Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • eMail from Edgar_Hons

      16 32 2637

      It's me Edgar Hons!

      I was reading through old posts concerning my unjust
      banning from the tracker and I came across this.

      "we'll be equally appologetic if there has been a
      mistake in banning you -- and you will be unbanned
      with alacrity."

      This was posted by you 12-12-2001.

      Anyways, since then I've received no apology, but 1
      more unjust banishment.

      I am unbanned now, although that's due to my IP
      changing, but I felt this was an issue that just
      shouldn't die! My server invitation is a quote from
      your co-worker Taz stating

      "There is NO reason to run a 24/7 server "for the
      community". Anyone doing so will be getting an IP ban
      for a while."

      Here are some responses from 3 people currently in my

      Catman: i think he needs to be shot 5 times in the
      Catman: then have his dead body raped by eros
      Catman: LOL

      Krow <Lemmings>: Well, I don't love the Mega Server
      but I don't hate it
      Krow <Lemmings>: I mean, how does it hurt?

      ******* WHO DOESNT
      k‡ŁŁm<sum>: HE CAN GO **** HIMSELF
      k‡ŁŁm<sum>: BITCHIN,, seriously, **** taz, he has
      no business here, and
      k‡ŁŁm<sum>: what the **** is with Ip bans, is he
      trying to kill the game
      k‡ŁŁm<sum>: faster ??

      Dan (Atomic, voo, sphinx) is also in my server but I
      doubt you want to hear how he feels.

      Anyways, I just wanted to let you know how some of the
      Avara community feels about your past actions. Keep up
      the good work!

      Oh btw, nice legs...I'll show some of the boys on
      Avara, this should help get you some of that respect
      you so desire:

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Some people's minds are like cement: all mixed up and permanently set...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by andrew:
      **Anyways, since then I've received no apology, but 1
      more unjust banishment. **

      You deserve no such apology, as your recent email makes clear.

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Some people's minds are like cement: all mixed up and permanently set...

    • Heh. What a dumbass.

      "Curious people are interesting people. Why is that?” - Bill Maher
      Pikepics, Floozy's Pics •• > (url="http://"") (/url) <•• pike's #ev3 quotes, PP™
      (url="http://";=64&SUBMIT;=Go")Just Tech(/url): Whisky shot of the truly l33t.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by andrew:
      **You deserve no such apology, as your recent email makes clear.


      Well, I have to say that I agree with Andrew on this. The three people quoted do not in any way represent all of the "Avara Community", what little is left of it... The poeple being quoted are 15-16 year olds who have "grown up" with avara, and they have a very scewed view of Ambrosia, and the Avara Community. At this point, I personaly would rather see the tracker taken down, that have the name of Avara be ripped up any further than it already has been. Just my opinion though...

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing

    • This is what is called a hasty generalization. That is, to make a generalization based on a few exceptions rather than the common rule. In other words, a STUPID generalization.

      I.E. Just because 3 people dislike whatever has happened does not mean an entire community does.

      Therefore, I can say, without ridicule, his post is not logical 😉


      That's a stupid idea. You are stupid. I hope you die.

    • PS For those of you who replied, he forgot to mention he re-banned me


      At least this time I did something to deserve it.

      Anyways Vader shut up of course you'd rather see the tracker die you never play the game. Catman, SB, Krow, Dan, and I are frankly 5 of the only people left along with guys like BabyNutter, Pest, Eros, and Yoyo.

      You're definitely not a regular anymore Vader so your opinion counts for nothing.

      Remember when you came in my server and I posted something you had written on these boards saying in a sarcastic tone "What will our lives be like without the Mega Server" and then I said "Like this" and booted you? That was funny and I'd do it again.

      Andrew, I was just messing around. Why can't you take a joke? It's like World War II where Germany and America were fighting all that time and then eventually America won but now Germany and America are friends. Just cause Germany goes "lol remember when we killed the Jews" doesnt mean America just bombs them all of a sudden. It's just memories Andrew, I just wanted you to remember the good fun we had.



    • Quote

      Originally posted by Edgar_Hons:
      <STUFF (scroll up)>

      I'm sorry to the other web board members for flaming you (there are some facts in here), but you really need to go back to kindergarden, back where they teach you acceptable behavior with other human beings. Germany does NOT say "lol, remember when we killed the jews", that is ****ing ludicrous. You need to grow up or go see a psychiatrist and realize that maybe you are quite a bit messed up. Things like this and getting pleasure from crashing other people's computers through your server really tell me that if you don't get these problems adjusted now, you will probably become more violent and innocent people will suffer, not that you'd care, you sound anti-semitic as it is with your comment.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by andrew:
      **It's me Edgar Hons!

      I am unbanned now, although that's due to my IP
      changing, but I felt this was an issue that just
      shouldn't die! My server invitation is a quote from
      your co-worker Taz stating

      "There is NO reason to run a 24/7 server "for the
      community". Anyone doing so will be getting an IP ban
      for a while."

      Edgar, we talked about this before - did you miss your medication again?


