cleaning. What a jip. If anyone know eher to dl STEV, plz post or give me a shout at

    • Quote

      sziheh wrote:
      The STEV plug download site doesn't work anymore, and the Hotline site doesn't work. Ambrosia said they lost it during spring cleaning. What a jip. If anyone know eher to dl STEV, plz post or give me a shout at

      STEV is gone, but I can upload it at the Starlight thingy later. until then, download my Borg Plug, from the Starlight sever, under EV but It should be EVO.

      ~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
      "Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

    • Quote

      sziheh wrote:
      what starlight server?

      Check this post...

      ~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
      "Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

    • Hehe, STEV. Technically, its mine.

      Yep, I emailed the author over a year ago because I wanted to deal with the plug and add missions and all that. He said there wouldn't be any more updates and I could add whatever i want to it, as long as the makers still got their credit. So he gave me free reign over it.

      Unfortunatly I never had the time to actually work on it, and a long time has gone by.

      If you want to work on it, go ahead, but I would like to be kept updated on whats happening (possible even work with it).

      BTW: Weren't you working on your very own ST plug? Why do you suddenly just want to modify this one? It is buggy as hell.


      Reasons why the UE and Voinians hate each other...
      €Voinians prefer SPAM, while the UE likes SPAM light....
      €The heads of both governments were trying to figure out which wife was
      €Tomato, Tom'aaa'to, is there a difference? Aparantly so...
      €Two Voinians accused the UE of using IBM computers...
      €A UE Cruiser accidentally blew up a Voinian planet...
      €Two words: name calling

    • Quote

      Captain Scurvy wrote:

      BTW: Weren't you working on your very own ST plug? Why do you suddenly just want to modify this one? It is buggy as hell.


      Actually, my plug has nothing to do with is one. It's not even similar to it in any way. I re-created one from the ground up... 🙂

      ~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
      "Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

    • just uploaded STEV on the Starlight sever.

      ~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
      "Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

    • Uh, Kwanzar? the STEV file you uploaded on the starlight server is corrupted.

    • Ok, if that don't work, try this...

      That better work...

      ~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
      "Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

    • (url="http://"")http://homepage.mac....ar_Trek.sea.bin(/url)

      Check out this plugin, it is by the original authors and they are still working on it but had to slow down as one of the two authors graduated and has moved on but now because of his brother (the other author) has comeback and now they are replacing the EV data files to ensure that compatiblity will no longer be a issue. They link is of there efforts a while ago, but they sent me the latest one and the graphics, if you can believe it, have improved tremendously!

    • Sounds great...all you need to do is tell me why I can't unstuff it. Yes, I do have newest version...what version are they using?


      "Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"