So if it takes a G5 60 seconds to load the level, people with G3s and below are going to load this how?
You with your G5... me with Basilisk on a P III/500. You are going to be tapping your foot for a while. At least I have the RAM to throw at it...
Make a copy public so I can see how (if) it loads. And don't deprive me of my heavy hull, even if it is a bad idea.
I have to go buy a G5 so when Sphinx finishes the level I can play it...
Okay here is a better explanation diagram of these 'zones'.
The little symbols ( X, , +, = ) represent if something is placed there, it will show-up at that same symbol location.
White text where the zones are in clarisworks. Black text is where the zones appear in orientation in Avara with their corresponding symbols (objects) locations.
The white line represents as far as you can see inside clarisworks. It also represents (although not to anywhere near actual proportions) the 'auto-cleaning' zone that exists between the white text zones and the black text zones. This area in reality is about 1/3rd the height of zone of uberism A. When in CW if you 'group-shove' an object past the white line into the black text zones, it 'pushes' the white line deeper into the zones of newbism and uberism, deleting anything shown in these. It even splits walls in half, if you have half a wall over the line that half will not appear.
The Undetermined zones locations in Avara orientation are unknown. The only way to probe these guys in CW (because theyre behind the white line) is via the BSP/group-shove-up method I used to probe the black-text zones of überism when in CW. So I still have to map those 2 zones. Which could yield very interesting results, as these are the only zones that cannot be accessed through any other method except this BSP push method, perhaps there is infinite area from these zones out, or perhaps they are auto-deleting areas.
Attached File(s)
ZoneMap.jpg (46.09K)
Number of downloads: 67
I still want to see what Basilisk makes of it. It's set in DRM, so it might not be too bad. How big is the level file, anyway?
That's gonna hurt. A lot.
/me goes and orders a new G4 and a processor upgrade for it.
The Apple Cřre, on Oct 13 2005, 03:32 AM, said:
That's gonna hurt. A lot.
/me goes and orders a new G4 and a processor upgrade for it.
View PostActually while playing it, it's fine and doesn't lag at all, it just takes FOREVER to load it.
You have a copy? wants a copy.
I don't know about us, but AC will not be able to play this thing. He lags way too much. We were playing that Congo level of Sphinx's and it lagged incredibly bad until we killed AC.
Why do you have to make it this big? We're in awe of your abilities, we know it's going to be don't need to prove you can do this sort of thing. We know.
I guess you can make it huge if you want...I think it'd be much more fun if it were split up into seperate levels in one huge set. It could still have the laggy as hell frickin' amazing graphics and stuff, just be split up so we don't go so slow.
Maybe you could release two versions. One for the slow people (me and others), that's split up, and one for the speedy people, that isn't. Just a thought.
This post has been edited by Katana !!! : 25 February 2006 - 12:03 PM