Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Aquaria Boss Strategies

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      for all those stuck players

      In this topic, feel free to post strategies for the bosses of the game. I'll be putting up a list of them below, along with how to defeat them. Obviously, before you use these, you should try to defeat whatever boss you're facing on your own-- who knows, you could find some method that I (and others) missed. So, without further ado, here is a list of the bosses of Aquaria.

      Aquaria Boss Strategies**
      Good luck!

      Living Statue
      Found: Energy Temple
      Required to Beat: Nothing



      Fires homing energy bolts at you

      How to Beat:
      - OK! Your first boss battle! You can't really do much, but you can still defeat this one.


      A point of light will move around the screen. It can't harm you at the moment. Every so often, it'll display a song symbol. Sing that note, and energy sparkles will flow around the screen. Then the room turns red. Now the point can hurt you, by firing bolts of energy at you. Use Shield to block these missiles as they hit.



      After 6 correct notes, the point will disappear-- simply sing the song the statue repeats to gain Energy Form.

      - As you start to come under heavier and heavier fire, you may need to cast Shield more than once.

      Energy God
      Found: Energy Temple
      Required to Beat: Bind, Energy Form

      - Lunges at you
      - Tries to bite you
      - Fires three non-homing shots in your general direction

      How to Beat:
      - Yaaa~! Who knew that this thing was deep in the heart of the Energy Temple?


      Your shots, unfortunately, won't cause damage, but they do push it back. After you've pushed it back enough, you'll see a white orb, similar to those you found and placed earlier.



      Grab it with Bind, and drag it back to the holder near the right side of the room. Now, let's try it out-- whoa! A beam of energy appears for a few seconds. Maybe this could damage the boss...?



      Let's try it. If you get close enough to the boss, he'll make a sound, then lunge at you. After he lunges, he'll crawl forwards a bit. Keep baiting him until he's over the beam generator, then LET HIM HAVE IT! Repeat as necessary.



      After being hit by the beam twice, the boss wises up and won't move over the generator any more. The only time any part of him is over the beam generator is when he lunges at you. Hmmm...



      Charge one final shot, and trick the boss into swiping at you again. Then, release the charge at just the right time, and the boss will die. You'll gain a vision about this place, and a way out.

      - The boss's shots are easily dodged, though you may have to swim back a little bit to do so.

      Nautilus Prime
      Found: Home Waters
      Required to Beat: Energy Form

      - Fires homing shots at you
      - Releases small Nautili
      - Tries to run you over

      How to Beat:
      - Nautilus Prime isn't too hard of a boss. When you get close, she'll awake and start attacking you.


      Nautilus Prime's weak spot is her 'mouth'-- her shell is strong enough to reflect just about anything. In Energy Form, lock on to Nautilus and start firing.



      NP has her own attacks. She will fire lots of homing shots at you, and release many little Nautilus enemies. She will also try to run you over. You can dodge the shots without much trouble, and you might need to kill the little Nautili if they get too problematic. However, the real problem is if NP runs you over-- this will cause you some serious damage, so you shouldn't get too close.



      If you find yourself swarmed or in low health, head for the small cave in the upper left-hand corner. There, Nautilus Prime won't be able to get at you.



      After you've done her enough damage, Nautilus Prime will turn bright red and get faster. She'll also try to run you over more. If you can keep your health up, soon you will see her explode, and get the Nautilus Pet Egg. Good luck!

      - If you


      Bind a rock and drag it along with you

      , it'll stop Nautilus Prime from running you over.
      - Head for the small cave at the upper left corner if you're running low on health.
      - Supposedly, it is possible to kill Nautilus without the Energy Form, by Binding rocks and dropping them on her. I haven't seen this done, though.

      Note: Below this line are all the bosses that can't be found in the demo. There may be spoilers ahead, so if you haven't bought the game, you may want toskip to the next post now.

      Mithalas Core
      Found: Mithalas Cathedral
      Required to Beat: Energy Form

      - Creates 'eye-beams' and spins around, trying to hit you
      - Tries to run into you
      - Spawns small frog-creatures which shoot homing blasts at you

      How to Beat:
      - This thing isn't actually a boss in the traditional sense of the word, but it's important enough to include. You'll have to fight 3 of these in the Mithalas Cathedral.


      The boss has 6 protruding eyes on the sides of its 'head'. When you it an eye, it fires a laser for a brief time, then goes back to normal. Your first job is to get all 6 eyes firing lasers at the same time.



      Once all the lasers are 'turned on', the boss will spin around 180 degrees. You'll have to keep up with it to avoid being hit by one of the beams. When that's done, the eyes will shut off, and a red thing will protrude from what could vaguely be called the boss's mouth.



      Simply hammer the red thing, while avoiding the boss (which will try to run into you and release frog-like things that shoot homing shots). Eventually, it'll explode, and you're one step closer to finding out the Cathedral's dark secret.

      - If the Core spins around too fast for you, you can always eat some Soup to temporarily boost your speed.

