Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Stealing money from bank accounts

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      Ive been having trouble stealing money. I am able to complete the transfer and spend the money but then a few days later i get caught. Im not sure why because i deleted all the records of me logging into the bank, and deleted the record of the transfer from the account i stole it from (but not from the one it went to - mine). Would i have to delete that or is there something else i had to delete. Also, the trace timer hasnt run out so thats not the problem either


    • I would delete those logs, and if that doesn't work, then there's a guide to bank hacking on the Uplink addons page. I used it when I couldn't figure it out and it worked fine.

      Theoretically, if you linked 2 people mentally, so that one felt what the other person felt, and caused a tiny amount of pain to one of them, wouldn't it feedback until both their pain centers burned out?

      (This message has been edited by Xero Curvox (edited 06-28-2004).)

    • First, bounce through InterNIC and several other things, then do your bank hack (I assume you already know how to do this).
      After you steal the money, don't bother deleting your access logs, however I delete the transfer logs in the account.
      Disconnect, then go to InterNIC and get into the admin. Delete the log that says something along the lines of "Connection from bounced to <whatever>"
      Hopefully this should prevent you from getting caught.

      The box said Windows 95 or why doesn't it work on a Mac?
      Member of WORRPBOITAMPSH, whatever that is

    • Thats what ive been doing and im still getting caught, but ill have to try and delete the transfer files on my uplink bank account. But i was thinking, shouldnt buying the security measures and just losing ur gateway, with still enough money to buy everything back work? But 1 thing, i use the first gateway and i dont think that has any security options


    • Okay, 3 things:

      A. What kind of CPU are you using?(AKA: Speed of your gateway)This actually (probably) has no impact on my answer, I'd just like to know.

      B. That would work, but it's not as satisfying

      C. It doesn't have any security options.

      Theoretically, if you linked 2 people mentally, so that one felt what the other person felt, and caused a tiny amount of pain to one of them, wouldn't it feedback until both their pain centers burned out?

    • A. What kind of CPU are you using?(AKA: Speed of your gateway)This actually (probably) has no impact on my answer, I'd just like to know.

      The speed is 200ghz and i got th 10 gls modem


    • The ALPHA Gateway cannot support the 10 giga-Q modem. So if it let you buy it, I can't say .

      If your still haviing trouble stealing try this.

      At the bank you are stealing from, after you have transfered the money, go into "View Statement" and delete the top log. (It will so say much money transfered from this bank to your bank) To delete logs you need a proxy bypass or disable.

      To be safe, go into Internic and delete your logs. (if in doubt, just delete them all.)

      Bounce to the Uplink International bank. Enter your account which you transfered the money into, then go into "View Statement" Bypass or disable the proxy server, then delete the log which would otherwise incriminate you.

      Disconnect, go into Internic, delete all your logs.

      Revel in the glory that you are now filthy rich, and can buy anything you want.

      It's worked 4-5 times for me that way, so good luck!


    • It is much quicker to create a new account with the bank you are stealing from, and transfer the money to that account.

      That way, as soon as you have transferred the money and deleted the "Transferred to (your bank account)" log, you can just leave the hacked account, enter your account, and delete the "Transferred from..." log - all during the same bank connection.


    • Not to mention which, why put stolen goods (money) into your real account? If the bank were to freeze your account, you'd be screwed. On the other hand, if they freeze a fake account, who cares?

      Incidentally, whatever account you have highlighted in your financial screen is the one to which payments will be made, and monthly fees deducted from.


      "As long as men are free to ask what they must, free to say what they think, free to think what they will, freedom can never be lost, and science can never regress."
      -- J. Robert Oppenheimer, American physicist (1904-1967)
      (url="http://"")The 501st Stormtrooper Legion, 'Vader's Fist'(/url)

    • Incidentally, after robbing my first bank, I went on a spending spree. I bought the best gateway, and all the best hardware & software.

      Incidentally, I forgot to switch to my new account where the 1 million was stored. (My first one only had like 20,000 on it) So I ended up overspending hundreds of thousands.

      I noticed this after fast-forwarding time, since I got about 40 emails. So of course I had to pay all this fines. But to add insult to injury, I couldn't pay the fines fast enough. Everytime I paid one, I got emails from all these other banks saying I was running out of time, and they were going to put legal action against me.

      So I finally figured out, to pay them, then reply to the banks all at once. Whew!


    • I've been able to do it a lot now, it was because i didnt delete the logs in my uplink account, but an easy way to find an account with a lot of money is to take one of the messions where you have to trace a trasfer of money, because its always in the millions. So once you trace the account steal the money from it. Dont try going through every bank...i did and it took me about 3 hours to go through about 15, every account, logging in to each one, and the highest price i found was 10000c


    • whats uplink

      'there are two things which i know are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and i'm not so sure about the universe'
      albert einstein

    • Well this is getting interesting. I wonder if any of you have had the same problem. 5 people have asked me to do real hacking jobs for them (hacking banks) and they get it from this forum, i really cant, its a game. Has anyone else had this same problem, maybe not with just hacking banks, but any thing with hacking. My guess is they just look up "hacking bank accounts" and this forum comes up and they thing we are all real hackers


    • Let me speak for everyone on this forum: We are not real hackers. We cannot hack bank accounts and servers etc... We are discussing a game about hacking. It is called Uplink (I suggest you play it as it's rather good). That being said, if you want us to hack/teach you how you will be flamed. Rather similar to the mulitplayer nova posts on the nova board.

      This is my sig.

    • could work together

    • Work together? My guess is on hacking is what you mean.
      Yes, we could potentially.
      No, I would never help you hack a real server. That is morally unjust. Just because you can doesnt mean you have to.
      If I hacked your computer, uploaded viruses, and deleted your games, would you be mad?
      So dont hack people. It is wrong, and about 72.635% of the time that a server is worth hacking, they will trace you. And you will be in jail. Which is not good.
      If you hacked me, I would trace you. And hack you back. And I am a noob. Big servers have far more qualified people.
      It would be bad.

    • Back on to the actual topic of this forum...

      When you hack a bank, wait until you get the email from Uplink corp saying that your rating has gone up. I always get one after hacking a bank and THAT is my cue to start blowing someone else's money!

    • Yeah that's a good way to do it, uplink only levels up your rating after they see that your hack has gone untraced.

      Personally, I think that the problem with hacking banks in uplink is that once you do it, the game becomes pretty much a piece of cake. If you don't count the last mission where you have to stop revelation.

    • Gamerman, on Jul 6 2005, 05:43 AM, said:

      Yeah that's a good way to do it, uplink only levels up your rating after they see that your hack has gone untraced.

      Personally, I think that the problem with hacking banks in uplink is that once you do it, the game becomes pretty much a piece of cake. If you don't count the last mission where you have to stop revelation.
      View Post

      ... or start it! 😄

    • This topic was soooo gravedug.