      Originally posted by andrew:
      **It's me Edgar Hons!

      (snipped tripe from juveniles whining on a server)


      ::yawn:: Pass out the diapers, the children are crying again.
      Seriously, the days are numbered for Avara in it's current form. OS 9 is dead, and buried, just some people can't bear to let go of the casket. I do hope another game comes along that fulfills your serious need for a networkable game. Have you looked at BZFlag?

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Vader:
      Well, I have to say that I agree with Andrew on this. The three people quoted do not in any way represent all of the "Avara Community", what little is left of it... The poeple being quoted are 15-16 year olds who have "grown up" with avara, and they have a very scewed view of Ambrosia, and the Avara Community. At this point, I personaly would rather see the tracker taken down, that have the name of Avara be ripped up any further than it already has been. Just my opinion though...

      Yep, we banned his IP again. He wrote back to say he was "joking" -- whatever, some people never learn.

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Some people's minds are like cement: all mixed up and permanently set...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Edgar_Hons:
      You're definitely not a regular anymore Vader so your opinion counts for nothing.

      His opinion "counting" is not dependant on playing Avara, sorry. As you've clearly shown, it is possible to be actively playing the game, and also be an ill-mannered idiot.

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Some people's minds are like cement: all mixed up and permanently set...

    • << ::yawn:: Pass out the diapers, the children are crying again.
      Seriously, the days are numbered for Avara in it's current form. OS 9 is dead, and buried, just some people can't bear to let go of the casket. I do hope another game comes along that fulfills your serious need for a networkable game. Have you looked at BZFlag? >>

      Finally Taz has gotten down to the bottom of this. Ambrosia wants Avara dead and will do anything to kill it.

      You should, however, put it the way I just have for future reference. The fact that OSX is now popular doesn't mean OS9 is being trashed across the Mac community. X is pretty lame in my opinion, I've got no need for it personally.

      On top of that, you do realize Jury Monkey has been working on an Avara which is OSX compatible right? That's what happens when you create something, you try to sustain it for as long as you can, no one wants their child to die.

      I doubt you or Andrew feel this way though, you have no connection with the actual game anymore and obviously couldn't care less about it. This is why I questioned why you were in your positions and I was in mine back during the original periods of me being banned.

      I'll be glad to do server maintenance if you guys are getting sick of it.

      Andrew, when I see a guy in a dress I assume he's either got a sense of humor or he's homosexual. I only just noticed the stick in your ass is vibrating.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Edgar_Hons:
      **Anyways Vader shut up of course you'd rather see the tracker die you never play the game. Catman, SB, Krow, Dan, and I are frankly 5 of the only people left along with guys like BabyNutter, Pest, Eros, and Yoyo.

      You're definitely not a regular anymore Vader so your opinion counts for nothing.

      Remember when you came in my server and I posted something you had written on these boards saying in a sarcastic tone "What will our lives be like without the Mega Server" and then I said "Like this" and booted you? That was funny and I'd do it again.**

      1. Just because I'm not on your server, doens't mean I don't play...
      2. If YOU remember, I only went on your server to talk to one of my friends who was on your server.
      3. I'm on as much as pest is (a good friend of mine), again, just not at your server...
      4. If you ever came on my server, I'd boot you too. Oh wait, in the past, I already have...

      It is ALSO possible to play Avara, whithout being an idiot Andrew. Some just choose not to use that right... 😉

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing

    • I have one question: the Mega Server hurt anything? As Edgar Hons quoted me, I don't exactly like it, but I don't hate it.

    • << 1) Just because I'm not on your server, doens't mean I don't play...
      2) If YOU remember, I only went on your server to talk to one of my friends who was on your server.
      3) I'm on as much as pest is (a good friend of mine), again, just not at your server...
      4) If you ever came on my server, I'd boot you too. Oh wait, in the past, I already have... >>

      Vader, don't insult my intelligence. The Mega Server is the hub of the Avara community. I check the MicroTracker from time to time. Occasionally, yes, I have seen you. But you do NOT play as much as Pest unless you only play during the night or something.

      I would never come to your server, I have no need, I have my own server.

      You don't have as much impact on the game as I do man, don't insinuate anything that would even suggest that.


    • Look around this board: almost every post is locked, or edited by moderators. I get warned by Taz because my screenshot of an avara battle is "too big", or something is "immature". Why do you interfere? None of you moderators even play anymore.. I've seen Taz ONCE in my two years of playing Avara. What about you Andrew, up for a game of Avara sometime? I know Ambrosia SW is a company, so you're interested in making profits, but would it be so wrong to have a little fun once in a while? Why are you so freaking strict? Hons is obviously joking... he never did anything 'wrong' per say.. I mean he helps newbies out, hosts a server where we can all meet to play Avara, constantly produces new Avara levels.. All this stuff makes the game more fun and basically helps Avara. There really was no reason to ban Hons in the first place...