      Found: Mithalas Cathedral
      Required to Beat: Bind, Energy Form

      - Shoots a large number homing energy balls at you (the number, size and speed depend on how much Mithala has been damaged)
      - Creates a Warped Merman
      - Sucks in anything in the immediate vicinity (including you, if you're too close)
      - Grabs you
      Note that the last two attacks can result in Mithala sucking/dragging you into his mouth, where he will bite you. This really hurts.

      - The dark heart of Mithalas Cathedral, Mithala-- the Beast-- is a tough one.


      He's big and strong enough that Energy Form shots won't do a thing!! However, if he's hit by a barrage of them, he will step back. If he steps all the way back, he'll often do the 'suck in' attack. At the start of the battle, a Bloated Merman will appear down by the pit. By now, it's probably become obvious that those things are poisonous-- maybe if Mithala could be made to suck one in...



      Using the Bind song, move the Bloated Merman as close to Mithala's mouth as you can get, then leave it there. Then, switch to Energy Form and fire until he's pushed back. When he sucks in, he'll most likely suck in the Bloated Merman, and then...



      Well, that worked. Unfortunately, now there's no Bloated Mermen around to get Mithala to swallow. Wait, dodging the beast's shots, until he raises his hand to his mouth and creates a Warped Merman. Then, go to the pit to lure the Merman in-- he'll latch to the wall, crawl along it, hit one of the gas vents, and turn into a Bloated Merman. Repeat as before.



      After eating the first two Mermen, the music will change, Mithala will redden somewhat, and the shots he shoots will get bigger and faster. Keep feeding Bloated Mermen to Mithala.



      After the third Merman, his eye will disappear, he'll turn bright red, his shots will get bigger, faster, and more numerous, and he'll become much, much meaner. However, he's now vulnerable to your Energy Form shot, so use a Spicy Roll or a Perogie (to boost your energy shot power) if you have one, then fire!! When the music changes again, you've almost got him, so just avoid his shots and hit him as hard as you can. You'll be rewarded with another vision, and the powerful Beast Form.

      - You can


      hide in the pit

      to try and avoid Mithala's shots and attacks, but beware; if he's too close, he'll reach down, scoop you out, and bite you.
      - The '0' key acts as a shortcut for the Bind song, and the '1' and '2' keys will swap between Normal and Energy Form.
      - If Mithala fails to


      suck in a Merman in one attempt

      , just keep hitting him-- he'll manage it the second (or third!) time around.
      - Tough Cakes (


      Sea Cake + Rubbery Meat

      ) will be very, very useful here. It may also be a good idea to pack a Leeching Poultice (


      Healing Poultice + Glowing Egg

      ) or two, in case you get too close to a Bloated Merman or one of the gas vents.

      King Crab
      Found: Arnassi Ruins
      Required to Beat: Energy Form or Nature Form

      - Swipes its claws at you
      - Fires three pink homing shots at you
      - Jumps up at you (only after


      its claws have been removed


      How to Beat:
      - The King Crab isn't that tough of a boss, and if things start to go really badly, you can always jump out of the arena. There's two ways to defeat this guy:
      - The Standard Way:


      Your first target is the eyestalks of the King Crab. Once these have taken enough damage, the crab will drop its claws for a short time. Fire at the claws until they vanish (or the eyestalks come back up, in which case fire at them until the boss lays its claws down again.)



      When both claws are gone, the boss will start jumping up at you whenever you pass over it. You'll need to provoke it to do this to fire at its weak point: the squid-like thing on its underside. After taking enough damage, the Crab will explode, and you'll get the Crab Armor.

      - Then, there's The Quick Way:


      This battle couldn't be easier if you have Nature Form. Use your charged shot to plant a thorny cactus under the rear of the Crab. Repeat until toasty. You'll gain the Crab Armor.

      Found: Mermog Cave (top right of Kelp Forest)
      Required to Beat: Energy Form or Nature Form or Sea Urchin Costume

      - Tries to run into you
      - Shoots missiles out of the front of his machine (the side without the mouth)
      - Fires a laser beam out of the rear of his machine (with the mouth), then runs around trying to hit you with it

      How to Beat:
      - This... what is it?!... can be a pain. Not only is it rather tough, but it's not near any Save Crystal, making it that much more annoying if you happen to die. There are actually three ways to do this battle:
      - The Normal Way:


      Mermog can be easily damaged by your energy shots, but he can give out some good damage of his own, too. If you have Li or the Blaster Pet handy, bring them out now. You'll take the most damage from Mermog running over you, so good dodging skills (or lots of healing items) are a must; when the boss goes off to the right side of the cave, he's going to launch a spray of super-fast missiles at you. You can switch to Normal and cast Shield, but it might be a better idea to use the time while the boss is at rest to hit him with your energy shots. Mermog may do the laser attack (see above) a few times once he gets low on health. After a fast and furious battle, you'll win, and obtain a Special Bulb and the Piranha Pet Egg.

      - The Sneaky Way:


      If you've already gained Nature Form, you can charge up your shot, wait until Mermog backs into the right cave wall, then plant a thorny cactus on that same wall, so that it hits the boss all while he's sitting there. Then, switch to Normal and cast Shield to ward off the barrage of missiles. Dodge the boss, and repeat this trick until he's dead. You'll get a Special Bulb and the Piranha Pet Egg.

