I was wondering if anyone would be interested in something like this:
This would be based in the Ares universe, probably a bit after the fall of Earth to the Ishiman/Human Cooperative. This is how it would basically go:
One person per major gov't would be assigned as a "m etaplayer" and would control the planets and fleets of that gov't. There would be rules as to how new fleets were built and moved etc.
Generals would be assigned to a certain gov't and would fight the actual battles-the m etaplayer could also be one of the general.
When two fleets come into contact(probably only able to do such in a system), an admin would make a scenario in Hera to simulate the battle. Each of the m etaplayers on each side would assign a General to command the fleet. The two generals would then fight it out.
So it would basically be a sim of the post-Ares universe. Got the idea from Greybeard over at MaG who pointed me to a site which did basically the same thing for MechWarrior.
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