Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • More Tutorial Help needed

      In the part of the tutorial where you set up the Start-up screen it says you have to take the background I want and put it under location pics. Where am I suppose to get it?

      Created in the Future by **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

    • it also says in the tutorial that there is the background thing somewhere so I don't have to worry about it. Please hurry, I need an answer now! I want to get futher on my game.

      Created in the Future by **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

    • I REALLY NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO I HAVE TO SHOUT TO GET ANYONE TO LISTEN???? (sorry if that was annoying)

      Created in the Future by **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:

      No, in fact, shouting helps make sure people ignore you.


      **(sorry if that was annoying)

      Apology accepted, for now.

      "Are you a story-teller, Thomas Covenant?"
      "I was, once."
      "And you gave it up? That is as sad a tale in three words as any you might have told me. But a life without a tale is like a sea without salt. How do you live?"
      -Stephen Donaldson

    • jesus crist! What do I have to do to get a question answered?!

      Created in the Future by **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
      **jesus crist! What do I have to do to get a question answered?!


      You have to wait. Excessive posting, shouting, and other extremely annoying behavior won't help the question get answered, it will only help you get banned again.
      I can answer your question. Frankly, I don't know what you need help with because you weren't too clear, so I'll just explain the things you mentioned as well as I can.
      To make a splash screen: First, you need an image which is the size of the screen resolution that your game will play under, so that the image will cover the entire screen. In the tutorial game, there is already a full-size splash screen made for you, so you don't have to make an image yourself unless you really want to. This image is in the Locations > Location pics folder, which you can access in the Game Browser window. I believe the image is titled "splashscreen.pct".
      Once you've stared at your picture for a while, try reading the rest of the tutorial, which will tell you how to set up your splash screen. If you had done that before, you would never have had to make this topic anyway, but perhaps you've learned your lesson by now.
      If any of my instructions were too hard for you to understand, please post back here and tell me (without excessive caps). Also post back here if you have any other problems (again, without excessive caps).

      If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you?

      (This message has been edited by Cafalll (edited 07-27-2002).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
      **jesus crist!

      I am somewhat offended by that. Excessive swearing is not appreciated. As chill_rx previously stated, read (url="http://"")this(/url).
      Also, take a little care in what you right. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

    • I was swearing? O_o
      Well, The splash screen pic the tutorial mentioned is not in the folder it said. Where is it? I'm sorry everyone. I was TRYING to get some work done on the game and I just wanted a quick answer to my question.....I'm kinda impatient if you diddn't already find out. I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend you. Please don't ban me. Without this board I can't learn how to use coldstone properly. I really need u experts.

      Created in the Future by **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
      **I was swearing? O_o
      Well, The splash screen pic the tutorial mentioned is not in the folder it said. Where is it? I'm sorry everyone. I was TRYING to get some work done on the game and I just wanted a quick answer to my question.....I'm kinda impatient if you diddn't already find out. I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend you. Please don't ban me. Without this board I can't learn how to use coldstone properly. I really need u experts.


      Try using Sherlock to search for "splashscreen.pct". And don't worry, we're doing our best to politely beat you down. ๐Ÿ™‚

      If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you?
      ย— Cafall

    • uh....thanx I think?

      Created in the Future by **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

    • No matches on sherlock.

      Created in the Future by **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

    • The tutorial comes with all the necessary files in place. If you take a look on page four of the tutorial .pdf, it is explained where the tutorial startup screen is found,there is even a color picture for reference.

      Just pimpin' my (url="http://"")fishing skills(/url) and (url="http://"")other stuff(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
      **No matches on sherlock.


      I was mistaken, the splash screen image is quite aptly and obviously named "startupscreen.pct" (thank you, dampeoples, for the correction ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). However, it is still in the same place. If you can't find it, don't worry about it; you don't need to know where it is to reference it in a location, so you can go ahead and follow the tutorial. As long as you created a Tutorial game (which I would assume you did, since said tutorial specifically tells you to do that) then you should be fine.

      If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you? Only Celchu knows the answer...
      ย— Cafall

    • Um.....I am creating a game with the tutrial. Should I look under Cosmic Memory For the startup screen just until I can get a better screeN?

      Created in the Future by **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
      **I was swearing? O_o


      Some people use that name as more than an exclamation.

      Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

    • it's not technically swearing. Can we get back on topic please b4 the post get's locked b4 I get my help? How can I make my Start up screen 4 my game? Can some1 make it 4 me if I can't? The Name of the game I'm making is Journey of the Dark Sorcerer. I want a kinda Dark-looking setup(evil)

      Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

    • Perhaps I should rephrase what we've been trying to tell you fo a while: it doesn't matter in the least whether you can find your splash screen or not. What matters is that it's there and you know where to put any custom splash screens you might make. If you want to make your startup screen, read the tutorial; it is a tutorial and it does tell you how. If you had done that a while ago, it would have been well beyond finished by now and you would not be posting to this topic asking for help we've already given you.

      There is a possibility that when you created your game, you made an empty project instead of a tutorial game. In this case, you are going to have to start over properly.

      I hope this helps.

      If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you? Only Celchu knows the answer...
      ย— Cafall

    • Woah, Woah, Woah, what exactly IS a tutorial game? I started a new game. I have no idea what a tutorial game is. I am just following a tutorial. Should I just use the cosmic memory(the sample game) as the tempoary startup screen?

      Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

    • No. Do not use Cosmic Memory's splash screen as the startup screen, because a Tutorial game includes some other files which are essential to following the tutorial.

      If you're sure you can't find startupscreen.pct, then you'll have to start over. Make a new game. In the dialog box that comes up, choose where you want to put your game's folder and hit the Next button. The dialog box will be replaced by a different dialog box of the same size and position (so the dialog box will look like it's just changed its contents). In the list that has come up, select "Tutorial" and hit the Next button again. Fill in the rest of your game's information as it comes.

      When you're done and you hit the Finish button, a new game will be created, but it will have all the files you need to follow the tutorial.

      If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you? Only Celchu knows the answer...
      ย— Cafall

    • nvm, I messed up. I went to black game instead of Tutorial game. It's working now.

      Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.