Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Its Time for Action!

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      OK, we need to stop sitting around and start working out ways to save Avara. I know this has probably been said before, but lets go! We need ways to either get more people to Avara, find a way to port it to OSX, or something. If anyone here can program and has a lot of free time, maybe we should work on porting it ourselves. We need to work!


    • I have to say, my friend and I have been PLANNING (keyword) to make a new game. Two of the first things I suggested were a game based on the current Avara engine, or a complete remake ("update") of the game based on the Blender engine. I hadn't said anything up to this point because I wanted to have something useful to show, and well, I don't. The Blender modelling interface is very confusing. There would also be several technical/legal issues that i'm not sure about, like:

      -would Ambrosia sell a game based on an engine that must be distributed w/ open SC

      -who would program a new Tracker, level editor, etc.

      -would the game be more complicate (gameplay and graphics-wise) or keep it's relative simplicity

      -um, well there were some others, but I forgot

      If I recall, the last attempt to create a sequel fell flat on it's face because of mass disorganization, poor communication, and epic disagreements. I know it could be done, but everyone would have to be on the same page. Anyway, if anyone has any experience with the Blender engine and/or making games with it, email me.

      If it ever gets to the point that a game is actually made, I would suggest against calling it "Avara 2", but instead Avara (2.0) to avoid confusion ;-).

      I'm allergic to anime.
      God Bless,
      Robert Marlin

    • Mass disorganization? Epic disagreements? You treat it as if it was some gigantic blunder and it fell apart. The problem with every Avara 2 is it doesn't even get close to getting off the ground. If you can do it, God bless...but, and no offense is intended, I wouldn't count on it.


    • Can you program it, Robert?


    • Maybe if I learn Python (which Blender uses). But that was a HUGE maybe I was talking about. Don't go around telling people that I'm GOING to make the next Avara. It's just a possibility. Maybe I shouldn't have said that...

      Ed, from what I gaathered looking at the old Avara 2 webboard, it didn't seem like it got past the planning phase. There seemed to have been alot of fighting going on. Maybe I exxagerated, but that was just my interpertation. Forgive me if I'm wrong, I wasn't there.

      (edit) Forget it. Robin Hood said they're still working on the game. Go figure.
      I'm allergic to anime.
      God Bless,
      Robert Marlin

      (This message has been edited by Robert Marlin (edited 06-27-2004).)

      (This message has been edited by Robert Marlin (edited 06-27-2004).)

    • Ok, sounds good. In any case, couldd we use the Blender engine (Ok, that sounds wierd) without requiring the whole project to be open-source? We could probably set it up so that Avara is a game with the Blender engine at its base, but did not make the blender engine part of the code of Avara, so Avara 2 would be Avara and Blender separaely.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Robert Marlin:
      (edit) Forget it. Robin Hood said they're still working on the game. Go figure.

      Which really kind of makes this pointless. The only thing I've relly seen yet is the new Tracker, but if they've got that it would suggest they've got at least the basis of the game, too.

      Or, here's a REALLY wierd idea (probably not a good one either):
      From what I gathered it seems they're not working with Ambrosia on this (again, don't quote me on this). Unless they somehow acquire the right's to the name Avara, they will eventually have to distrib it through Ambrosia. If we came up with something to show before they do (very unlikely), it's quite possible that A.S. might choose to work on our game. Note that this would probably get us hated by all the others working on the other "Avara 2".

      I'm really not sure if products made with Blender can be distributed without the Blender SC or not. I don't think the game itself would have to be OS. But any ditribution of the Blender program itself must include the SC. You can find more info here: (url="http://"")

      And forgive me for talking about Ambrosia in the third person, but you know... I'm not part of the company.

      (edit) spelling, and I'm going to be away until June 5.
      I'm allergic to anime.
      God Bless,
      Robert Marlin

      (This message has been edited by Robert Marlin (edited 06-28-2004).)

      (This message has been edited by Robert Marlin (edited 06-28-2004).)

      (This message has been edited by Robert Marlin (edited 06-29-2004).)

    • If you can't call it Avara, just call it Wide Open Spaces.

      So the new tracker's up huh? That's awesome. Am I banned from it yet?


    • Hi, I suggest you update the game to OS X, and maybe upgrade the graphics a bit, and that'll do the trick


    • That is exactly what we want to do!


    • Sorry, Ed. Only the Tracker 2 program is written, as of yet it does nothing. And a new Avara game would have to be called Avara because Wide open spaces is a cheesy name.

