I'm running on a imac dv 400 mhz 312 mb ram.
The problem is that whenever I make a map it look perfect in the editor, but when I test it or compile it I get tiles in the wrong places - missing walls - I think that the events remain and the blocking, but the rest is so out of whack that I get too frustrated to even check. I figured that it might be a bug in the optimize map feature. I ran this on 6 maps which took me a couple days to put together and they all had the same problem.
This morning - after not touching coldstone for about a month because of my frustration - i decided what the heck it's time to get back to work. I threw out all the old maps and built the first decent sized map again from scratch - same thing all over again - it seems that i just can't make any maps in coldstone that don't get messed up when in the actual game - what can this be??
P.S. I tried reinstalling and trashing the prefs, but nothing...
Also - I'm not sure if this is a known bug - if it is and I wasn't allowed to put this up as a topic let me know - and I apologize in advance!