As of this writing, no posts for 9 days straight :frown:
Sign up for the Ares ladder
GameRanger/MagChat SN: Col. Patrick (EL)
As of this writing, no posts for 9 days straight :frown:
Sign up for the Ares ladder
GameRanger/MagChat SN: Col. Patrick (EL)
I nominate Trash Talk to become the new main forum.
There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.
I object... The only thing in trash talk is , well, trash.
Listed in the top 15 Ares plugin developers by Brookeview Technologies Worldwide.
(url="http://"")Ragashingo Resources(/url)
Everywhere but the Macaddict fourms : Brookeview
EV Banter & Brawl has been the main EV Board for quite a while...
Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy
The OC is pretty active. There's just too much... silly traffic in the briefing room. It's not as comfortable either. No comfy chairs. What's a room without comfy chairs?
"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."
Originally posted by Sundered Angel:
**EV Banter & Brawl has been the main EV Board for quite a while...
Yeah, well who cares about EV? This is Ares!
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
Well, an Ares mod said it. I think that counts for something.
I think the Officer's Club is probably the main focus now, replacing the Briefing room. But that's troubling in itself. The Briefing Room is for new players to the game, and the Officer's Club is for the established members. Does the change in focus indicate that Ares isn't going to get new players? Troubling indeed...
Β CCS Sacred Promise (DE H c-3)
o SCS Pillar of Autumn
Our conviction is like an arrow already in flight.
Your life will only last until it reaches you.
It will. Not many, though. And I'm not sure how many will become regulars.
I remember when newbies were discouraged... the established members didn't like pushy upstart young 'uns with untempered views and dodgy Netiquette... hmmmmph. Times change.
Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy
How long does a newbie have to be around before they cease to be a "newbie" then, or is it done on a number-of-posts per unit time basis...?
Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...
Originally posted by brookeview:
**I object... The only thing in trash talk is , well, trash.
I didn't check Engineering Dept,. but Trash Talk is more active than OC or BR. I think OC has 3 topics, this has 2, INCLUDING THIS ONE! It's bad if one of my BR topics is the third most active. Trash Talk has 5, or 4 active topics
About not many new players: Well, Ares is, a LITTLE outdated. POG, Deimos, and soon Nova are lowering Ares involvment because they are so new. I don't think Coldstone is really helping Ares either, also being new. With all these people moving to OS X, they want native games. Ouch.
So, am I still a "newbie?" (Don't bring up networks, because I WOULD be but my GameRanger is still being very annoying :mad: )
I don't care about EV.
Don't Know, Don't Care, Don't Bother me about itΒ
I know I certainly don't. That's why I post in BnB.
Originally posted by Avatara:
**Yeah, well who cares about EV? This is Ares!;)
Captaintripps: Weak and Stupid. That's why we have wolves and other large predators.
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future
About outdated games, look at Cythera. Yet that board seems to be quite active. Perhaps that's related to the way they have only 1 board, while we have 4...
There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.
They also have a very active set of people who work on several webstories on that forum. In addition they have a permanent IRC channel on
Originally posted by Joveia:
**About outdated games, look at Cythera. Yet that board seems to be quite active. Perhaps that's related to the way they have only 1 board, while we have 4...
Captaintripps: Weak and Stupid. That's why we have wolves and other large predators.
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future
Originally posted by Joveia:
**About outdated games, look at Cythera. Yet that board seems to be quite active. Perhaps that's related to the way they have only 1 board, while we have 4...
It's an rpg, and rpgs typically have longer life-spans when it comes to message boards.
Have you seen me?
My point, actually, is that Cythera has all the posts of their community in a single board, unlike ours which has more posts, but over several boards. A board that is full of posts will be much more likely to attact newbies than several boards without.
There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.
If I remember correctly, andrew proposed two boards - Trask Talk and Everything Else. Didn't we fight it tooth and nail back then? I'm sure we wouldn't have to waste that effort now
Β CCS Sacred Promise (DE H c-3)
o SCS Pillar of Autumn
Our conviction is like an arrow already in flight.
Your life will only last until it reaches you.
It was premature when first suggested. Now, I'm not so sure.
Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy
Well, as long as we get all the 'good stuff' archived, there shouldn't be a problem with having only two boards.
Originally posted by Lord Commander Anic:
**How long does a newbie have to be around before they cease to be a "newbie" then, or is it done on a number-of-posts per unit time basis...?
I classify a "newbie" as someone who knows "very" little about the boards or the game.
There are good newbies and bad newbies (duh).
The good ones learn fast from previous posts by other members and ask only when they can't find an answer.
A bad newbie... well... go visit the EVNova web boards and you get the idea.
So basically, if you know what your posting and if you ask it within the rules of the webboard then you are not a newbie anymore.
It's time for a new challenge.
(url="http://"")The Stars Are Fire(/url)-A TC for Ares
...And so the human race reached for the stars, unknowing of the dangers that awaited them...
I wouldn't mind seeing the forum count reduced, but Engineering Dept probably should still be by itself Officer's Club and Briefing Room should be together, though. They aren't that different.
If it weren't for this topic, BR would be dead, no posts in 10 days. :eek:
Don't Know, Don't Care, Don't Bother me about itΒ