      - The Slow But Safe Way:


      For this one, you need the Sea Urchin costume, which can be found at the verrrry top of the really tall area in the Turtle Cave, in the Veil. If you grab on to the right wall of the cave in just the right place, you'll get it so that the spikes on your costume hit Mermog while he's resting there. (You may need to adjust your position a few times until you get it right.) Cast Shield constantly and wait him out. It won't be exciting, and it won't feel very satisfying, but you'll still get your Special Bulb and Piranha Pet Egg.

      - Supposedly there is a place on the bottom wall, in between two thick thorny branches, where the boss can't get at you. I haven't tested this myself.

      Forest Mother
      Found: Kelp Forest
      Required to Beat: Energy Form

      - Grows small spiky balls that bounce around randomly (first part only)
      - Spawns up to three 'vine snakes'
      - Drops sparks from the ceiling (second part only)

      - This battle isn't too tough as long as you know what to do.


      To start, the boss will grow 4 small, orange spiky balls that bounce around randomly. You can ignore these, or fire at them; they'll disappear after a little while anyway. Then, the boss will launch what I can only describe as a 'vine snake' at you; it will home in on you, encasing you in a thorny wall. Hitting it in the eye (at the front of its body) a few times will destroy it.



      After the 'snake' is destroyed (or vanishes on its own), the Forest Mother will sing a note. Switch back to Normal Form and match the note, and the Mother will open her eyes. At this point, she's vulnerable to Energy Form shots, so change back and blast away. Eventually, the boss will close her eyes again, and the process will repeat.



      As the boss is damaged more and more, the number of balls will increase, first to 6, then 8, and more snakes will appear each time. Eventually, you'll damage her enough to enter the next stage of the battle.



      In this stage, three large orange balls will grow around the Forest Mother, who now keeps her eyes permanently open. These balls will rotate around her face, acting as a sort of shield. Her attacks have changed as well.



      You'll still have to deal with the vine snakes that routinely spawn, but now, sparks will also drop from the ceiling. Good dodging skills are a must here. Once the Forest Mother's taken more damage, she'll die, and you'll receive another vision-- and Nature Form.

      Giant Blaster (+ Miniblasters)
      Found: Energy Temple
      Required to Beat: Energy Form

      - Fires homing shots at you

      How to Beat:
      - This isn't really a boss as much as it is a gunfight, but I figured it was worth it to put it in here. This one can be found behind the sealed door in the 'return passage' of the Energy Temple (you'll need Nature Form to open the red flower to get the pearl, which you can then put in the slot to open the door.) You'll encounter a larger-than-usual Blaster enemy, with a bunch of its smaller friends. Kill the normal Blasters first, then fire at the big one. When it dies, you'll find the Blaster Pet Egg.




      Found: Mithalas City
      Required to Beat: Energy Form

      - Fires fast, homing shots

      How to Beat:
      - Once you've got Nature Form, you'll be able to enter a plant tunnel hidden in a house in the upper right corner of Mithalas City. This will give you a back door into a previously unexplored part of the palace. After going through the tunnel and a current, you'll find yourself in a large room-- then,


      three Mithalan priests

      will appear.


      I guess they must have achieved immortality after all...

      - This battle isn't too difficult, but it is rather exciting.


      The priests will flicker in and out of a sort of 'ghost mode', in which they can't be hit. Just keep firing no matter what-- your shots will home in on whichever of the priests are currently vulnerable. They also fire homing shots that move at a pretty fast clip, but aren't that accurate. It's a good idea to move around a lot.



      The screen will very quickly end up full of projectiles, but just keep tapping the 'Fire' key. When one priest goes down, the other two will quickly follow, and you'll get Spirit Form.

      - Once you get


      Spirit Form

      , the game will do some strange things. Everything (including Naija) will stop moving, and the music will go strange and echo-y. YOUR GAME HAS NOT CRASHED. Try moving around, and you'll soon understand what's going on.

      Sun Worm
      Found: Sun Temple
      Required to Beat: Energy Form

      - Throws fireballs at you
      - Swims at you, trying to hit you
      - Messes with the water level
      - Sucks you in/pushes you away

      How to Beat:
      - OK, this Worm is a tough one to beat, mainly because of


      the spikes that line the sides of the arena. Tough Cakes (which heal you and boost your defense; see 'Mithala' for the recipe) will be very useful here.

      If you're on a laptop, it's actually a good idea to use the touchpad, not the mouse-- the pad will give you finer control.


      The Sun Worm has a variety of attacks. He'll chuck fireballs at you, and chase after you and try to run you over. On your end, Energy shots will cause damage, so use a Spicy Roll or a Perogi (these boost your shot power; the Perogi also boosts your defense) and start firing like crazy. However, the reason the Sun Worm is so tough lies in his ability to manipulate the water around him.



      Early on into the fight, the Worm will start either sucking you in or pushing you away. If the first one, you'll be drawn to his mouth, where you'll take damage; if the second, you'll either get pushed to the edge or forcibly blown out of the water. You can try to turn into Beast Form or use a Soup to counter this, but I prefer just to go with it and use items if I hit spikes or a boss. The Sun Worm may also manipulate the water level.



