Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Life in EV

      This board is supposed to be a discussion board, so lets have a real Discusion.

      Topic: What would it be like to live in EV, I mean like beyond the spaceports and the bars, what would you do everyday, when you are out flying what do you do in your spare time, any ideas anyone has post them, maybe we can create a picture of life in the future, not life in a Star Trek or Star Wars universe, but life in an EV universe. What inventions would we use everyday? Things like that, expand elaborate, don't be afraid to write a few paragraphs in detail about a specific aspect. 🙂


    • Hmmm, let me see. I would basically do what i do now, sleep all day 🙂
      Really, it would not be too much different to now (besides a great war). People would still travel, just that its further. Trade would continue, just different items and to different places. Wars would still go on, just be a little bigger. Basically, everything would be bigger and better and i should have been regonised for my superior intelligence and made king of the universe 😄

      "Where the F*** have the bunnies gone?"
      - Unknown

    • Quote

      Champion wrote:
      **Basically, everything would be bigger and better and i should have been regonised for my superior intelligence and made king of the universe:D

      Bah. Superior intelligence? If you were the king of the universe then the wheel wouldn't be created because everyone would be serving you. 😛

      That aside, this has to be one of the best ideas for a topic yet, Cham. 🙂

      Let's see, what would I do? Well first of all, I'd go to the Confederation Space Academy or whatever and become a pilot. Then I'd go work for the Cydonians. I'd get assigned a defender, and kick some lethean butt. Once we occupied Lethe, I'd go work for the Artemis group, by now with a fairly good lightning or something, and use them for money. After getting a substantial amount into my bank acount, I'd just buy a Corvette and become a Bounty Hunter.

      Yep, I've got it ALL planned out... now all I have to do is live until 2250 🙂

      You say I'm an @$$hole? I say get in line.

      AOL/AIM: EVmaridian

      Website: (url="http://"")

    • There would be jobs other then flying a spaceship, I would guess...

      Taking in mind my interests and what everyone expects me to become, I'd probably be an engineer or a scientist. Maybe work for the Rebellion, or Lethe, whichever pays more. Maybe I would create or help create some new super weapon of mass destruction. Then I'd probably get a battlecrusier or a destroyer named for me, which is my my second goal in life. BTW, my first goal in life was to have my picture in a newspaper next to an ad for beer. I reached that goal last year 😄

      Actually, in reality most of us would be average people that live out their short, unimportant lives quite boringly and never ammount to anything.

      "The toilet is over there!"-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


      Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


    • I don't know... I've always wondered what they do, on Star Trek, between the time Spock or Data says "Our ETA is 15 hours", and when they get there. You're assuming life in space for all of us, right? Because if we live on a planet, then life won't be much different, except for maybe more intelligent toasters.

      I guess I'll have more comments coming soon, after I have a chance to ponder.

      Analysis, Mr. Spock?

      AIM: obormot345

    • If I lived in a spaceship, what I'd probably do (since it would be my own ship) would go out exploring beyond the normal limits of space. I'd have a huge telescope on my ship so I could see really far, and sensors attached to it so they could tell me what I'm seeing. Anyway I'd head really far out then get a picture of the Milkyway Galaxy. But while I am spending all my time doing this, I would need something to do, so I'd find a few people crazy enough to go with me, yet sane enough so they don't destroy things then we'd play tennis and other games in gym, it has different floors that come down from the walls. One's even grass, fake grass, but feels real enough. Also one set is all pads, as you can change the gravity around in multiple places in the room, remeber Battle School from Ender's Game? That would be fun.

      When we are tired of doing that we'll work on our invention of an ansible 😉 (I really liked Ender's Game and its sequils). But we would need something to change the daily activities so we don't get bored, thats why we visit planets on the way, theres less of them the further we go out, but they are still there.

      More later.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Maridian:
      I'd get assigned a defender, and kick some lethean butt.

