I'm another fence-sitter. I prefer rpgs that have an emphasis on storyline as opposed to freeform meddling in things. This isn't to say that I like stringent "go here, do this" style rpgs, but having a central storyline is very important. I downloaded Cytheria the other night, it seems to fit this pretty well, something like Avernum/Exile teeters on the brink of being too freeform, Realmz is far too freeform for my tastes, and most recent Squaresoft releases lean too far on the go here, do this method.
My favorite games to date include Fallout, Ultima Underworld (yea, I know, it's for PC, but it runs under emulation...), Final Fantasy 3(us) and 5(jp), any Zelda except 2, Phantasy Star 1 and 4, Wasteland, Vagrant Story and Chrono-Trigger.
I think Fantasy is somewhat overdone and story conventions tend to get tedious (save the princess (yeah, I know Zelda is really bad here, but...), rescue the gem, etc), and rely too much on the form of the Epic to carry the story. Sci-Fi rpgs often don't seem very well thought-out. Fallout was for me a great example of what can be done without Epic, save-the-world aspirations.
But I say all of this without having made one myself yet 
FWIW, my first game will be in the fantasy genre. It's not going to be an Epic (which I think is very overdone, no saving the world for me) and I hope will also shift emphasis away from combat and inventory management and into puzzle-solving and creative thinking. I've been doing a lot of thinking about how to do this in this last week or so since the Ambrosia-Coldstone announcement.
OK, so to um, stay on topic, yeah, that's it, I like both, but only if they're done well.