      Uhh, I've been thinking. Since Seige will (hopefully) be completed in the next year or two or ten, having two new online deathmatch games selling at the same time would dilute AS's game selection. So I ask (to Andrew specifically), if an Avara sequel was made, would AS sell it?

      My 89 cents for today. 🙂

      I'm allergic to anime.
      God Bless,
      Robert Marlin

    • What is Siege? I've never head of it. In any case, it couldn't be so much like Avara that it wouldn't be worth distrbuting, right? People still play all those Half -Life mods that are almost all the same.


    • Seige is Ambrosia's second most top secret game in development. It's a futuristic flight-combat type game. You're right, it's not much like Avara. But they are both network/internet play 3D combat games. I just want to hear from Andrew before we start anything. Any other 3D game engines you could think of would be helpful, too. (Besides Aleph One)

      There, 64 more cents.
      I'm allergic to anime.
      God Bless,
      Robert Marlin

      (This message has been edited by Robert Marlin (edited 07-06-2004).)

    • Well, I know that there is probably not a Mac version and no chance it would happen, but the Half-Life engine would be very cool to mod into Avara.


    • Oops, I meant free 3D game engines. Sorry, I don't have $100 to buy a commercial license. I haven't seen the Half-Life engine in action, but I think something like that might be overkill for what we're talking about.

      sigh I wish all engines could be like the Avara engine: specific in what it can do, yet flexible enough to pull off some cool stuff.

      I'm allergic to anime.
      God Bless,
      Robert Marlin

      (This message has been edited by Robert Marlin (edited 07-07-2004).)

    • Andrew's not gonna let you interfere with his big plans. I've dealt with Andrew enough to know he's not going to let you take a potential dime out of his pocket.

      I guess you're right, Wide Open Spaces is a pretty cheesy name, Avara's much better.


    • Rather than going against the people who are already working on an Avara 2, why don't you help them? It will get it done faster and might help to build community strength.

      The box said Windows 95 or why doesn't it work on a Mac?
      Member of WORRPBOITAMPSH, whatever that is

    • Because they all seem to be against working with Ambrosia. I might be wrong, but this is the impression that I get. Though many may disagree with me, I belive that the only way to get a new Avara project off the ground is with the support of Ambrosia. Also, I think that what they are working on wouild be more like Aftershock-- more hulls, complicated stuff, and lots stuff and stuff (for lack of a better word). I would rather have another game just like Avara only with better graphics, expanded multiplayer capabilities, and better balanced, but retaining Avara's original charm: simplicity. Call me a minimalist, but I would rather have that or an entirely new game, which I have considered. Basically it just comes down to differing ideals.

      Sir, I send a rhyme excelling,
      In sacred truth and rigid spelling,
      Numerical sprites elucidate
      For me, the lexicon's dull weight.

    • Here's how I see it:

      I don't really think you'll be able to work with Ambrosia...I may be wrong but I just wouldn't count on it.

      Now without Ambrosia's backing and support, you won't be able to find many new players because then it's just a random game in the mist with no marketing.

      So who is going to be the community that plays this game? Do you have a marketing strategy? Even if you do, wouldn't it be nice to have a current base already playing for the newbs to play with and learn from? This isn't present now, the game is basically dead.

      There are ways to get the community stronger. I thought a MegaServer would work. Those fair weather fans of the game would come on every so often, see someone is still playing, and visit. Then they might become regulars. As it is, I don't know how many servers are up everyday because I'm banned, but I'm guessing it's not many.

      If I were unbanned, I would make sure the game gets a more solid base. I would make sure there's always a place for players to play. I would make sure this game doesn't completely die. I'm one of the few players of this game who really cares about and likes this game. And as of now, I'm unable to do anything. That's sad.


    • Well, I can see right now where we're not going to agree. I'm not going to argue right now. We're still trying to decide weather or not we're going to make the game. You are right, the reason I want to stay close to Ambrosia because I have no ability to market this. Their support would be highly productive. And it is necessary that there are original players to support a new game. But as for finding new people to play, well... people know Ambrosia, they know they can come here for good quality entertainment. It would be much easier to let potential users come to us. And how many of the original Avara players still play? Many consider themselves "retired" from the game. That still leavesa few, but not enough to keep a new game afloat by themselves.
      Maybe in a new Avara, there will be a place for a Megaserver, but I believe that only came about as an act of desparation, correct? If the cards are played right, it may not come to that. Ed, I understand that you do not have a high opinion Ambrosia or those who run it, but if you are willing to trust them now i think it would work out.

      I'm allergic to anime.
      God bless,
      Robert Marlin

      (This message has been edited by Robert Marlin (edited 07-08-2004).)