      Heh, if you get assigned a defender, you might as well just shoot yourself; you're not going to win any battles in that POS. 🙂


    • Hmmm, think about this: Most of us would probably still be living on a planet or perhaps a space station. If space travel cost 10 grand for a one-way ticket, how much you think it'll cost for overall support and such.

      I'm being a tad pessimistic here, but you see only a few ships in each system, compared to the billions of people on the planets below.

      One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of old towns without meeting with an instrument of time.

      Time is visible in all places.

      Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all.

      In this world, a second is a second is a second.

      Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.

      Time is an infinite ruler.

      Time is absolute.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by forge:

      **Hmmm, think about this: Most of us would probably still be living on a planet or perhaps a space station. If space travel cost 10 grand for a one-way ticket, how much you think it'll cost for overall support and such.

      I'm being a tad pessimistic here, but you see only a few ships in each system, compared to the billions of people on the planets below.


      With inflation 10 grand would be nothing by them...

      "The toilet is over there!"-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


      Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


    • For one, I'll bet it'd make a huge difference weither you're on Earth or a colony. Though Luna and Mars might be intermediate, they would be the only one's in between. Life on the colonies would be a lot harder, probably not much different from ours. You would be utilizing more advanced technology, sure, but the natural hazzards on each planet would make up for that. Earth would relatively be a paradise. Except for some artsy stuff, I can't imagine any manual labor at all remaining on the homeworld; it would all be automated. Much of its workforce (which would start late (probably going to 8 years of college at a minimun) and retire early) would be imployed in the modern equivelents of software writing, another large chunk would supervise robots, which would almost never consist of anything. Think Homer Simson. The rest would be involved in managing or entertainment.

      - Nobody

    • Quote

      Originally posted by champion:
      Basically, everything would be bigger and better and i should have been regonised for my superior intelligence and made king of the universe:D

      Bah. Wouldn't that constitute the outlawing of Macs? =P

      OpenGL Avara!

      AIM: EVAndrewM

      "I haven't seen myself lately, AndrewM."
      — GreenYO, #ev

      (This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-23-2000).)

    • I would become a tactical advisor for the Rebellion. I'm good at that sort of thing.

    • EVula: how dare you insult the Defender! I can take out the alien cruiser in that thing, so don't get smart.

      AndrewM, actually, he would have his own private factory that built G100s. 😉

      You say I'm an @$$hole? I say get in line.

      AOL/AIM: EVmaridian

      Website: (url="http://"")

    • I believe that it might not be too diferent than life right now (other than the fact that now everybody lives light years away from each other instead of miles). There would be many of the ships and their captains but there would be another aspect that is not in EV at all. The regular military. There would have to be transport vessels to carry the troops from one planet or ship to another as well as planetary vehicles like hovercars or jets. There would also be invasions and systems falling to the opposing governments as well as razed planets and fights over barren worlds. I, though, would still probably go for the space aspect of the EV universe. I would probably join a planetary defense for a place like Kathoon or Clotho Prime. 😄

      Pure insanity calling. Will you answer?

    • I'll have to agree with EVula on this one. You might not have the kind of money to upgrade the defender from a poor quality ship to a moderate ship. I don't think that anybody would. If I were to get assigned, I would request no less than a Lightning.

      Pure insanity calling. Will you answer?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Maridian:
      **EVula: how dare you insult the Defender! I can take out the alien cruiser in that thing, so don't get smart.

      AndrewM, actually, he would have his own private factory that built G100s. 😉


      With all due respect to you, your Defender and all of your can you upgrade a defeder... I mean its got like 5 cargo and 5 space w/ 3 laser guns and that pretty much it, and you cant do anything else...but if you have the ability to take out an Alien Cruiser w/ a Defender and no escorts than just plain and simple you are a God.

      Also in a topic of out most genius that this is Im not going to type anything, but I will tell you this...I recently discored I had a pasion for writting and of can I write better of than escape velocity...I've got a diary that basicly is in a life of escape velocity, I got there everything I do and if this week is too boring I'll sure spice it up some with something that didn't happen but should have happened to make the story good.

