Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • How dead is Avara?

      19 29 5837

      Scale of one to ten

      Poll: How dead is Avara? (38 member(s) have cast votes)
      How dead is Avara?
      (12 votes [31.58%])
      Percentage of vote: 31.58%
      (7 votes [18.42%])
      Percentage of vote: 18.42%
      (5 votes [13.16%])
      Percentage of vote: 13.16%
      (4 votes [10.53%])
      Percentage of vote: 10.53%
      (2 votes [5.26%])
      Percentage of vote: 5.26%
      (2 votes [5.26%])
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      (0 votes [0.00%])
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      (1 votes [2.63%])
      Percentage of vote: 2.63%
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      (5 votes [13.16%])
      Percentage of vote: 13.16%

      I made a level, just curious if there was anyone out there who cared. I did it with "Getting Started", and I'm not registered. If anyone wants, I'll send them the pict, and you can try it out.
      I'm pretty sure the level is unique. (read: It's new and cool. Seriously.)

      This post has been edited by Emmit Gandlodder : 11 November 2004 - 11:06 AM

    • Emmit Gandlodder, on Nov 11 2004, 05:05 PM, said:

      How dead is avara?View Post

      I think that answers your question...

    • It's not as long as people still play it. And people still play it, dude. 😉

      I'd like to see that level of yours. Maybe play you on it sometime. Sighh If only I could get my own levels to work.

    • Well
      Avara isn't totally dead, but it is dead enough that I have not interest in it whatsoever.

    • If you have no interest in it, then why do you post in the Avara forum?

    • Well, um uh,
      I guess I do have some interest in it, but I never
      really could get involved in it, and as a result, haven't
      played it for about 3 years.

    • There are necrophiliacs who think it's too far gone.

    • I would think that it must be pretty far gone.

      It was a good idea for a game, but, it's just OLD!
      I think it would be awsome if they made a new version of
      avara, you know, with good graphics and stuff. I think I
      would play it.

      But of course, because it's dead...

    • Robert Marlin, on Nov 16 2004, 03:34 PM, said:

      If you have no interest in it, then why do you post in the Avara forum?
      View Post

      The "View New Posts" feature. 😛

    • I still play it with friends on occasion, but Avara is for all intensive purposes dead. I don't expect that many people are still paying the registration fee.

      In many ways, Avara was and still is my favorite game of all times. With the current trend of network-able games, there is no reason why Ambrosia could not make an "Avara 2", and have it become a complete success, though it would need to be written from scratch (the current code base is too far gone).

      Avara is dead, long live Avara!

    • I've had five people in one netgame on Microtracker. Avara isn't as dead as you think. If I can get a steady connection to the 'Net, I wouldn't mind getting a developer team together to tweak Avara into something slightly better-looking (textures? lighting?) that will still run playably on older Macs. Then everyone would have to give it something below 10 ;-).

    • Avara doesn't need to be all that better looking. It just needs to work on OS X, and some more stuff (but not too much) might help too.

    • Rickton, on Dec 29 2004, 11:57 AM, said:

      Avara doesn't need to be all that better looking. It just needs to work on OS X, and some more stuff (but not too much) might help too.
      View Post

      Graphics of at least Citizen Kabuto caliber would be preferred, personally.

    • Also, back on on the matter of the topic:Attached File Picture_3.jpg (45.2K)
      Number of downloads: 162

      I just wanted to know what the record was before I chicken out and set up another one of my Useless Firewalled Servers™ (patent pending) 😄

    • Avara is a great game. It needs to be remade for OS X and all. It'd be cool.

    • I played a few games of Avara, and by the last game I'd been called n00b so many times that I vowed never to play it again.. but it was also the first first person shooter I'd ever played. Maybe I'll try it again at some point.

    • Avara isn't dead. Breathing its last few gulps of air maybe, but not dead. If Avara were to be re-created for OSX, the one key feature regardless of graphics or gameplay would need to be the level editing. Avara is still the only first-person shooter (that I know of) that makes level creation as easy as drawing a picture. When it came out, the graphics were horrible compared to any other FPS game of the time. But it was an amazing sucess because even newbies (haha-like me) could design pretty good levels.

    • It's dead to me. I'm one of the original players (played from 95-98) and level designers but I hate going into classic. Avara was a great game, way ahead of its time. But alas, Ambrosia seems to have no interest in upgrading it to OSX (I chatted briefly with them at Macworld Expo).

      The closest thing I've found to Avara is bzflag ( It lets you create your own levels with just a text editor if you want. And there's a lot of people playing it. Plus it's open source so hopefully it won't die off like Avara (sniff). One thing bzflag doesn't have however is a moveable turret/head like the HECTORs do.

    • uisgebeatha, on Jan 11 2005, 12:44 AM, said:

      Avara isn't dead. Breathing its last few gulps of air maybe, but not dead. If Avara were to be re-created for OSX, the one key feature regardless of graphics or gameplay would need to be the level editing. Avara is still the only first-person shooter (that I know of) that makes level creation as easy as drawing a picture. When it came out, the graphics were horrible compared to any other FPS game of the time. But it was an amazing sucess because even newbies (haha-like me) could design pretty good levels.
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      Heya Head, glad to hear from you, been a while dude.

      As for the link, thanks for posting it. I had heard of BZFlag, but never took a minute to look at it. Plus, since it's open source, maybe some people would like to modify the physics slightly to allow for a "head"? 😉 Doubtfull, but ever hopefull...

    • Head, on Jan 15 2005, 01:58 PM, said:

      I hate going into classic.
      View Post

      I set up Classic to load as soon as I see the desktop. It makes 9 and X become as one, seriously. You'll never have to wait for a program to load while Classic is also loading. Unless you're one of those people who are impatient. I hate them.