Originally posted by VikingZippy:
**As I said before, I don't see the problem with the Mega Server, and no crashing has happened for a long time, and oldbies such as Lord Crodo should very well know how to make it impossible to be crashed.
Besides, I just got a new router for my cable connection, and there's a trade-off: the previous router barely worked, but the new one has a firewall, and my brother refuses to let me disable it. Therefore, I can start a server, but no one can connect, unless I go on dialup -- which has been a lag monger lately. This means that I rely on others to create a server, and my ability to play Avara has been further killed with the removal of the Mega Server.
Since the Mega Server has been down, I haven't seen nearly as many people on as usual. Of course, if you were careless enough to take it down in the first place, what do you care? I'm sick of Andrew and other people talking about a game they haven't even touched for years. And if someone DOES claim to have crashed someone, don't just go and ban the 'crasher', look into it first. Besides, the only people who have any excuse to being crashed are the newbies -- anyone else should know how to keep it from happening.
Even if there aren't as many people as there used to be and there's more squabbling, I love the game as much as I ever did and I continue playing it. I'd also like to make use of my last day on spring break and play some Avara.
You don't have to disable the firewall completly, just have it ignore port 19567. Also set the router to forward everything on port 19567 to your computer's IP.
How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
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