I destroy minds,
I dull blades,
As long as you lack courage,
you will not escape me. (<-- Changed this one, the orignal sounded to much like the answer would be time.)
I make men pigs,
I turn one against another,
just one glint of envy (<-- Changed this one, I didn't like "desire" so I decided to use the word "envy" instead.)
will make you mine.
I decide who you are,
I will tell you your place in life,
winning me is no easy task,
but loseing me only takes an instant.
What will decide a battle?
What will make men fearful?
What will get you everything you heart desires?
What will make you desired by all?
What will make others do anything to get what you possess?
The man among men,
the peace keeper and judment bringer.
Power in his blood,
and courage in his heart.
His day will come,
when it does death will follow.
He must find strength,
he must find compasion,
he must be hope to many. (<-- Had a hard time with this one, don't think it's quite "right". Haha the ending to this one is corny.)
I'm your best friend,
if you show me kindness,
I'll show you loyalty.
As long as I'm with you,
I'll be happy.
WIthout me your lost,
In order to receive me
you'll have to give me.
The more people close to you that possess this,
the more power you gain.
Useing me can make someone happy,
or make someone sad.
I can make people do your bidding.
I can make someone have trouble,
but use me to much and you'll be the one with trouble.
Ok, in order of the riddles the answers are:
Fear, greed, status, power, king, son of the king, dog, loyalty, and lying.
Well almost 2am now, spent an hour making all these riddles.
I hope you find these all good enough to use in your game and I know I that I didn't make riddles for some of your themes but the ones I didn't make riddles for were well.. kinda hard to make riddles for,
I couldn't think of enough "things" to make a riddle out of the theme or they were just to vauge (if that's the right word...).
This post has been edited by Two Jacks : 14 April 2007 - 04:16 PM