Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Hacking LANs

      15 33 368

      First of all, let me say, "thank you!" to all the tremendously helpful people here who have answered all my questions thus far. I like to try to figure out things in Uplink on my own, but sometimes, I just can't. This is one of those times. 🙂

      I have had a mission for a while where I am supposed to hack a LAN and destroy a server on it. I have the LAN HUD upgrade, and the top versions of LAN Scan, LAN Probe, and LAN Spoof (but not LAN Force). The problem is, whenever I connect to the LAN in question, I get a message stating that they don't accept external connections, and so on and so forth. Is there something really obvious that I'm missing here, or is there a hidden trick to hacking LANs? And, when I get in, will it be (relatively) self-evident as to what I'm supposed to do, or are LANs a whole different monster?


      (This message has been edited by athagon (edited 05-30-2003).)

    • That screen throws alot of people. Just ignore it and open the LAN View (button at bottom of screen). That will let you view the LAN. From there it is pretty staightforward. 🙂

      (url="http://"")The Uplink Directory(/url)

    • Just don't forget your monitor bypass, etc, and the admin's voice!

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    • How do I disable the locks? I try to connect to it's control computer, but nothing happens... any suggestions?

      "If your armor is >70% after battle, you are not a true warrior" -Me
      "God does not play dice" -Albert Einstein
      "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity." -Albert Einstein
      Et je dirai: "C'est la vie!"

    • If you get to the control computer you have to hack it and select disable locks. You can also use the LAN Force on the lock, but that will alert the net admin. 🙂

      (url="http://"")The Uplink Directory(/url)

    • OK. I am completely confused as to what to do. I got into the LAN, ran the LAN scanner, and ran the spoofer on the router. But whenever I try to connect to anything, nothing happens. I select a system, I click connect, and ... nothing.


    • The Spoof lets you fool other servers into thinking you are another computer (one that has access hopefully). What you need to do is run the LAN Probe on the router to uncover its connections, then you can Probe the connections, and keep going like that until you find your destination. 🙂

      (url="http://"")The Uplink Directory(/url)

    • Okay, I have managed to get a look at the entire 'Sample company' LAN. However, I can't get to the central computer. How do I do this...? Also, I have found a modem for alternative exterior connections. How do I use this?

      I have found that if you disable the proxy and bypass the monitor, the Admin never notices...

      "If your armor is >70% after battle, you are not a true warrior" -Me
      "God does not play dice" -Albert Einstein
      "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity." -Albert Einstein
      Et je dirai: "C'est la vie!"

    • If you use the LAN Force, the admin will notice even if you have bypassed everything.

      As for the modem, you will need to connect to it (it will be a seperate dot on the map once you get its number and run it through the IP Lookup). To get the number hack the terminals, one will contain the number of the modem. The modem will connect the the main server. 🙂

      (url="http://"")The Uplink Directory(/url)

    • Okay. I sort of understand how this works now. I've been able to connect to various hubs in the LAN, but not really anything else. I connected to a terminal, but there was nothing there. I couldn't find the "central sales machine," but I did find a "main server" or something like that. Nothing happens when I try to connect to it, though.


    • That is to say, I don't know what to do next. 🙂


    • Main Servers are generally protected by requiring a valid subnet to connect. There will be a yellow box around a system that says valid subnet. You just need to run the LAN Spoof on that system and then connect to the server. 🙂

      (url="http://"")The Uplink Directory(/url)

    • I looked around for a valid subnet, but found nothing. I found some other yellow boxes -- surrounding locks ("locksunlocks"), and some invisible (border only, no picture, shown only when selecting certain systems) systems ("ownedby" and "controller"). I couldn't connect to any of them, though, nor could I spoof on them. I couldn't even probe them. Furthermore, hacking into the one "lock controller system" I could connect to, and choosing "disable" seemed to do nothing, and I ran into some odd interface glitches when in that system.

      All in all, this is turning out very frustrating. I understand that it's supposed to be a challenge, but couldn't this be at least slightly intuitive?


      (This message has been edited by athagon (edited 05-30-2003).)

    • I am on the ARC LAN mission and I can't figure out how to break into the main system... I broke all the locks I could find but the three locks around the main server were still there and I can't get into the main computer. :<(

    • Invisible (border only) show computers that are there and control these items but you haven't found them yet. Make sure you probe every computer on the LAN you can find.

      When you connect to a lock controller, you hack in and choose disable. After that, you run a LAN Probe on the lock which the controller controls (it is now open).

      You can only probe a computer to which you have already established a LAN path by the probe. Make sure you have lines between all the computers you can see.

      "locksunlocks" happens when you have a Lock Controller selected. That tells you which lock that controller unlocks (ie which will be opened when you hack in ;)). Hack in, unlock, then probe the "locksunlocks" lock.

      Disclaimer: In cases of
      major discrepancy, it's
      always Reality that's got it

    • Quote

      Originally posted by psn:
      **Hack in, unlock, then probe the "locksunlocks" lock.


      Right. I've done all that. Here is the problem:

      The three locks which guard the main server are all each behind a lock of their own. E.g.: isolation bridge > lock > guard lock; authentication server > lock > guard lock. I have broken into the authentication servers and the isolation bridge, and the locks that they directly connect to without a problem (and probed everything). But, I can't figure out a way to connect to the controller locks, or to get them unlocked.


    • Which LAN is this? (IIRC, the LANs are static)

      Disclaimer: In cases of
      major discrepancy, it's
      always Reality that's got it

    • Quote

      Originally posted by psn:
      **Which LAN is this? (IIRC, the LANs are static)


      This is the Walker (Corporation?) LAN.


    • Any ideas? 🙂


    • I'm stuck in about the same place only on the Arunmore lan. I hacked and probed everything, but can't get to the isolation bridge. I was given a phone number, but when ran through IP look-up, I get a resonse "IP not found" How do I find this IP?