      The biggest danger actually comes when the Sun Worm's pushing you away, as you can run into the red spikes scattered around the arena. When I played the battle, Naija was blown out of the water and landed on one of the chains of spikes sticking out from the ceiling-- I got her off in quite a hurry! Remember, if you're having trouble, there are numerous items that will heal you (Tasty Roll, Healing Poultice), boost your defense (Crab Cake, Turtle Soup), or both.



      Your best strategy lies in defeating the Worm as fast as you can, before it has time to send you flying onto too many spikes. Avoid the boss, firing all the time. Don't bother trying to counter when the Worm sucks you in-- just KEEP FIRING while you try to swim away. If the Worm pushes you away, keep blasting it unless you have to dodge spikes. You'll have to use a few healing items, but the boss should die (leaving behind another vision and the useful Sun Form) very quickly.

      - Remember, you can press Escape to bring up the menu. If you ever take enough damage for the game to go slow-motion, immediately hit Escape and get some food into Naija.
      - Don't bother with the Song Plants in the 'gauntlet' on the way to the Worm. Defeat it first and the water level will stop rising and falling-- then, you'll be able to get them without any trouble.
      - A Spicy Roll (


      Plant Leaf + Fish Oil + Spicy Meat

      ) or a Perogi (


      Hand Roll + Any Oil + Any Egg

      ) will help a lot. Their powered-up equivalents, a Volcano Roll (


      Spicy Roll + Red Bulb + Spicy Soup

      ) or a Plump Perogi (


      Perogi + Any Mushroom

      ) will help even more.
      - On the off-chance that you already have Nature Form, switching to it when the worm starts pushing you away can really help you avoid taking damage (because Nature Form is immune to all spikes of any kind). You won't be able to attack easily, though, so get ready to change back in a hurry.
      - Finally, have you noticed the busted skylight in the roof of the boss chamber? The skylight normally provides a quick exit from the Temple after you fight the Sun Worm-- however, if you're very accurate and determined, you can use it as a shortcut to the boss. Here's what you'll have to do:
      -- First, raise the water level in the Sun Temple as high as it can go.
      -- Next, switch to Beast Form, and swim up the tall vertical hallway on the left. When you run out of water, start wall-jumping.
      -- In this room, jump


      to the first gear to the right of the hall opening, then the next gear up, until you're sitting on the divider between the two rooms

      . If the crab gives you any trouble, switch to Energy Form and destroy it.


      From the divider, make sure you're in Beast Form and launch yourself off to the right. If you're lucky, you'll latch on to a rapidly turning gear (the slightly lower one). If you're not, you'll fall to the floor. If you're really unlucky and you fall through the hole, you'll have to do the entire sequence again from where you started jumping up the vertical hallway.



      Now your job is to jump up the gears to get to the upper right corner of the room. From the floor, go over to the right until you spot a gear that's moving very slowly. Standing just to the left of this gear, jump up to its lower left corner, then immediately jump to the lower fast-moving gear to the left of it. Ride the gear around a little less than half a spin, then jump to the fast-moving gear to the left of this one (if you originally latched on to this gear when jumping from the divider, start reading here.) Immediately jump right, towards the upper of the two fast-moving gears, then ride the gear around and jump up and to the right again, to the fast-moving gear placed there. By this time, you should be able to see a 'water bubble' to your right, around another vertical hallway-- jump in it and head upwards.

      -- You will now end up on the roof of the sun temple! Wall-jump up the glass tube, until you get to a giant bubble of water at the very top. If this is your first time here, you'll discover one of Naija's lost memories. In any case,


      swim out of the bubble to the left, and you'll fall until you're actually on the Temple roof. Switch out of Beast Form-- you don't want to overshoot-- and jump until you're at the edge of the roof



      At this point, if you use the free-look key, you'll be able to see the small roof, complete with busted skylight. Jump off the roof, aiming for the skylight. If you're lucky, you'll fall through, straight into the room with the Sun Worm. To start the battle, move off to the left of the room and the Worm will attack you. Good luck!

      Octopus Prime
      Found: Octopus Cave (accessed from the right half of The Veil)
      Required to Beat: Energy Form, Sun Form

      - Spawns small squids which shoot ink at you (beware-- the ink shots will blind you!)
      - Launches three huge homing fireballs
      - Darkens the entire playfield by exuding ink
      - Slams his tentacle down, grabbing you, then slams you a few more times (this is the attack you really need to worry about.)

      How to Beat:
      - Woohoo! This guy is TOUGH, perhaps one of the toughest bosses in the game. Before you begin, I recommend you have a number of Special Cakes (


      Veggie Cake + Red Berry

      ), Tough Cakes (


      Sea Cake + Rubbery Meat

      ), and Sight Poultices (


      Healing Poultice + Small Eye

      ) on hand. I also suggest you bring a large number of other healing items as well-- maybe even a shot of Divine Soup (


      Magic Soup + Royal Soup; Magic Soup = Hearty Soup + Healing Poultice, Royal Soup = Hearty Soup + Veggie Cake

      - Once you've gotten to OP's location, the battle will begin.