      Its not even half done but when it is I would be glad to send it to anybody who would read it and give me their opion...

      It basicly would be like this: I start as a simple trader, I join a side after making alot of money (Rebel or Confed) make the most powerfull ship in the universe with my knowlege of space ships (get a krestel and outfit it in an imposible way in the EV world) with my ship I start building an army by buying off the best pilots and promiseing them riches that they only could dream of, after a while (getting paid tribute by every planet in the galaxy) Id become...well how to say it... a **** (I send all my fleet to hell by destroing them with my kestrel that cannot be defeanted(by this time I get a hold of Alien tecnology{this makes me the most dangerus and hated man in the galaxy})) and at the end with a ship out of this world and a captian with years of expirience I decide to go to an outpost constructed with the billions of millions of credits I just sit there, dont do anything.
      After this a new character apears, the one whos destiny and only mission is to destroy the man in the Kestrel ship that has the entire galaxy in fear and under tribute...
      How he kills him, does he kill him, etc. Im not telling.
      Or it will ruin the ending.

      so plese tell me what you think and i you would be willing to read it when Im done.

      Nexus out....

      Mess with the best , Die
      like the rest..

    • Quote

      Desert Fox:
      I'll have to agree with EVula on this one. You might not have the kind of money to upgrade the defender from a poor quality ship to a moderate ship. I don't think that anybody would. If I were to get assigned, I would request no less than a Lightning.


      With all due respect to you, your Defender and all of your can you upgrade a defeder... I mean its got like 5 cargo and 5 space w/ 3 laser guns and that pretty much it, and you cant do anything else...but if you have the ability to take out an Alien Cruiser w/ a Defender and no escorts than just plain and simple you are a God.

      Ok, first of all, I NEVER said ANYTHING about upgrading it. All I ever do to the Defender is buy a fuel pod and all the performance upgrades, I don't go out and put 2 missile racks on it (obviously, since you can't).

      Desert fox, I just defected from the Confederation-you think they're going to give me a ship like that?

      And as for the god remark, I bet you more money than I'll ever see that over 2/3 of this board can take out the alien cruiser with the defender. If not, I won't pay. Try it sometime. Just watch out for those fighters...

      Oh, and sorry for turning this topic into an argument over my defender skills.

      You say I'm an @$$hole? I say get in line.

      AOL/AIM: EVmaridian

      Website: (url="http://"")

    • I still don't think its posible to do that and that goes for everybody, becasue you have to be in certain position that you just press fire, auto pilot and forward that lets you shoot at it and staying clear of its fusion beam...and you got to worry about the fighters and the seeker drones lanched by every body and sooner or later you'll get hit by something and it all starts to fail because the cruiser just got a hit on you and the seeker drones also did and next thing you know you running way for your life to let the armor and shield status go up...

      but lets not get off the point: Maridian dude whats your escape velocity life like?

      Mess with the best , Die
      like the rest..

    • PS: please excuse my horrible grammar...iIm spanish and I dont write alot in english. :redface:: o :redface: :redface:

      Mess with the best , Die
      like the rest..

    • Im sorry if I offended anybody with attacking the quality of the defender. I am assured that in the hands of a skilled pilot, you can kill anything in the galaxy. It is just that I wonder if your life was on the line, would you try to do it with the defender or on a more secure and reliable ship. After thinking for a while I have figured out a few things. No two ships could ever be the same in the galaxy. The captains would make there ship different in one way or another to the original. Also I wonder why there would only be a certin amount of space for items. A really crafty pilot could get his ship enlargened to accomidate more space, more guns, more turrents etc. Also someone said something about 10,000 for one person to travel from one place to another. It is always a group that approaches to ask for transport to another region in the galaxy and the amount is 5,000. At least I think it is 5,000 😄 🙂 😄

      -With precise stormtrooper trainig Zeth targeted and fired. The comm officer flew backwards, his chest a black hole.-
      Star Wars: Champions of the Force