      So I summed it up into two different possiblities-

      A) You don't care about Avara.
      - Why regulate it then, if you don't care about it? Just leave it alone..
      🆒 You do care about Avara.
      - Why ban people when that only reduces activity?

      Either way, I don't see why things are so strictly regulated. Most of us have firewall problems that don't let us host servers on the tracker. So, realistically, when you ban Hons, its hard for people to play Avara, because we can't meet in Hons' server. Furthermore, if you feel Hons is some sort of "menace" to other Avara players, then there STILL is no problem, because if people don't like him, they can simply avoid his server!!!

      If you guys keep sucking the fun out of the game, its gonna end up as barren as the pop-pop game finder. What game company would want people to stop playing their games?

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • IF Avaras such a burden on ambrosia, give me the software to run the tracker and you'll never hafta worry about it again. I dont ask for any money, or anything, just gimme the software and Ill host the tracker and moderate it and everything else that has to do with Avara. Id do alot better job than you guys can, not to mention im the longest playing Avara player still left on the community, and also one of the most if not thee most active player. Avaras the only good game ive ever played in my life, I got an 800 mhz mac, and running games like UT at full graphics still doesnt please me, its just a lame game like every other. Avaras the only game that I enjoy, and will play it to the end of time. The megaserver is the sever that will replace the tracker when you dickheads finally pull the plug, have some respect you ugly mofos.

      SO once again I ask, gimme the software, release ur rights on Avara so that we can mess with it anyway we want, and go make some ****ty sequels to ****ty games like EV and Mars rising cause bringing the community ****ty games is your specialty Andrew.

      BTW - love the dress but hit some cardio tho, that flabby beer gut is just sickening.


    • Yeah Power To Teh Ppl Dan ROCK IT ALL NIGHT LONG W00!


    • Well, this board is obviously the very image of maturity.
      (no offense to the remaining players of this game who don't spam, then ask if Ambrosia will give them the tracker software.)

      (url="http://"")Wecome to the Empire. Resistance is futile.(/url) (url="http://"") Have a question? (url="http://"")Search first!(/url) (url="http://"")EVN Walkthrough(/url) Warning! (url="http://"")Poor taste in cars ahead!(/url)
      "Every time somebody asks,it gets delayed two days. Just remember this."
      forge, on release dates for the EVN port
      May contain sarcasm

    • Avara is basically dead Hons. The mega server is hardly the hub of the avara community, the center was and #avara and that was quite a long time ago, and #avara still has more people than your puny server ever has.

      You were banned because you crashed people's computers using some trick you found in Avara (and OS 9 crashes hard, which is why it sucks), and people complained and so Andrew banned you from the server. And then you were a ****ing prick about it, making him enjoy banning you again. If you had any intelligence in you, which I know you do not, you would never have sent such an inflamatory email to andrew and brought this whole issue up again.

      Oh hector_on_toilet, you may have different opinions about the best games, but EV was hardly ****ty, it predated Avara and was totally a different game. If you don't like the games that have been released, then make your own damn game.

      Finally, while andrew in a dress was certainly funny, it took guts, unlike you bashing him for it, that takes a coward.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Edgar_Hons:
      **Finally Taz has gotten down to the bottom of this. Ambrosia wants Avara dead and will do anything to kill it.

      Again, and I know we talked about this, but obviously your mental capabilities are limited, so I'll state it again. I don't control what happens to Avara, I'm just the moderator here. I don't speak for Ambrosia - the people who actually work for them are quite capable of speaking for themselves.


      Originally posted by Edgar_Hons:
      You should, however, put it the way I just have for future reference. The fact that OSX is now popular doesn't mean OS9 is being trashed across the Mac community. X is pretty lame in my opinion, I've got no need for it personally.

      Bah, I'll put it exactly how I want to state things edgar. Glad to hear you won't be joining us in OS X. We're better off without you, unless of course you can change your ways.


      Originally posted by Edgar_Hons:
      On top of that, you do realize Jury Monkey has been working on an Avara which is OSX compatible right? That's what happens when you create something, you try to sustain it for as long as you can, no one wants their child to die.**

      And he's stated that he couldn't fix the problems 100%. Do you think you're the only one in communication with Juri?


      Originally posted by Edgar_Hons:
      I doubt you or Andrew feel this way though, you have no connection with the actual game anymore and obviously couldn't care less about it. This is why I questioned why you were in your positions and I was in mine back during the original periods of me being banned.**

      Bzzz. wrong. Just because you don't see "Taz!" on your server or the tracker doesn't mean I don't care about Avara, or that I don't play the game. The gzrs have gotten together several times to play - we just IM each other with the ip# instead of making it public on the tracker. Doh.


      Originally posted by Edgar_Hons:
      I'll be glad to do server maintenance if you guys are getting sick of it.**

      You don't even deserve to be allowed to play on the server (hence the reban), only your warped sense of justice would think you could take over the server maintenance. As was stated before, work on your people skills for a year or two and things might get better for you. Then again, they might not. Entirely up to you.

      (This message has been edited by Taz! (edited 04-15-2003).)