      This guy has a variety of attacks, but some are more dangerous than others. He'll regularly shoot three fireballs, but they're only really a threat to you if you dodge into them (or the screen's blacked out.) He'll also spawn small squids that can blind you. To cap that, he'll occasionally blacken the entire arena by exuding ink from vents on the side of his head; while the field is darkened, you won't be able to see a darn thing. You'll have to switch to Sun Form and cast two sunbursts to see properly again.



      The real thing that makes this battle difficult, however, is Octopus Prime's weak point. His vulnerable spot is a pearl that appears in his mouth, but you only have a very short time to fire at it. Then, he'll slam his tentacle down. If you're under it, you'll stick to it and get slammed for a few more. This is OP's most devastating attack. The pearl only appears when you get close enough to Octopus Prime, and by that point the tentacle attack almost certainly will hit you.



      You can do the battle the 'standard' way, dodging tentacles, fireballs, and ink blasts, while rapidly switching forms and using healing items until OP pops-- however, there is a trick you can use. Since Octopus Prime doesn't move, you can latch onto his body just like any other piece of wall. Latch onto OP's body, behind his mouth (it's tricky to do.) You'll be constantly slammed by the tentacle, but you won't stick to it-- and, since you're right next to the boss's mouth, the pearl will keep appearing (and you can keep blasting away). Latch on, heal, boost your shots, and this boss is History. Either way you do it, you'll gain the Dumbo Octopus pet egg!

      - It's a good idea to take out the small squids when they appear, but not if it loses you a chance to hit Octopus Prime for a few.
      - Fed up getting hit by that #@$% tentacle? Use speed booster items and dodge as fast as you can.
      - As of now, I have yet to beat Octopus Prime without using the form shortcuts. If you manage it otherwise, then you are officially a Wizard.
      - I'm not certain about this, but I believe blindness wears off a lot more quickly in Sun Form (especially if you cast sunbursts).
      - No matter which method you use, this battle will be the utter definition of 'fast and furious'. Good luck!

      King Jellyfish
      Found: King Jellyfish Cave (accessed from the bottom left section of the Abyss)
      Required to Beat: Energy Form

      - Spawns small pink jellyfish to chase you
      - Makes beams of lightning and spins around, trying to hit you

      How to Beat:
      - King Jellyfish is one of those bosses that you should try to take down in a hurry.


      When you start swimming into the cave, King Jellyfish'll descend-- you'll fight the battle inside him!. His weak point is the side of his 'eye' that's not covered.



      The boss doesn't have many attacks, but what he does have can be a problem. King Jelly constantly spawns small pink jellyfish to chase you. This can become a veritable mob by the end of the battle, but you'll be OK as long as you keep moving. His other attack is to create three 'beams' of lightning inside himself, then rotate those around, trying to hit you (not unlike the Mithalas Core). By the end of the battle, you'll have to choose between getting hit by the lightning or by a mob of small jellyfish. I prefer the lightning-- alternately, you can switch to Beast form, eat the small jellyfish, and avoid both.



      Like the Sun Worm, the trick to this battle is to hit the boss as hard as you possibly can. Boost the power of your shots, and don't get distracted too much by the small jellyfish. Regeneration items (such as Special Cakes) help a lot if you're low on health. The King should die quickly-- on a ledge in the top right of his cave, you can find a song plant containing a Special Bulb, and the Jellyfish Costume!

      - When the boss is about to do his lightning attack, white pulses will glow around the sides his 'eye'.

      Hyper Mantis
      Found: Bubble Cave (above the Frozen Veil)
      Required to Beat: Bind, Nature Form

      - Drops bombs on you

      How to Beat:
      - This boss is one of those bosses that are easy to beat, but you still end up blowing a lot of life on anyway. There are, however, a number of ways to make it easier. To get to the Frozen Veil, you'll have to go through the Abyss, so if you have the Jellyfish Costume (this heals you when your health drops below 50%), wear it. (You get the Jellyfish Costume when you defeat King Jellyfish (see above).) An otter in the bottom of the cave holds a Healing Poultice; bump it a few times, and it'll let it go.


      Finally, on the way to the boss, there's a bubble off to the left with a few 'health leeches' in it (they look like small green tadpoles). By getting in the bubble, then singing the note that's the same color as the eyes of the tadpole, it'll latch on (and slowly regenerate your health until you switch to Fish Form, leave the area, or roll to shake it off.)



      Hyper Mantis will hover above you, attached to the ceiling, and drop bombs. Bind one of these bombs as it comes past. Then, switch to Nature Form, and use a charged shot to knock the Mantis off. From here, you have two choices. You can either unbind the bomb when it's about to go off, then run, or you can just let the bomb go off while you're still dragging it. The second one will hurt, but I've found it's much easier to pull off.



      Once you hurt the boss, he'll reattach to the ceiling. You only need to repeat the process twice more. The third time you hit him with his own bombs, Hyper Mantis will give up the ghost, every single bomb on screen will explode (looks a bit like fireworks, doesn't it?), and you'll gain one of the rare and valuable Verse Eggs that will boost your health bar to full.

