Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • This game is fun

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      until you play online

      <I just got my butt handed to me by a bunch of unregistered infidels :mad: Now I go to practice, practice, practice 🙂 Then, I shall return and be known as the grayshirtbuttkicker! Bwa-hahahaha!!>

      P.S. I'll probably still get pwn'd. I think I'll stick to EV:N

    • The Guild has some articles that might help.

      You didn't happen to play Sphinx, did you? I can't beat him, and I've been playing for a bit.

    • If your desperate for someone to beat, you try playing me. I'm pretty bad.

    • Because neither Ace nor myself can host, and because Ace has a wierd firewall that prevents him from doing anything but dueling, I can't say anything either way.

    • I have this weird firewall in my router that keeps me from hosting off of a LAN 😞 my screen name is grayshirtninja. I'll look for you.

    • Quote

      I have this weird firewall in my router that keeps me from hosting off of a LAN

      Basically everyone has that problem nowadays, except for a (?)lucky(?) few who have dial-up, and some people who have managed to figure out ways around them. OS X may have starved Avara, but firewalls and routers strangled it.

    • Ace Rimmer, on Feb 14 2006, 03:41 PM, said:

      Basically everyone has that problem nowadays, except for a (?)lucky(?) few who have dial-up, and some people who have managed to figure out ways around them. OS X may have starved Avara, but firewalls and routers strangled it.
      View Post

      Really? Awwwww that's so sad

    • I have a firewall that lives in my router. If I try to disconnect from the router without shutting down the computer and wiping the router prefs, I can't connect at all. That router is EVIL, I tell you; it took over my computer so I can't host games unless I want to reset the prefs all the time.

    • It is evil, it must be destroyed! You must cast it back into the fires of Mt. Doom where it was forged!

    • I would think Gimli would have been able to whack that thing cleanly in two...

      Anaxagoras: There is a setting somewhere that you can tweak. You have to be pingable and forward Avara's preferred port to your IP, and make sure you keep that IP.

    • The Apple Cřre, on Feb 14 2006, 02:27 PM, said:

      The Guild has some articles that might help.

      You didn't happen to play Sphinx, did you? I can't beat him, and I've been playing for a bit.
      View Post


    • The Apple Cřre, on Feb 15 2006, 08:50 PM, said:

      I would think Gimli would have been able to whack that thing cleanly in two...
      View Post

      Arrr, lemmee at 'em!

      Anyway, I could go for a game of Avara or two, right about now. Too bad there isn't a tracker, anymore.

    • There is the tracker that came with the Avara app.

    • The Apple Cřre, on Feb 16 2006, 01:18 AM, said:

      There is the tracker that came with the Avara app.
      View Post

      Ambrosia's original tracker server seems to be unrelaible these days.

      The IP I found in a thread further down worked nicely, though. I got my ass thrashed a few times by Sphinx. Substitue 'Malkavian' for the nickname, and it felt just like 1999....

      Crap I'm old.

    • Getting smashed constantly by Sphinx isn't the bad part. The bad part is him loading a grenade and shaking his head back and forth whenever he kills you.

    • Oh yeah. I hate that.

    • A visit from the old school. I don't mean Sphinx, hell, I was kicking his ass
      back when he was a newb not named "Sphinx". I don't mean Uno or KeeL,
      I don't even mean Malkavian, who I suppose I could try to get online here

      I mean me.

      You want some?

    • Quote

      The bad part is him loading a grenade and shaking his head back and forth whenever he kills you.

      I've seen worse. For example, repeated crouching after he makes a very easy kill. Makes me wonder if he plays net Halo.


      You want some?

      Sure. I get beaten by everyone anyway. Can you host?

    • Im hosting right now if anyones down

      tracker aint working tho

      and fran, you and archer and all your other gAAy members may have laid the beatdowns back then, but I got a good 4+ extra years of skill in these fingers now vs you

      uno & pest still play too

      and no I dont play halo, the dancing I was inspired from when unreal tournament came out. Although Uno tries to claim he invented it, as he does all good avara ideas :rolleyes:

      This post has been edited by Chanksta : 17 February 2006 - 05:09 PM