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    • [Help] Uplink 1.6 Crash

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      The game crash after a while, and this is what I can read on the debug.log :

      Uplink has been forced to Abort

      Message : ChangeSecurityCodes: ComputerType is not recognized
      Location : /Volumes/nightly/Ambrosia/releases/uplink/1.6.1/sources/3rdparty/uplink/source/uplink/src/world/computer/computer.cpp, line 343
      ============== B E G I N C O R E D U M P =================
      ============== E N D C O R E D U M P =====================

      What can I do ?

      (I'm on a Intel iMac)

    • QUOTE (biggbest @ Jul 9 2009, 02:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

      What can I do ?

      You can buy a valid license.

    • Lol, I've bought the game, the crash can't come from the licence... -_-'

    • QUOTE (biggbest @ Jul 10 2009, 12:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

      Lol, I've bought the game, the crash can't come from the licence... -_-'

      I can be reasonably certain that this is not the case. I wrote that code block myself. I know what it's for. If you wish to contest this, send me a PM with your registration name.

    • I'll contest it; I though Ferrous Moon was involved in the development of Onlink, not Uplink. Or was there programming bleed through during Uplink development?

      Really, I'm quite curious. Forgive me for being so blunt.

      This post has been edited by JacaByte : 11 July 2009 - 11:16 AM

    • FM did some work moving Uplink over. I worked for them at the time 🙂

    • FM did a lot of the coding for the Universal, 1.60 version of Uplink, since they had already done it for Onlink anyway.

      This post has been edited by Rickton : 11 July 2009 - 12:19 PM

    • Even if I had not bought the game, a valid licence is needed to play, so I don't see the link with the crash...

      And for information, when I try play the game on another account on my mac, the line specified is different, something like 240.

      Seriously, what can I do ?

      This post has been edited by biggbest : 12 July 2009 - 11:30 AM

    • I'm convinced now that FM is, indeed, a developer for Uplink, but now I'm unconvinced that you have a valid license. An invalid license (e.g. pirated license) will cause this behaviour if I understand FM correctly here, so the next step would be to prove that you have a valid license, no?

    • Yes, a valid license is needed to play, or the game crashes in the way you're experiencing. Or no license is needed for the first 30 days.

    • QUOTE (JacaByte @ Jul 12 2009, 07:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

      An invalid license (e.g. pirated license) will cause this behaviour if I understand FM correctly here, so the next step would be to prove that you have a valid license, no?

      This is correct. There's always that tiny possibility that there was a collision or something. I don't need the code used, I only need the name used.

      I'm giving the benefit of the doubt here. I don't think collisions ever happen with this.

    • Stop speaking about valid licences, unless there are licences "not valid" ? What I wanted to tell in my previous message it is that even if I had not bought Uplink (Onlink), I think that I would not feel pain to find a name of licence.

      It is for this reason that I don't see link.

      Moreover, I have not yet tried to re-install it because I am not sure to manage to erase it correctly.

      This post has been edited by biggbest : 13 July 2009 - 12:29 PM

    • This is the terminal crash when I launch the game on another account "on my mac", Onlink crash after 1 minute, I tried with the free trial.

      _Creating directory '/Users/ TheAccountName /Library/Application Support/Onlink/users/' failed (errno 2).
      App::SaveGame (prep) took 0.067166 seconds.

      Assertion failed : 'file'
      File: /Volumes/EspionageMounts/miah/2564529178/src/onlink/targets/macosx/../../uplink/src/app/save.cpp
      Line: 74_

    • QUOTE (biggbest @ Jul 13 2009, 03:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

      unless there are licences "not valid"

      QUOTE (JacaByte @ Jul 12 2009, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

      (e.g. pirated license)

      Also, I wasn't aware that Onlink, or any other mod for that matter, would work while unregistered...

    • QUOTE (biggbest @ Jul 13 2009, 05:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

      Sstop speaking about valid licences, unless there are licences "not valid" ? What I wanted to tell in my previous message it is that even if I had not bought Uplink (Onlink), I think that I would not feel pain to find a name of licence.

      That's what he's saying. It would be easy to find a pirated license, but the pirated license would make the game crash. And that's what he's claiming is happening, that you pirated a license and that's why it's crashing.

    • QUOTE (Rickton @ Jul 13 2009, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

      That's what he's saying. It would be easy to find a pirated license, but the pirated license would make the game crash. And that's what he's claiming is happening, that you pirated a license and that's why it's crashing.

      What a sense of humour! Unless I really find it difficult to explain.

      I simplify :

      John X. buys a licence.
      John X. gives the licence to Philip Y.
      Philip Y. plays John's game.

      -> In what Philip Y. would have a "pirated" licence ? 🙂

      Oh and I went forgotten, the game crash also when I test in free trial, on another machine 🙂

      This post has been edited by biggbest : 13 July 2009 - 12:31 PM

    • Easy.

      John X. uses a pirated licence.
      John X. gives the licence to Philip Y.
      Philip Y. is using a pirated license.

      EDIT: Also, I'm pretty sure licenses are non-transferable.

      This post has been edited by Ferrous Moon : 13 July 2009 - 07:12 PM

    • QUOTE (Ferrous Moon @ Jul 14 2009, 12:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


      John X. uses a pirated licence.
      John X. gives the licence to Philip Y.
      Philip Y. is using a pirated license.

      oO This has no sense, it means that John buys a licence, but this one is pirated ? hum... lol ?

      Roughly, I bought a licence, already pirated ? -_-'

      QUOTE (Ferrous Moon @ Jul 14 2009, 12:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

      EDIT: Also, I'm pretty sure licenses are non-transferable.

      There is not Internet check, how the licence couldn't be used by 2 000 000 people ?

      This post has been edited by biggbest : 14 July 2009 - 07:49 AM

    • QUOTE (biggbest @ Jul 14 2009, 08:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

      oO This has no sense, it means that John buys a licence, but this one is pirated ? hum... lol ?

      No, what he's saying is John didn't buy the license. He was using a pirated one that he gave to you.
      If that's even what's happened. You haven't really explained where exactly ou got the license from which really makes the whole thing suspicious.

      QUOTE (biggbest @ Jul 14 2009, 08:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

      There is not Internet check, how the licence couldn't be used by 2 000 000 people ?

      That's what's called "pirating" and that's what the crash is trying to prevent.

    • QUOTE (Rickton @ Jul 14 2009, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

      No, what he's saying is John didn't buy the license. He was using a pirated one that he gave to you.
      If that's even what's happened. You haven't really explained where exactly ou got the license from which really makes the whole thing suspicious.

      -_- So you don't know read , here is what I have write :


      John X. buys a licence.
      John X. gives the licence to Philip Y.
      Philip Y. plays John's game.

      Where do you see that the licence that John bought is pirated? 😮