      - No matter what you do, you almost certainly will end up having to give Naija a full health bar's worth of healing items at least once during this battle.




      Found: Boiler Room (at the heart of the Sunken City)
      Needed to Beat: Energy Form, Beast Form

      - Runs at you (



      - Does a flying leap and lands on you (



      - Fires shots at you (



      , second and third parts only)

      How to Beat:
      - This boss battle is one of the most fun in the game, if you know how to do it properly. To start the battle,


      explore the Boiler Room. You'll find three chunks of bluish rock. Bring them back to the spirit of the little boy, and he'll fashion them into parts of a statue. However, with the third chunk of rock, the upper left pipe will fill with steam, and the battle is on!



      You'll face two enemies: A massive, greenish golem with hammers for hands, and a wraith that hovers around the golem and comforts it on occasion. Both are completely invulnerable. Almost.



      Every so often, the boss will release a small pink creature. These can't be destroyed with Energy Form shots, but you can eat them in Beast Form. Doing so will give you one special shot. The golem's invincible, but the wraith...



      Each pink thing only gives you one shot, and it's not homing, so aim carefully. When the shot hits the wraith, it will be knocked out, and the golem will turn orangeish-red. Now, it can be damaged by your energy shots, so fire away. If it turns green (and invulnerable again), repeat the process.



      After he's taken enough damage, the music will change and the golem will turn permanently orange-red. Now, he's vulnerable all the time to your shots, but the wraith begins to fire shots of her own. The golem also speeds up a bit. This would be a good time to use a Spicy Roll or a Perogi.



      Eventually, the music will change again and the golem will turn bright red. There's no stopping the duo's attacks now, but they are near death. Just hammer away, and you will win the battle... and lose the one thing Naija holds most dear.

      - There are two 'safe spots' in the room where you can be out of range of the boss's leaping attack.


      The first is the crevice where the pipe on the right meets the wall. The second is on either side of the steam emanating from the pipe on the left.

      Both spots only really work when the boss is at the other end of the room.
      - Another way to dodge the boss's leap is to use Soups to speed up. If you've no choice but to get hit by it,


      try to avoid the hammers-- they'll do the most damage.

      - If you can't hit


      the wraith

      , wait until


      she stops to comfort the boss (she does this occasionally)

      . Then fire. Good luck!

      **Final Boss:


      The Creator

      Found: The Body
      Required to Beat: Energy Form, Sun Form,




      - This is it, folks.


      The final battle with the Creator himself! The boss has several forms. When you start the battle, there'll be a cutscene with Naija asserting her independence, then... he'll attack.

      First Form

      Required to Beat:



      - Creates Blue Nautili and Pink Jellyfish to chase you
      - Shoots fiery missiles from his hand

      How to Beat:
      - Here he is. "Perfect". Now, it's time to destroy him.


      The Creator has two attacks. In the first, he creates Blue Nautili and Pink Jellyfish which you can easily destroy with your Dual Form normal shot. Charge up Dual Form, then use the scream to damage the creator immensely. After four or five charges, it would be a good idea to charge up Dual Form again, but not use it. Instead, use Dual Form's normal shot and aim at The Creator's weak point (his face). This will help you immensely later.



      When The Creator laughs, he's about to do his second attack. A spray of fiery missiles will shoot out of his hand, hitting everything in the vicinity. Your best bet for this is to get behind The Creator's head and use the time to either charge up Dual Form, or hit The Creator with it. Eventually, The Creator's face will fall off (!!), and the battle will move on to the next stage.

      - You can also eat the pink jellyfish while in Beast Form.
      - Theoretically, you could also defeat this form of


      The Creator

      with Energy Form, but it will take a while.
      - If you want to be scientific about it, this form of


      The Creator

      will bite it after about


      7 Dual Form 'screams'

      -- for best results,


      do 5, or 6 on the outside, then save the charge for later


      Second Form

      Required to Beat: Energy Form
      - Fires poisonous, dark red homing shots
      - Sweeps the room with a massive laser beam from his head
      - Tries to grab you

      How to Beat:


      Aaaagh! Li's gone again! Oh well-- time to switch to Energy Form and take out this monster. The Creator has lost his legs, but gained tentacles to make up for it. Now, he'll swim around the room trying to cause trouble for you. Your target is the void where his face used to be, and your Energy Form shots will work just fine. If you have a Plump Perogi or a Volcano Roll on you, now is the time to use it.



      The Creator, unfortunately, ups the ante with an all-new set of attacks. He'll shoot dark red homing projectiles at you. If these hit, you will be poisoned. Packing a few Leeching Poultices or Vedha's Cure-Alls to deal with this is a very good idea. He will also try to grab you, and if he succeeds, you will take major damage. Roll to escape if you get caught in his grip. Finally, if you are very unlucky, The Creator will use his (currently) most powerful attack: a powerful laser (last seen on the Mithalas Cores) emanating from the void where his face was, that sweeps up the screen. You can only really dodge this by luck (or getting above The Creator, which isn't easy), and it does a lot of damage.



      When you finally do him enough damage, The Creator will fall to the floor... and something will burrow out of his face, and run off down a passage. Follow him, and you'll eventually get to a maze of dark tunnels-- there, the third phase of your battle with The Creator will take place.

      - I cannot stress how important items that cure poison are during this part of the battle. Two items that do this are the Leeching Poultice (


      Healing Poultice + Glowing Egg

      ) and the Vedha's Cure-All (


      Healing Poultice + Buttery Sea Loaf + Small Bone

      ), both of which also heal you.
      - This battle gets a lot easier if you boost your speed-- this'll help you dodge the poison shots (as well as


      The Creator

      himself) much more effectively.

      Third Form

      Required to Beat: Energy Form, Sun Form

      - Tries to bite you

      How to Beat:


      ...what is that thing?! It looks like The Creator (?) has decided to go on the run. He's hiding somewhere in this maze of dark passages-- you'll have to track him down.



      Change into Sun Form, and start looking. You can just swim around blindly, but there is an easier way to find him-- listening to the background music. As you get closer to The Creator, the music will get louder, but the disembodied voices will increase instead as you get farther away. Eventually, you'll come face-to-face with your enemy.



      When you find The Creator, cast a sunburst, so you can actually see what you're doing. Then, switch to Energy Form. Get close enough, and The Creator will try to bite you. Your target is the eye behind his jaws-- once you've hit that a few times, The Creator will run away again. Repeat the entire routine. If you get damaged too badly and have the Jellyfish Costume (you should), revert to normal and take a breather while the costume heals you.



      After he's taken enough damage (about 4 times), The Creator will scream, and run away to another passage (you'll hear a door opening off in the distance.) Track him down, and hit him in the eye just a little more, and the inner part of him will become the fourth form of The Creator.

      - If you have any Dumbo Ice Cream (


      Small Eye + Glowing Egg + Any Ice Cream

      ), which boosts the power of your Sun ability, now would be a good time to use it.

      Fourth Form

      Required to Beat: Nothing

      - Sings, then launches 'song projectiles' at you

      How to Beat:


      Well, this is it. He's cornered. Strange... he looks a bit like Li... anyway, this battle will be fought with your voice alone. The Creator will sing three notes, which will appear in the circles around him. Then, giant shots (which correspond to those notes) will appear, in order, from just inside the circle.



      To counter the projectiles, sing the matching notes before they hit you. If you sing all three without getting hit, The Creator will take damage.



      After 5 'hits', The Creator will fall on his side. He's dead. It is over.
      OR IS IT???

      - If you have the Jellyfish Costume, you shouldn't need to worry about healing for this battle-- just wear the costume, stand in the center of the circle, and do your best.
      - If you see that the next salvo of notes is coming from one side of the circle, you may want to move towards the other side.
      - Don't


      sing your counternote

      until the projectile is fully formed, or it won't work (and the shot will most likely hit you.)

      **Ultimate Final Boss:


      The Creator

      Found: Everywhere
      Required to Beat: Bind, Energy Form, Sun Form,




      - Shoots fireballs from his mouth (first part only)
      - Creates a Mutant (first part only)
      - Shoots fireballs from his hand
      - Fires a massive laser beam from his chest (second part only)
      - Creates three Blue Nautili (second part only)

      How to Beat:
      - WHOA.


      Is this The Creator's true form? And where are we, anyway? This looks to be it-- now let's show this god what two 'flawed' beings can do! Li is trapped in a bubble in The Creator's chest, so you'll have to use Energy Form for now. Of course, you're way outpowered-- The Creator shoots fireballs from his mouth, more fireballs from his hand, and will occasionally create a Mutant, whose attempts to sing will throw projectiles at you. Take these out when they appear.



      If you fire at The Creator, you'll notice your shots will damage the cover over his left eye. Hit the cover enough, and it'll shatter and The Creator's eye will pop out (ew!)



      The eye is invulnerable, but there's a way to change that. Switch to Sun Form, and cast a sunburst. The eye will shine. Now it's vulnerable, so switch back to Energy Form and fire. If the eye stops gleaming, you'll need to cast a sunburst again.



      Once The Creator's eye has taken enough damage, it'll turn black and start vibrating. This is your cue to cast Bind on it-- after a few seconds, the song will pull his eye out of his head! The bubble in The Creator's chest will break, and you'll get Li back.



      With his eye gone, The Creator will become very predictable. He'll alternate between shooting fireballs from his hand, and firing a massive laser that emanates from the hole in his chest. You've got Li now, so switch to Dual Form-- if you took my advice and saved a Dual Form charge in the first part of the battle, use it now to cause The Creator serious damage.



      It looks like Dual Form works well, but there's nothing you can kill to charge it up! However, The Creator does have a weak point. When The Creator's about to fire his giant laser (the screen'll turn blue), the jaws in his chest will open, revealing a face behind them. You need to hit this face with Dual Form's normal shot in the split second before the laser fires. Unfortunately, you will most likely end up getting caught in the beam.



      The laser beam is probably the most powerful attack in the game. Depending on your luck, getting hit by it can sap up to HALF OF YOUR ENTIRE HP BAR!! By now, you should have about 8 Arcane Poultices or so; if your health drops below half, use them.



      If you successfully managed to hit The Creator's weak point, he'll create three Blue Nautili which you can use to power up Dual Form. Unfortunately, the Nautili can also be killed by fireballs or the laser, so you may have to hit The Creator twice to get enough for one charge. Once you've got a charge, use it, and you'll be one step closer to victory.



      The first time you use a Dual Form charge on The Creator, he'll take damage. The second time you use one, he'll take more damage. But the third time...



      Congratulations! You defeated The Creator! Enjoy the ending. I suggest you skip one of Naija's memories on your first playthrough of the game, so that you get the standard ending. Then, go back and find all the memories, so you can see what happens for yourself...

      - You may want to turn your pet off, so that it doesn't


      kill the Blue Nautili before you can use them to charge up Dual Form.

      - If you know that you're about to get hit with the laser, eating a defense-up item (such as Turtle Soup) would not be a bad idea.
      - For all who can easily defeat


      The Creator

      , here's a new challenge: Can you defeat him (or at least, his final form)... while under the influence of Rainbow Soup?
      - In case you're wondering about "Found: Everywhere", it was either that, "Nowhere", or "???". And "Everywhere" sounded the most cool.
      - Finally: Good luck! This guy is HARD to defeat, and I even died once fighting him. I hope all goes smoothly with your attempts.

      This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 09 May 2009 - 07:52 PM

    • I've beaten Nautilus Prime without Energy Form. It isn't that hard, just requires patience. Basically, you bind a rock and drag it around behind you and get Nautilus to charge at you. She'll run into the rock and take damage. Obviously, it takes much longer, but it isn't actually that much harder then doing it with Energy Form.

      This post has been edited by PiSketch : 16 November 2008 - 05:03 PM

    • Bubble Cave Boss (I don't actually know what it's called)
      Found: Bubble Cave


      (above and to the east of the Frozen Veil)

      Required to beat: Natural form


      This guy is easier than he looks. To hurt him, you need to use his own bombs against him. First, grab a bomb with Bind. Then, switch to natural form and lob a plant grenade in his general direction. This will knock him off his perch and into the bubble with you. Drag the bomb up near him, and it will explode and damage him. Three strikes and he's out.

      Your reward? A candy egg of joy that, when opened, increases your health meter.

    • Mithala
      Found: Mithalas Cathedral
      Required to beat: Energy form


      First, note that there is a poisoned frog man in the southeast corner of the screen. Grab it with bind and drag it up into the middle of the room. Then just sit back and shoot the head until Mithala is provoked into trying to suck you in. He should get the frog man instead, which will damage him. Eventually he'll spawn another frog man, which you must then lure down into the poison.

      After Mithala has eaten three poisoned frogs, he'll go berserk and become vulnerable to your energy shots. When this happens, just blast away until he's dead.

    • I'm not even sure what you're talking about. The one in the song cave area?

    • Yep, that giant anemone. Switch to


      Nature Form

      and you'll be able to pass through it


      and get the Anemone Seed treasure


      This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 17 November 2008 - 02:30 PM

    • No, but I tried many times in the demo to kill it with a rock.

    • The Mithala core things can also be beaten by


      luring it close to a wall then firing a nature spike underneath it. The spike will go through the thing and cause a bunch of damage. The advantage of this method is that the creature doesn't flip upside down and go crazy, which makes it much easier to defeat.

      I actually didn't realize that this isn't how you are supposed to kill these things until I read this thread.

    • I've found the


      Sun worm

      is much easier to beat if you also have nature form. You'll be able to safely ignore the red spiky things and you can hide yourself behind a pair charged plant shots.

    • I am having particular trouble with the


      Sun Worm.

    • I'll get the data for him up as soon as I can.

    • OK, the Sun Worm entry is up!

    • Awesome guide, SoItBegins

    • A note on the


      Sun Worm

      . If you have Nature form, you can jump up on top of the spikes hanging from the roof and cling to them. If you then switch to Energy Form, you should continue to cling without taking damage. I haven't tested this recently, it could be fixed/broken in the current version, but it makes the fight much much easier when it works.

    • Edit: Nevermind, got it. Tricky! 😉


      OK, my turn. I'm stuck on the sunken ruins boss. I can't find any way to damage it directly, so I suspect it must have something to do with the environment, but I the steam doesn't seem to hurt it either...

      This post has been edited by cheleball : 21 November 2008 - 08:48 PM

    • the game really has you thinking how to beat the bosses. I can't tell you how many time I was leaping around just switching forms seeing what I could do when i have that "Ohhhhhh... that's it's weakness!" moments.

      a couple bosses (i have to admit) killed me once or twice before I managed to figure that out. (the trouble of being a beta tester is that there aren't any cheats or walkthrus on the games yet. heh)

    • It should be noted that one can reach the final boss without having to beat all the bosses in the game. (I know I could. This means a replay as soon as I show


      the Creator

      who's boss!)

    • You've forgot the battle for


      Spirit Form


    • I actually haven't forgotten-- it's right before the Sun Worm entry.

    • Ah, didn't notice it because the name was obscured by spoiler tags.